He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2859 Shura God of Killing

? Amid these extremely noisy discussions, the news that the Shuntian City Fighting Arena was about to usher in a battle between Nascent Soul and Transformation God swept away in all directions outside the venue like a tornado at an astonishing speed.

All of a sudden, most of the monks in the restaurants and tea shops in Shuntian City rushed onto the streets, like long queues, rushing towards the location of the fighting arena from all directions!

If it were just a common arena match, everyone would be fine with it, but if it were a cross-border battle, it would obviously be another matter.

Especially a high-level cross-border battle between Nascent Soul and Transformation God is rare in the world.

"Did that Shabi Yuanying named Wang Le go crazy in his cultivation and burn out his brain? He actually dared to fight against the cultivator of the Transformation of God, and this powerful cultivator of the Transformation of God was feared by everyone and worried by ghosts. Lady Feng!"

"This guy named Wang Le is really a genius! He dares to accept Lady Feng's challenge. He is truly a man among men!"

"In my impression, although there have been countless battles in the fighting arena of Shuntian City, there has never been a cross-border battle on the level of Nascent Soul vs. Transformation God before today."

"Although Nascent Soul must be defeated, this excitement cannot be missed. After all, you are witnessing history!"


Amid these interesting discussions, countless monks poured into the venue where the fighting arena was located.

When Lady Feng, who was standing in the fighting ring, saw Wang Le agreeing to the challenge, the smile on her oval face suddenly became thicker.

Immediately, Lady Feng looked at Wang Le with a sweet smile and said, "You are indeed a young hero! The slave family won't take advantage of you either."

After a pause, Lady Feng continued: "Your Excellency has been in a series of battles today and has consumed a lot of your own energy and mana. I can let you rest for two days and fight again another day!"

At this time, the monks in the ring all showed disappointment when they heard that Lady Feng was going to fight another day.

After all, everyone rushed over excitedly just to watch the battle between Nascent Soul and Transformation God.

However, she was disappointed. Lady Feng told the truth and showed the demeanor that a strong person incarnation should have. Everyone understood her.

And just when everyone subconsciously thought that Wang Le would agree to fight another day,

Wang Le shook his head indifferently and said: "No need, it's better to choose a different day than to hit the sun. Since I accept your challenge from Lady Feng, let's do it now!"

"As for the two battles just now, let's just think of them as a warm-up for this cross-border competition!"

"Uh!" Even a seasoned veteran like Lady Feng was stunned on the spot. Her eyes looking at Wang Le were full of confusion and deep incomprehension!

Not to mention the onlookers below the ring.

"He said that the first two battles at the same level were just warm-ups. Those two people who are famous in the Nascent Soul combat power rankings in Shuntian City heard this and were really embarrassed!"

"Warming up? This guy is so arrogant! He is so damn eager to die!"

"Does he really think he can win Lady Feng who is in the realm of gods? I think this kid is really crazy, or I am crazy!"

"With this guy's talent, his future achievements are limitless. It will be easy to defeat Lady Feng when he grows up, but now, it is impossible to win Lady Feng!"

"Ms. Feng is a ruthless and ruthless character. Since she took the initiative to challenge, she will definitely kill Wang Le in the ring to avoid future troubles!"


In the midst of these sarcastic and noisy discussions, which were completely dismissive of Wang Le, Lady Feng took a deep look at the young opponent standing in front of her!

"Are you really so confident? Or are you pretending on purpose?"

Lady Feng stared at Wang Le and asked in a deep voice, as if she wanted to find some flaws in the other person's face that was so young that there was even a hint of immaturity!

But Wang Le's expression did not change, and he still looked calm and calm, so that Lady Feng could not detect any emotional fluctuations deep in his heart.

"Guess." Wang Le blinked at Lady Feng and replied with a chuckle.

Facing Wang Le, who still looked relaxed and at ease before the battle, Lady Feng's willow-leaf eyebrows couldn't help but frown, and her beautiful oval face showed a serious look.

After all, the young man standing in front of him was undoubtedly an outstanding genius. Otherwise, he would never have defeated the two strong men on the Nascent Soul's combat power rankings in Shuntian City.

Among them, Yan Shouxin, who ranked third, died on the spot, and his body is still lying not far away.

Not to mention the judge who was lying on the ring and still couldn't get up.

This guy had the power to transform into a god in a short period of time with the support of the fighting arena, but he was directly defeated by Wang Le.

At this moment, Lady Feng thought of all these things and suddenly realized something.

That means he may have really underestimated Wang Le.

"Is it possible that he is really sure of defeating me and is not just pretending?"

Lady Feng couldn't help but think silently in her heart.

And just when this thought that almost made her shake occurred to her, she was immediately pinched away by Lady Feng without hesitation.

Because the war is coming, you must stay calm and rational, and you must not have any wavering thoughts!

At this moment, Wang Le was very keenly aware of the hesitation flashing in Lady Feng's eyes, and then asked with a half-smile, "Are you scared before the battle has even started?"

Before Lady Feng could deny it, Wang Le smiled and said, "If you are afraid, this cross-border conflict can be stopped immediately. I won't have any objections."

As soon as she finished speaking, Madam Feng sneered and said, "You have such a beautiful idea! It is inevitable that you and I will have a battle in the ring today!"

At this time, Wang Le shook his head and sighed: "Since you are a woman and it is not easy to practice to become a god, I will give you another chance to live for the first time."

"Since you don't cherish it, then you can't blame me for trying to destroy the flower."

"After all, villains and women are the only ones in this world that are difficult to raise, so if my opponent is these two types of people, I must eradicate them and never be soft-hearted to avoid future troubles!"

At this point, the indifferent smile on Wang Le's face has long since disappeared, and the look he looked at Lady Feng was murderous, full of ruthlessness and indifference!

At this moment, not only Lady Feng and the Judge in the ring, but also the monks nearby under the fighting ring clearly felt that Wang Le seemed to have changed.

He is no longer the gentle, courteous, thrifty, harmless person he was before, but has become cold and ruthless, keeping away strangers, like the Shura God of Killing who came out of hell!

For a moment, everyone around the ring fell silent, and the atmosphere was so cold that it made your heart tremble.

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