He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2867 Chong Shouzi

Although he is a rootless duckweed across the vast starry sky, drifting to the Eternal Star, Wang Le is confident that the outside world will not see his true origin.

Once it is revealed that there is no powerful sect behind him, the consequences will be extremely serious.

By then, the powerful monks and Taoist sects in the entire Middle-earth continent will inevitably encircle and arrest him.

Because he has cultivated to the peak of the late stage of Nascent Soul at such a young age, and can cross borders and levels to kill strong men in the middle stage of divine transformation.

Therefore, no one is not curious about how miraculous the skills Wang Le cultivates are, and how they are able to perform exceptionally well and possess powerful combat power in cross-border battles.

Such a top-notch magical skill will certainly arouse competition among everyone.

As for the crime of holding a jade, Wang Le will certainly bear the brunt and become the target of public criticism.

Thinking of this, Wang Le couldn't help but feel a little heavier in his heart, and murmured secretly: "It seems that we can't stay in Shuntian City anymore. It's best to leave as soon as possible."

But of course Wang Le will fulfill what he promised, which is to protect Ou Yang for a period of time.

Wang Le can also take advantage of this time to get to know the distribution of forces in Liangzhou, and then choose the Taoist sect that he is suitable to join.

For example, when I was chatting with Ouyang earlier, I mentioned the Qingjing Sect that was suspected to be founded by the descendants of the Taoist Sect in Liangzhou.

"How about going to the Qingjing Sect before the time comes? If it's not suitable, then choose another sect." Wang Le thought silently in his heart.

As his mind wandered, Wang Le simply stopped thinking about it. Since he was too anxious to eat hot tofu, he had better rest first and regain his energy.

After all, there were three battles in the fighting arena tonight, especially the one with Lady Feng, which consumed Wang Le a lot of energy.

Although no serious injuries were suffered during this process, there were still general flesh injuries.

And this was mainly due to Wang Le suddenly using one of his trump cards without warning, which was the dragon's hidden power.

This also caused Lady Feng to be caught off guard and successfully attacked by Wang Le.

After all, not every strong person in the early stage of becoming a god can be like the great demon whale crown of the orca royal family.

Have your own field!

If Lady Feng had her own field like Whale Crown, or if Wang Leshen's sneak attack did not succeed, Lady Feng would be wary of this.

Then the cross-border battle between Wang Le and Lady Feng will inevitably take more time.

The consequence of this is that Wang Le needs to spend more energy and cost to achieve the final victory.

No matter what, after three battles in the fighting arena, Wang Le, although there was no problem on the surface and still looked calm, was already exhausted physically and mentally.

At this time, the attentive Ou Yang saw Wang Le fell silent and said quickly: "Brother Wang must be exhausted from the three battles today, so he should rest quickly!"

After a pause, Ouyang continued: "As for the Wen family, the Xuan Dao Sect behind them, and even the City Lord's Mansion headed by Kong Da, I don't think they will come to trouble us in the short term."

Wang Le whispered softly and noncommittally: "I hope it's as Brother Ouyang said!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Le walked towards the house.

Ouyang was startled at first, then quickly chased after him to arrange the next accommodation for Wang Le...


Time flew by like a flash, and three days passed by in a blink of an eye.

In the past three days, in addition to recovering the consumed mana, Wang Le mainly learned from Ouyang about the cultivation environment in Liangzhou and even the entire Middle-earth continent, as well as the current changes in the situation in the entire continent.

In addition, of course, there is also the need to go out and inquire about the Taoist sects in Liangzhou that are suitable for you to join.

Among them, Wang Le also focused on asking about the Qingjing Sect.

I don’t know if the Qingjing Sect is too weak or too mysterious. Although everyone knows that this sect exists in Liangzhou, no one can tell the specific situation.

No one can tell clearly how many disciples there are in Qingjing Sect now.

As a result, only a few of the current leaders of the Qingjing Sect could name their Chongshouzi.

As for the real name, no one knows.

But precisely because of this, Wang Le couldn't help but feel a little more curious about this purity.

Of course, when he went out to inquire about these situations, in order to avoid being noticed, Wang Le directly transformed himself into another appearance.

For Wang Le, changing his appearance is nothing more than a small skill.

You must know that as long as the martial arts masters of the Emperor Burial Star are promoted to the realm of heaven, they can change their appearance at will.

As a being who dominated the Burial Emperor Star in the Age of Dharma, Wang Le was naturally able to change his appearance and body shape, which was no problem.

Closer to home, although Wang Le's life had been uneventful in the past three days, the outside world had already turned upside down because of him.

Because the earlier killing of the ancestor of the Han family in the middle stage of the transformation of the southeastern overlord was finally no longer a gossip in Shuntian City after dinner, but authoritative news that appeared on the crystal screen!

You know, when Wang Le and the ancestor of the Han family fought fiercely in the sky above the town, many monks witnessed the whole process with their own eyes.

Because in the descriptions of many eyewitnesses, Wang Le's appearance was naturally well known, and even when the crystal screen of Sunchon City released the news, it included a lifelike portrait of Wang Le.

When everyone saw this news, the entire Shuntian City was boiling.

Especially the monks who had watched the three battles in the fighting arena were completely rioted.

"Wocao! Daqing, you are not bragging! You have really killed a strong person in the middle stage of divine transformation, and you are also a figure like the ancestor of the Han family, the most powerful person in the southeast!"

"Is this God out of his fucking mind? Where did he come up with such a monster? It's really hard for people to live!"

"Nascent Soul's cross-border killing of gods in the early stage of transformation has already made me doubt my life. But it's not enough. That bastard Wang Le even killed the ancestor of the Han family in the middle stage of transformation. It's really crazy!"

"Monster! Absolute monster! Those saints and saints were so weak in front of him."

"Our ancestors once said that evildoers emerge from troubled times. Will Middle-earth, which has been peaceful for a long time, face troubled times again?"


Various remarks like this are not only happening in the streets and alleys of Suncheon City or in teahouses and restaurants.

As time went on, Wang Le's brilliant achievements in the Shuntian City fighting arena spread to other places in Liangzhou and even the entire Middle-earth continent.

There is no doubt that in the foreseeable future, Wang Le will definitely become famous in Middle-earth, and everyone will know it!

As the person involved, Mr. Wang finally realized the seriousness of the matter when he went out to inquire about the news.

As the saying goes, the rafters that rise first will rot first, so Wang Le was more determined to change his identity and remain anonymous as soon as possible after leaving Shuntian City.

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