He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2790 Qu Jinghong

The bald man's copper bell eyes suddenly flashed with a fierce light. He looked at Wang Le with a very unkind expression and said coldly: "You are an outsider involved. Without our help, you will die very quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a hunchbacked old man wearing a black velvet hat next to him echoed with a smile: "Yes, if you don't be frank with us, this trip to the secret cave of the Mahayana, unity with the outside world will be just a joke!"

This time, before Wang Le could speak, Kong Deshan, who was sitting in the main seat above, smiled and said softly: "This is serious. Since you can be invited by my family, you are a trustworthy person, and there will never be any unidentified people." , the matter of inner supernatural powers and outer ghosts.”

After a pause, Kong Deshan glanced at Wang Le, who was sitting at the bottom, and then introduced to everyone: "This is an old friend and disciple of my lord, named Emperor Zuo. He is now at the peak of the late Nascent Soul cultivation level." .”

"Emperor's throne?" When the five powerful men present on the Nascent Soul combat power list heard this name, they all looked at Wang Le in unison. The expressions on their faces were even more wonderful, including surprise, fear, awe, suspicion, etc. Not one but.

Even Kong Deshan, who introduced Wang Le, had an imperceptible twitch at the corner of his mouth when he mentioned the name Emperor Throne.

Before entering the city lord's mansion, Kong Deshan arranged an identity for Wang Le, that is, he was the disciple of an old friend of the city lord Shen Qianfeng.

Anyway, with the golden signboard of Shen Qianfeng, the Nascent Soul experts involved in the operation will never doubt it, nor dare to doubt it.

But when Wang Le was asked to choose a name for his new identity, Kong Deshan was completely confused when the other party claimed to be the emperor.

This means that time does not allow, otherwise, Kong Deshan really wants to ask Wang Le what his name is, and he must give himself an imperial surname!

"Is it possible that the Emperor's throne is his real name, and the name Wang Le is originally a fake?"

Kong Deshanqing couldn't help but speculate silently in his heart.

At this time, Wang Le also noticed the strange behavior of everyone present, and couldn't help but feel a move in his heart, and secretly muttered: "What's going on?"

Just when Wang Le was thinking about it, he saw a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face sitting across from him at the desk on the left, wearing a yellow robe, and said slowly in a deep and deep voice: "The surname of Emperor is not something ordinary people can bear. I didn’t expect the Lord City Lord to have such a friend, it really surprises this junior.”

At this time, a Nascent Soul powerhouse sitting next to Wang Le couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that the Lord of the City has spent a lot of money this time.

How willing to expose such a secret connection! "

Kong Deshan laughed and said: "Of course. In the past four times in the past five hundred years, we have lost our troops and returned defeated. This time, my family is bound to win!"

Kong Deshan then introduced to Wang Le the identities of the other five Nascent Soul masters present.

The bald man who first asked Wang Le about his identity was named Sima Dangan, and he was ranked sixth on the Nascent Soul combat power list in Shuntian City.

The hunchbacked old man wearing a black velvet hat next to him was named Tang Huosheng, ranked fourth on the Nascent Soul combat power list, and was a fellow disciple of Sima Dangan.

Their sect, Tianyuan Sect, is one of the most powerful sects in Liangzhou, and the twin heroes Sima Dangan and Tang Huosheng are the Tianyuan Sect's greatest hope in the future from a second-rate force to a first-rate force!

This time, Shen Qianfeng was able to invite the two heroes of the Tianyuan Sect to work for him, which gave him a lot of leverage.

Otherwise, the Tianyuan Sect would not be willing to risk its future hopes to Shen Qianfeng.

You know, as long as any one of them is buried in the secret cave of Mahayana, it will be a huge blow to Tianyuan Sect.

As for the man with the yellow robe and the Chinese character sitting on the same side as the two heroes of the Tianyuan Sect, his name is Hua Qianan, and he ranks seventh on the Nascent Soul combat power list.

And he, like Kong Deshan, is from the City Lord's Mansion.

To be more precise, Hua Qian'an is one of the outstanding diners supported by the city lord Shen Qianfeng.

Although Hua Qian'an's ranking on the Shuntian City Yuanying combat power list is lower than that of the Tianyuan Sect's two heroes, there is obviously something fishy about sitting in the upper position of the two.

This made Wang Le realize that this person's ranking on the Nascent Soul combat power list did not show the opponent's true strength!

In addition to the twin heroes of Hua Qian'an and Tianyuan Sect opposite Wang Le, the Nascent Soul powerhouse sitting next to Wang Le is named Dong Hongyuan. He is ranked eleventh on the Nascent Soul combat power list and is a member of the second-rate Hengshan Sect in Liangzhou. The guardian of the Discipline Hall is also a famous evil star in Liangzhou. His men have been involved in many lawsuits involving lives!

In addition to Dong Hongyuan, sitting on the same side as Wang Le was a young woman sitting first on the right. She didn't speak from the beginning to the end, as if she was closing her eyes to rest.

Only when Kong Deshan introduced Wang Le as Emperor Zuo did this young woman with a cinnabar mole at the corner of her mouth glance at Young Master Wang.

According to Kong Deshan's introduction, Wang Le knew that this young woman's name was Qu Jinghong. She had risen rapidly in Shuntian City recently and was now ranked twelfth on the Nascent Soul's combat power list.

The ranking is only second. The most important thing is that Qu Jinghong and the city lord Shen Qianfeng are from the same lineage. They come from the Great Light Sect in the far west of the Middle-earth continent.

During these days in Shuntian City, Wang Le had of course heard about Shen Qianfeng's origins.

According to Ouyang, the local snake, the Great Light Sect in the far west has always been extremely mysterious and is one of the top forces in Middle-earth.

If Shen Qianfeng hadn't had the backing of the Great Guangming Sect, Shuntian City would have been snatched away by other forces, and it would not be his turn.

Although the Fusion Realm is already very powerful, it is still not enough in the eyes of some forces, not to mention that Shen Qianfeng is still in the early stage of the Fusion Realm.

Just like that, after Kong Deshan's introduction and Wang Le's careful observation, I realized that all of the five peak powerhouses in the late Nascent Soul stage here are towering figures, and none of them are simple characters who are easy to get along with. .

This also made Wang Le deeply realize that Shen Qianfeng was determined this time and vowed to seize the remains of the Mahayana monks in the cave!

In Wang Le's eyes, the strength of the five peak masters of the late Nascent Soul in the hall cannot be judged by their rankings on the Nascent Soul combat power list.

For example, Qu Jinghong, who ranks lowest among the five, is definitely not the weakest among the five.

Even Wang Le, who has always been confident in his own vision, couldn't see the depth of Qu Jinghong for a while.

I always feel that this young woman from the Great Light Sect in the far west seems to be covered with a vague veil of mystery, and I can't see it clearly.

Just as Wang Le was silently paying attention to everyone in the hall, he suddenly saw Qu Jinghong, who had been silent for a long time, slowly opening his eyes and looking at Young Master Wang, breaking the silence and saying softly: "As far as I know, the emperor's surname was established three thousand years ago. The clan has been exterminated, I didn’t expect to meet a clan member with the surname of Emperor in Shuntian City today, what a surprise.”

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