He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2793 Cooperation

"Manager Kong, is this true?"

Qu Jinghong couldn't help but look at Kong Deshan who was in charge and confirmed.

I saw Kong Deshan nodding his head and admitting without hesitation: "Yes, many people can testify when he killed Lady Feng in the early stage of becoming a god in the fighting arena."

"As for the cross-border killing of the ancestor of the Han family in the middle stage of becoming a god, there are also many witnesses, so this matter cannot be false!"

After Kong Deshan's confirmation, Qu Jinghong immediately knew that this matter was almost true.

After Qu Jinghong was shocked by this, his face suddenly became solemn, and he asked in a deep voice: "Is this person in Shuntian City now?"

Kong Deok-sun replied: "If nothing unexpected happens, he will still be in Sunchon City."

Then Kong Deshan pretended to sigh again, and changed the subject: "But our people lost track of him, and we don't know where he is hiding in the city."

"Otherwise, Kong would have invited him to join this trip to the secret cave of the Mahayana!"

Qu Jinghong nodded thoughtfully, and then said in a deep voice: "As far as I know, among the Yuanying disciples of the top Taoist lineages, no matter how talented they are, no one can kill the transformed gods across borders. Strong in the mid-term.”

"So this person named Wang Le is either a powerful deity who conceals his own cultivation strength, or he is not a monk from our Middle-earth continent!"

At this time, Hua Qian'an shook his head and said, "I personally saw Wang Le fight in the fighting ring that day. The aura emanating from him is definitely not a powerful person who hides his true identity."

"What's more, the isolation mask in the fighting arena itself can identify the true age and cultivation level of the monks on the stage!"

"Obviously, Wang Le has nothing to hide about his youth and cultivation!"

Qu Jinghong frowned and couldn't help but said in a solemn tone: "If everything is true, then if such a peerless monster is born, I believe that this sect and other top forces in Middle-earth will definitely take action."

After a pause, Qu Jinghong continued in an indifferent tone: "This is because the top orthodox sects in Middle-earth will never allow any forces or individuals that can threaten them to appear on this continent!"

At this time, Sima Dangan, one of the two heroes of Tianyuan Sect, couldn't help but muttered: "Although that boy is extremely talented,

Being able to kill transformed gods across borders, but alarming the top orthodoxy in Middle-earth, is this a bit of a fuss, too exaggerated? "

Qu Jinghong glanced at Sima Dangan, who was disapproving of him, and asked evasively: "Looking at the history of Middle-earth, can you find anyone with similar youth and cultivation level who is better than this king?" Is the Le guy more powerful?"

"Uh!" Sima Dangan opened his mouth, but after searching through the memories in his mind, he couldn't find it for a while.

Qu Jinghong, who had already expected that the other party would be speechless, said with a serious face: "At least Jinghong has looked through the history books of the Great Guangming Sect, and there is no one in our human race who is stronger than Wang Le!"

"As for the legends passed down by word of mouth, although there are such characters, they have never been confirmed!"

At this moment, Wang Le, who had been drinking silently, couldn't help but rolled his eyes and muttered to himself: "I didn't expect that I am so strong. If I keep blowing, I will really float."

No one doesn't like to hear good words, and what's more, this was said by Qu Jinghong without knowing that the person involved was at the scene. After hearing these words, Mr. Wang was certainly very useful.

However, Wang Le was also wary deep in his heart, that is, the top orthodoxy mentioned by Qu Jinghong would never allow variables like his to exist!

This also made Wang Le realize the importance of walking in Middle-earth with a new identity.

After all, I am so dazzling because of my glorious achievements throughout the ages.

At this time, Kong Deshan, the only person in the banquet hall who knew Wang Le's identity, couldn't help but glance meaningfully at Qu Jinghong and Wang Le, who were sitting on both sides of Dong Hongyuan.

Just when Kong Deshan was about to change the subject, Dong Hongyuan suddenly asked: "According to what Miss Qu said, since there is no such figure as Wang Le among the top orthodoxy in Middle-earth, where did he come from? It can't be from a crack in the stone. Did it come out of nowhere?"

Tang Huosheng speculated: "If they are not monks from our Middle-earth continent, then they are from other continents."

"But it's hard for Mr. Tang to believe that such a monster can be cultivated outside of Middle-earth!"

At this point, Tang Huosheng suddenly changed the subject and said with an uncertain expression: "Unless this guy named Wang Le is not a human at all!"

"Ugh!" Wang Le's hand holding the wine cup froze slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He couldn't help but cursed secretly: "You are not a human being, and your whole family is not a human being!"

At this time, Hua Qian'an asked disapprovingly: "According to Brother Tang, Wang Le is a member of the demon clan. If he is really a member of the demon clan, how did he enter Shuntian City?"

Before Tang Huosheng could respond, Hua Qian'an further said: "I remember the protective formation of Shuntian City. Once members of the demon clan enter the city, they will be killed immediately."

"Uh!" Tang Huosheng couldn't help being stunned, and he was speechless and didn't know what to say.

Just when everyone in the hall was speculating about Wang Le's origins, Wang Dashu, who was involved, saw the situation and couldn't help but interjected: "Wang Le didn't participate in our trip to the secret cave. Why are we talking so much? Let’s get down to business!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Kong Deshan, who had been trying to change the topic, quickly echoed: "That's right, let's talk about how to cooperate with each other after entering the Mahayana Secret Cave this time!"

"Cooperate?" Sima Dangan touched his shiny bald head and chuckled: "Senior Brother Tang and I come from the same school, so we will naturally cooperate seamlessly! As for the four of you, haha..."

Speaking of the latter part, although Sima Dangan did not finish what he said, Wang Le and others could hear the implication of this guy's words.

That means everyone goes their own way, at least the two heroes of the Tianyuan Sect will form their own path.

Wang Le and others were not surprised by this. After all, they only have one life, and no one dares to entrust it to a companion they are not familiar with at all.

At this time, Dong Hongyuan chuckled and said, "Dong wants to go out alone."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hua Qian'an followed up and said: "Qian'an, as a member of the City Lord's Mansion, of course follows Miss Qu's lead!"

Qu Jinghong acquiesced without any rebuttal. Obviously, these two Nascent Soul experts who had the closest relationship with Shen Qianfeng had already discussed it.

When Wang Le saw this, he couldn't help but sigh with distress on his face, and said sadly: "I was hoping that we could break through this dragon's pond and tiger's den together, but now it seems that it has failed, and I can only fight alone."

"Now I can only pray that my luck will be better during this trip to the Mahayana Secret Cave!"

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