He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2869: Inner supernatural powers and outer ghosts

For Wang Le, escorting Ouyang from Shuntian City to Liangdu was not a difficult task.

Although Xuan Dao Sect is strong and can rank among the top five or even top three in Liangzhou, Wang Le is not afraid.

If he was intercepted by Xuan Dao Sect while escorting Ou Yang, it wouldn't matter even if he sent a top powerhouse that Wang Le couldn't deal with.

After all, Wang Le has the ability to protect himself with the power of the Dragon's Hidden Eyes of Deception, so even if he cannot be defeated, he will be able to escape all the way into Liangdu.

Since Ouyang believed that it would be completely safe once he entered Liangdu, there was a reason. There was no need to worry that Xuan Dao Sect would dare to continue to pursue him unscrupulously in Liangdu.

What's more, escorting Ouyang to Liangdu will not delay Wang Le's journey to Qingjing Sect.

When Tianwang Le went out to inquire about the situation these days, although he did not get any specific information about the Qingjing Sect, he already knew the address of the slightly mysterious sect's dojo.

The geographical location of Liangdu is right on the route from Shuntian City to Qingjing Sect.

It can be said that escorting Ouyang to Liangdu was just a matter of Wang Le's convenience.

Obviously, this was not a big deal for Wang Le, but for Ouyang, it was a desperate act to save his life.

At this moment, in Ouyang's eyes, Wang Le is synonymous with Yi Bo Yuntian, and the two can be completely equated.

"Brother Wang, I owe you my life. As long as I can be useful in the future, I, Ouyang, will definitely go through fire and water..."

Before Ouyang, who was filled with emotion and his eyes were already red, could finish speaking, Wang Le waved his hand and interrupted: "You can't say these words without thinking."

"Besides, even if you beg Brother Ouyang in the future, I will never let you jump into a fire pit with your head hanging on your belt."

At this moment, Ouyang took a deep breath, suppressed the joy and excitement in his heart, stood up with a solemn face, and then bowed to Wang Le in a serious manner.

Wang Le did not help the other party up, but accepted it calmly.

Because he deserves it. If he is too humble and polite, it would be a bit hypocritical.

this moment,

After giving the gift, Ouyang didn't say any more words of gratitude. He was a manly man and everything was left unsaid.

When Wang Le asked Ouyang to sit down again and refill the tea, he saw the other party proactively asking: "Brother Wang, what do you think we will leave Shuntian City?"

Wang Le replied: "Since the financial backers behind Brother Ouyang don't want to escort you to Liangdu, then we don't have to wait any longer."

After a pause, Wang Le couldn't help but smile and continued: "I originally thought that in order to protect Brother Ouyang's personal safety, I would stay in Shuntian City for a few more days, but I didn't expect that the plan could not keep up with the changes."

"In that case, let's make preparations without further delay and leave the city before the city gate closes in the evening!"

As a protected person, Ouyang would certainly not have any objections. He nodded and agreed without hesitation: "Then we will leave the city in the evening. I believe that the various forces in the city will basically not think that we will choose to leave at this time."

After a pause, Ouyang couldn't help but have a worried look on his face, and said with some anxiety: "But the City Lord's Mansion is not a vegetarian. As long as we pass through the city gate, no matter how well we disguise ourselves, it will be difficult to escape their eyes. .”

"Oh?" Wang Le couldn't help showing a hint of surprise and surprise in his eyes, and then said: "When I entered Shuntian City earlier, I didn't find anything special."

"Does the City Lord's Mansion have any special method to keep an eye on the monks entering and leaving Shuntian City?"

At this time, Ouyang nodded and replied without hesitation: "Of course, the defensive formation of Shuntian City is the child-mother formation."

"In addition to the main formation that protects the city, there is a sub-array whose function is to monitor the monks who enter the major city gates."

"No matter if you shrink your bones and disguise yourself and become a completely different person, Zi Zhen will be able to identify your true identity immediately!"

"What, is it so powerful?" Wang Le was shocked when he heard this, and then asked quickly: "How on earth is this done?"

After all, Wang Le's next plan is to act under a new identity. If he has such a powerful identification method, it will be very bad.

At this time, Ouyang explained to Wang Le: "Because no matter how a person changes his appearance, words and deeds, his soul will never change."

"Uh!" Wang Le's mouth twitched, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal a look of surprise, as if he dared to attack people's souls.

"I'll just stop it, this will be difficult to handle."

Just when Wang Le couldn't help but murmur in his heart, Ou Yang obviously saw the other party's worry and said quickly: "Brother Wang, don't worry, this method of using the soul to judge the true identity has always been rare. At most, it appears in Shuntian City. On top of the protective formation of such a big city."

"Even the magic weapons used by relevant parties to identify souls are equally rare and only exist in the top orthodox traditions of Middle-earth."

When Wang Le saw Ou Yang say this, he immediately felt relieved.

After all, he defected to a small sect like the Qingjing Sect and was not a top force. I believe his true identity would not be revealed by then.

However, Wang Le was still confused and asked curiously: "How does this sub-formation distinguish true and false identities through the soul?"

Ouyang smiled and replied: "It's very simple. When we entered Shuntian City through the city gate, the sub-formation had already scanned and retained our souls invisibly."

"When we leave the city again, we can correspond with each other and we will be able to distinguish them easily."

"Uh!" Wang Le was startled at first, then a look of surprise flashed deep in his eyes, and he thought to himself: "No wonder the young master always felt something strange when he passed through the city gate that day. The reason for his daring is Here!”

As his mind wandered, Wang Le had to admit that the cultivation civilization in Middle-earth was indeed extensive and profound, and impossible to guard against.

Then Wang Le suppressed the emotion in his heart and said somewhat speechlessly: "It seems that it is impossible for us to leave Shuntian City silently to avoid being discovered."

Ouyang smiled disapprovingly and said, "Anyway, we have no enmity with the City Lord's Mansion. Even if we are discovered by them, it won't matter."

Wang Le shook his head and replied: "There is no shortage of shabby stories about inner and outer ghosts in this world. God knows if the Wen family and Xuan Dao Sect have undercover agents in the City Lord's Mansion."

"Uh!" Ouyang's expression suddenly changed, and then he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I hope it won't happen! Otherwise, there will be big troubles next, and people from the Xuan Dao Sect will definitely get entangled."

At this time, Wang Le smiled and said comfortingly: "Brother Ouyang, don't worry. Since I agree to escort you to Liangdu, I will naturally have a certain degree of confidence."

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