He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2854 Nothing else

? oh? Yeah? Wang Le curled his lips disapprovingly and replied with a smile: "You met me in this fighting arena today. You, Yan Shouxin, are destined to miss the Shuntian City Nascent Soul combat power rankings." "

After a pause, Wang Le's smile faded, and he said in a deep voice with murderous intent: "Because your life is completely over today, and you will never see the sun rise outside Shuntian City tomorrow again."

At this moment, both parties standing in the fighting ring were full of confidence, believing that they would be the ones to laugh in the end and walk off the ring.

All the onlookers, including Lady Feng and Ou Yang, were almost unanimously optimistic that Yan Shouxin would win.

After all, in the fighting arena of Shuntian City, everyone has seen Yan Shouxin's final victory countless times.

Everyone believes that this time will be no exception, and Yan Shouxin will win again.

If there is anyone who has the opposite attitude towards this, perhaps the only one is the judge who is hiding in the corner and monitoring every move in the ring.

Because he was the only one who could truly observe and examine Wang Le's combat prowess at close range through the transparent mask covering the fighting arena.

From this, it was vaguely seen that Wang Le did not show his true combat power in the battle with Wen Bufeng.

It is precisely because of this that in the eyes of the arbiter of the fighting arena, in the next battle between two peak powerhouses in the late Nascent Soul stage, the one who laughs last may not necessarily be Yan Shouxin!

In the midst of everyone's attention, the two sides on the stage fell into silence after a heated exchange of words. The atmosphere became more oppressive and solemn, and the air was filled with murderous intent.

At this moment, Yan Shouxin's terrifying aura as a peak powerhouse in the late Nascent Soul stage surged out, trying to actively suppress his opponent.

But Wang Le was obviously not a vegetarian. The anger that had been suppressed suddenly burst out under the opponent's attack with the aura of his peak cultivation level in the later stage of Nascent Soul!

In an instant, not only did the face of Yan Shouxin, who was closest to him on the ring, change, but the monks watching the battle who were isolated outside the transparent mask all showed expressions of shock and surprise.

Because at this moment, as long as the monks on the scene who have experienced actual killing and killing, even if they are far away, they can clearly feel the intensity of the violence in Wang Le, as if it is turning into reality!

"How many people did this guy kill?"

There were monks in the field who couldn't help but swallowed their saliva.

He couldn't help but murmured to himself.

Everyone around him couldn't help but feel numb when he heard this sentence.

"Those old killers who have lived for thousands of years are not as violent as this kid. It's really interesting!"

Lady Feng's eyes flickered, she looked at Wang Le carefully on the stage, and whispered to herself.

At this time, Yan Shouxin, who was standing in the ring, undoubtedly felt the deepest feeling. He couldn't help but look at Wang Le solemnly and said solemnly: "Yan Mou underestimates you. I didn't expect that you have already gone through mountains of corpses and seas of blood at such a young age! "

Then Yan Shouxin changed the topic again: "Even so, you can't beat me!"

The moment he finished speaking, before Wang Le could respond, Yan Shouxin waved his palm in the air!

In an instant, a huge palm appeared above the ring and smacked Wang Le directly from above!

When Wang Le saw this, the disdain in his eyes flashed away, and at the same time, he jumped into the air and took the initiative to greet him!


Amidst the violent explosions and roars, Wang Le defeated the giant cloud-shaped palm formed by the magic power with a clean punch!

At this moment, Yan Shouxin roared into the sky with an angry roar and headed straight for Wang Le, who was suspended above the ring.

In a flash of lightning, the two sides fought directly into a ball in the sky above the fighting arena, no longer distinguishing each other.

For a moment, golden light and green light were mixed together, and the rays of light passed through the transparent mask covering the arena, illuminating the entire venue in a strange and weird way!

At this moment, all the onlookers sitting in the arena invariably fixed their gazes on the battle arena, staring intently at the two sides, trying to discern the outcome!

But when experts compete, especially when both parties are unfamiliar with each other, it is impossible to use their full strength in the first confrontation.

Instead, let’s test each other out first, and then make a final decision when the time is right!

Therefore, it is basically impossible for the monks watching the game to know the outcome from the beginning.

What's more, Wang Le had no intention of exposing his true combat power from the beginning.

After all, there are many people with mixed eyes, and Wang Le doesn't want too many people to know his true identity.

Wang Le would rather fight a protracted battle with Yan Shouxin in the fighting ring than expose his trump card in front of everyone, such as Zhu Jiuyin's innate magical power - Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth.

To kill Yan Shouxin without using his trump card, Wang Le must have planned carefully.

Wen Bufeng had already escaped with his life in the fighting ring earlier, but Wang Le didn't want Yan Shouxin to escape with his life again.

For Wang Le, the best way to scare the enemy is to kill, not the so-called promise.

Along the way, Wang Le used constant killing to make the enemies standing on the opposite side feel fearful and unprecedented fear!

But now, Wang Le wants to use killing to tell everyone, including Lady Feng, that the only way to be an enemy of Wang Le is death and nothing else!

Bang bang bang——

Dang Dang Dang——

Boom boom boom——


Amidst this earth-shattering clash of rocks falling like a sea tide, Wang Le's physical strength far surpassed that of Yan Shouxin, who was of the same level of cultivation.

This opened the eyes of the monks watching around the ring.

Although the cultivation civilization in Middle-earth is the most prosperous, and there is no shortage of monks who have trained their bodies to be extremely powerful, it is extremely rare to have a body like Wang Le who has tempered their bodies to a level far beyond that of monks of the same level.

It is precisely because of this that he quickly fell into a disadvantage in close combat. Yan Shouxin, who frequently suffered losses, immediately opened the distance between himself and Wang Le.

And when Yan Shouxin wanted to open the distance between the two parties, Wang Le naturally would not let the other party get his wish.

Therefore, Wang Le pursued him relentlessly, attacking wave after wave, and the shadows of fists and palms in the sky caused Yan Shouxin to suffer a lot.

Although Wang Le failed to severely injure Yan Shouxin, he was still covered in injuries and his mind was trembling!

This means that Wang Le is unwilling to show his true combat power. Otherwise, Yan Shouxin will never get out of the quagmire of close combat!

At this point in the battle, although the winner has not yet been decided, anyone who is not blind can't help but show deep surprise and surprise.

Because no one expected that Yan Shouxin would be at a disadvantage so quickly in the close combat at the beginning, unable to withstand Wang Le's powerful attack like a mad dog.

The fundamental factor is that Wang Le's physical body is too strong.

No matter how strong Yan Shouxin's attack was, it wouldn't be a big deal if it hit Wang Le.

But it would be terrible if Yan Shouxin got punched by Wang Le.

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