He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2837 Self-Contained Space

? When Ouyang chased Wang Le and disappeared at the top of the stairs, the hall on the third floor, which was still silent, suddenly exploded and started boiling and shouting.

"Damn it, where did this kid get the courage to actually accept the challenge to fight Wen Bufeng in the fighting ring. Is he crazy, or is he just fooling around?"

"A person who can rank on the Nascent Soul's combat power rankings in Shuntian City is one of the best among his peers even if we look at the entire Middle-earth continent. Where did Wang Le get his confidence? He dared to go into the ring and rank on the combat power rankings. Wen Bufeng competes?!"

"I just learned from the conversation that this guy named Wang Le is not from our Middle-earth continent. Of course he doesn't know how prosperous the cultivation civilization is here and how powerful the monks are."

"I can only say that if a stupid kid from another continent challenges Wen Bufeng in a martial arts fighting arena, it's like an egg against a rock, and there will be no chance of death!"


In the midst of these discussions, although everyone looked down on Wang Le and no one thought that Young Master Wang would win, and the result was already determined, everyone did not move slowly and rushed to the stairs with a tacit understanding. I want to go to the fighting arena to watch the excitement.

Almost at the same time, Wen Buyi ordered a group of subordinates to carefully lift the unconscious Wen Buer, then squeezed through the crowd watching the excitement, and took the lead in chasing Wang Le and Ou Yang who had already walked out of Hechang Restaurant.

After all, you are not afraid of 10,000, but just in case. You must follow Wang Le and Ou Yang closely to prevent them from escaping.

With the commotion on the third floor, other guests in Hechang Restaurant were quickly alerted.

For a moment, the guests in the halls on the first and second floors and in the private rooms on the third floor and above, no longer thinking about dining, paid their bills and poured out of the restaurant, chasing towards the fighting arena.

After all, one of the people on the ring was Wen Bufeng, who ranked tenth in the Nascent Soul's combat power rankings.

In Shuntian City, you can see the top ten masters in the Yuanying combat power rankings, and there are very few opportunities to participate in the combat arena.

It’s a rare sight today, so of course I can’t miss this opportunity.

In addition, this competition in the arena involves the recent annihilation of a team from the Wen family outside the city, led by two strong men in the late Nascent Soul stage.

This makes this arena battle even more interesting.

that's all,

When all the guests of Hechang Restaurant rushed to the street and rushed to the fighting ring to watch the excitement, the news of Wang Le and Wen Bufeng's fight in the ring was like a storm, quickly sweeping through all corners of the West City.

Then it spread to other areas of Shuntian City with the momentum of wind and thunder...

As Ouyang said, the distance between the fighting arena and Hechang Restaurant is not very far.

So it didn't take long for Wen Bufeng, Wang Le and others to arrive at their destination one after another, which was the place for the decisive battle - the fighting arena.

When Wang Le saw the building of the fighting arena, he thought he saw the Bird's Nest in the capital city of the Buried Emperor Star.

To be more precise, the former is certainly not as full of modern technology as the latter.

However, the appearance of the two is basically the same.

As for the materials of the two, they are of course completely different. The structural materials of the building in front of the bird's nest are all made of metal materials used to refine magic weapons.

And there are colorful mysterious runes blessing it everywhere, so it becomes more solid and reliable.

At the same time, the entire surface of the building is made up of exquisite and clear crystals connected together, which is particularly beautiful.

Viewed from above, the fighting arena is undoubtedly the most beautiful pearl in the entire Xicheng District.

If he hadn't known in advance that this was a fighting arena, Wang Le would never have thought that this was the killing place designated by Shuntian City.

"I didn't expect such a beautiful place to be a slaughterhouse."

Wang Le looked at the building with a regretful expression and murmured to himself.

"Uh! Slaughterhouse?" Ouyang and the people nearby suddenly stiffened when they heard the metaphor in Wang Le's mouth.

But no one at the scene spoke out to refute.

After all, a place like the fighting arena, where you meet bloody people, if not a slaughterhouse, then what kind of place is a slaughterhouse.

Just like that, when Wang Le followed Ou Yang and Wen Buyi who caught up behind him and entered through the gate, they saw that Wen Bufeng had been waiting in the middle of the field for a long time.

Wang Le looked at the inner court of the building, which looked like the Colosseum in ancient Rome.

Except for an open space the size of a football field in the middle, from low to high in all directions, there are rows of seats to watch the game.

Of course, there are no chairs here at all. It's like there are stairs going up one level at a time, and everyone watching the game is standing.

"Brother Wang, take care!"

After Ouyang finished speaking to Wang Le with a pessimistic face, he didn't stop any longer and just followed the crowd to find the best position to watch the battle.

Wang Le raised the corner of his mouth, then put his hands behind his back and walked toward Wen Bufeng.

The further he walked into the venue, the more Wang Le could feel the strong smell of blood filling the air, as if it had been there for a long time and could not be dissipated.

When Wang Le came to stand two meters away from Wen Bufeng in a hurry, he saw the other party suddenly said: "It's time to start."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a monk wearing a black robe and a mask covering his face appearing nearby.

Immediately, the monk made a sound like the friction of gold and stone, and slowly said word by word: "The fighting arena - start!"

Just as the sound echoed throughout the audience, waves of deep roars rang out from the ground beneath Wang Le and Wen Bufeng.

The place where Wang Le and Wen Bufeng were was slowly rose up.

At the same time, Wang Le discovered that a transparent mask gradually formed, isolating the field where he was from the surrounding monks watching the battle.

Soon, gray stone pillars rose from the ground and appeared around the two of them.

While Wang Le quietly witnessed all these changes, he suddenly found that the distance between himself and Wen Bufeng was getting farther and farther.

From the beginning, the distance was only two meters, and then it became ten meters, twenty meters or even fifty meters at a speed visible to the naked eye, getting further and further away.

It didn't stop until the distance between the two sides increased to four to five hundred meters.

At this time, Wang Le also found himself and Wen Bufeng standing in a huge octagonal arena.

And the gray stone pillars rising from the ground are every corner of the arena.

"Eh!" Wang Le looked at the transparent mask covering the entire octagonal arena with surprise in his eyes.

"This octagonal arena is actually its own space."

Wang Le muttered to himself thoughtfully.

Because the area of ​​this building is limited, according to common sense, the area of ​​the octagonal arena must be smaller than the area of ​​the building.

After all, in addition to the ring, the building also has a lot of seats around it to watch the game.

But the area of ​​the octagonal arena that Wang Le saw now was actually larger than the entire building.

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