He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2875 Exact Time

Kong Deshan couldn't help but look surprised when he looked at Wang Le.

Because before coming here, Kong Deshan had already investigated the relationship between Wang Le and Ou Yang, and they were just ordinary friends who met by chance in a restaurant.

However, the appearance of Wen Family and Xuan Dao Sect later brought the relationship between the two closer.

But that's about it.

But he didn't expect Wang Le to attach so much importance to Ouyang's life safety.

This forced Kong Deshan to change his mind about silencing Ouyang.

After all, Ouyang knew too much, especially the injury involving the Lord of the City, which was of great concern.

To be cautious, of course Kong Deshan wanted to silence Ouyang, but the plan could not keep up with the changes, so he had to give up now.

As his mind wandered, Kong Deshan took a deep look at Ouyang and said with a half-smile, "You are very lucky to have met Mr. Wang!"

While Ouyang's heart trembled, his gratitude to Wang Le became even stronger.

Although Ouyang's cultivation strength is the weakest among the three, it does not mean that his IQ is also weak.

On the contrary, casual cultivators like Ouyang are more sensitive to life and death safety.

So Ouyang knew very well that he knew too much. If Wang Le hadn't come forward to defend him, he would have been dead, without any luck!

But at this moment, everything was left in silence. Ouyang couldn't say anything grateful, but he secretly vowed not to drag Wang Le down!

After all, Wang Le is affectionate and righteous, and he, Ouyang, can't be so cruel!

At this moment, Wang Le took the initiative to stir up the topic and said to Kong Deshan: "I originally planned to leave Shuntian City this evening, but now it seems that I can't leave."

"But my time is limited. I hope that the trip to the Mahayana Secret Cave will start as soon as possible. I also ask the chief manager to go back and inform the Lord of the City of my difficulties."

Kong Deshan couldn't help but smile and said: "It seems that if Kong had arrived a step later, Wang Xiaoyou would have already left Shuntian City."

After a pause, Kong Deshan put away his smile and said with a serious face: "Please rest assured, little friend, I will never embarrass you too much of your time!"

Then Kong Deshan suddenly changed the topic again,

He continued: "Besides, even if it takes some of your time, little friend, it's totally worth it."

Before Wang Le could ask, Kong Deshan couldn't help but reveal a mysterious look on his face, and said softly: "The secret cave of the Mahayana monks is extraordinary. For you and me, it is undoubtedly a huge treasure house!"

"There must be countless cultivation resources in there that make monks like us drool."

"Not to mention other things, I just want to talk about the medicinal materials grown in the caves of the Mahayana Secret Realm. Ten thousand years have passed. Even the most common medicinal materials are more effective because of the passage of time, and the elixirs refined from them are the most powerful. excellent."

"Not to mention the materials for refining top elixirs, which have become even more incredible after thousands of years, and their value is immeasurable!"

Having said this, Kong Deshan's eyes became deeper and deeper, and he further said: "The people who entered the secret cave under the three great monks also have their own desires. Those who can make the hearts of strong people in the Fusion Realm move must be great. nice one."

At the end, Kong Deshan looked at Wang Le meaningfully and said softly: "Although the power behind Xiaoyou Wang is absolutely top-notch, and his foundation is profound, there is no shortage of cultivation resources, but this trip to the secret cave of Mahayana, Undoubtedly, it is a rare opportunity that can only be encountered!”

"Oh?" Wang Le looked at Kong Deshan noncommittally and chuckled, "How do you say that?"

Kong Deshan replied in a deep voice: "Because this Mahayana monk comes from the legendary Emperor Burial Star!"

After a pause, Kong Deshan continued: "Kong can reveal another secret, that is, the source of our Eternal Star cultivation civilization came from the Emperor Burial Star!"

"It can be said that when the Emperor Buried Star was at its most glorious, our Eternal Star couldn't even catch up with the other party. It was just a vassal there."

"Ah?" Ouyang couldn't help but exclaimed, and then subconsciously questioned: "No way? Is it such an exaggeration?"

Faced with Ouyang's suspicion, Kong Deshan's face showed a mysterious look again, and he said softly: "There are also rumors that a certain holy place in Middle-earth today has a deep connection with the Emperor Burial Star."

Then Kong Deshan did not forget to add: "As for whether it is true or false, we can't tell."

Wang Le's eyelids twitched and he couldn't help but murmur to himself: "Although I don't know whether it's true or not, I know that when the end of the Dharma era comes on the Emperor Burial Star, many top experts did drag their families across the starry sky and moved to the planet collectively. You eternal stars.”

As for whether any of the holy places in Middle-earth were founded by someone powerful, except for the person involved, only God probably knows.

After all, the time apart is too long.

The passage of time often buries all the truth.

Closer to home, although Wang Le clearly understood that Kong Deshan was tempting him, he was indeed curious about this secret Mahayana cave.

After all, Wang Le has always been curious about the ancient times of the Emperor Burial Star, and wanted to uncover its mysterious veil to find out.

The owner of this secret cave is undoubtedly from the ancient times of the Emperor Burial Star.

"I wonder if there are any clues about the ancient times?" Wang Le couldn't help but thought to himself curiously.

Just when Wang Le was thinking about it, Kong Deshan said with yearning and envy on his face: "It's a pity that Kong is already in the realm of gods and cannot enter the secret cave of Mahayana. Otherwise, he would have volunteered to my family to go to the secret realm to try his luck! "

Before Kong Deshan could continue, Wang Le waved his hand to stop him and said: "There is no need to say anything more, Chief Manager. Since I agreed to cooperate this time, I will definitely go all out to complete the task and will never just deal with it!"

After a pause, Wang Le further said: "What's more, the Lord of the City gave out three important treasures as a reward. I, Wang Le, will be even more motivated and have no reason to slack off!"

Seeing that Wang Le's words didn't seem to be fake, Kong Deshan was in a good mood and laughed: "In that case, Kong will stop talking nonsense and go back to tell my lord the good news!"

After finishing speaking, Kong Deshan was about to stand up, and Wang Le suddenly said: "As I mentioned just now, my time is limited, please give me an accurate time."

"Uh!" Kong Deshan did not respond immediately, but remained silent for a few seconds. Then he looked at Wang Le solemnly and replied in a deep voice: "My Lord's three old friends of the same rank will arrive in the near future as agreed. To Suncheon City.”

"When all the people from all parties have arrived, we will set off to the location of the Mahayana Secret Cave!"

Speaking of this, Kong Deshan couldn't help but apologized: "As for the specific time, Kong can't be sure, but it will definitely not take too long!"



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