He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2877 Dare to seek skin from a tiger

After listening to Ouyang's speculation and analysis, Wang Le immediately became convinced, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal a look of surprise.

After all, Wang Le, who had just arrived, was too unfamiliar with this continent.

Only with the help of Ouyang, a local snake, can we learn more.

"It seems that the three great monks of the Fusion Realm are from places other than Liangzhou. It is hopeless to find out about their situation."

Wang Le touched his chin and whispered softly, with a hint of regret in his words.

Seeing this, Ouyang couldn't help but comforted him: "Brother Wang, with your great strength in killing the mid-stage gods across borders, no matter how powerful the Nascent Soul monks sent by the three great monks are, they are no match for you."

Wang Le glanced at Ouyang disapprovingly, shook his head and replied: "No matter how strong you are, you can't be numbly confident, otherwise it will easily capsize in the gutter."

After a pause, Wang Le continued: "What's more, the leader of this trip to the Mahayana Secret Realm Cave is a great monk in the Fusion Realm, so we can't take it lightly."

At this moment, Ouyang looked at Wang Le with complex expressions in his eyes, including surprise, admiration, awe, etc.

Then Ouyang let out a long sigh and said sincerely: "Brother Wang can achieve today's amazing achievements not only because of his extraordinary talent, but more importantly, because you can always maintain your sanity. It's really rare!"

Wang Le laughed and replied with a smile: "Brother Ouyang is really proud of me."

Ouyang shook his head with a serious look on his face and said, "Brother, I am speaking out of my heart."

After a pause, Ouyang continued: "Ouyang has seen countless young geniuses along the way. Because of their extraordinary talents, they have been held in the hands of people around them and cared for since they were young, so they all have their eyes above their heads. .”

"Facing monks with average talents like us, we naturally exude a sense of superiority."

Having said this, Ouyang further said: "As for the common problems of these young geniuses, Ou has never seen it in Brother Wang."

At the end, Ou Yang did not forget to add: "Every time I face Brother Wang, Ou gives birth to the illusion that you are not young, but an old man, who has already seen through all the ways in the world."

Facing Ouyang's admiration and admiration, Wang Le couldn't help but touch his nose, and responded with a smile: "Many people say that under my young skin,

An old soul lived there. "

This time, before Ouyang could continue to praise him, Wang Le took the initiative to change the subject and said softly: "Tell me more about the city lord of the Fusion Realm!"

"After all, I have to deal with him next. I have to understand the character and temperament of this great monk as much as possible in advance, so that I can act accordingly."

Ouyang nodded without hesitation, and while organizing his words thoughtfully, he said to Wang Le: "Our Lord, the city lord, has always been like a dragon, and rarely shows up in the city."

"Therefore, matters related to the City Lord's Mansion are basically handled by Kong Deshan, the general manager."

Wang Le curled his lips and couldn't help but complain: "These old guys with advanced cultivation all like to play the trick of seeing the dragon's head but not its tail, and they never get tired of it."

Ouyang smiled sympathetically, and then changed the topic: "But our Lord City Lord has appeared in Liangdu City several times in recent years."

"Oh? Liang Du?" Wang Le's face showed interest and asked Ouyang to continue.

Ouyang nodded and said, "Yes, Liangdu, as the capital of Liangzhou, is the core place. The cultivation resources there are so rich that even great monks in the Fusion Realm cannot underestimate them."

After a pause, Ouyang continued: "Every time Shen Qianfeng appears in Liangdu, his purpose is to compete for the top materials needed for alchemy."

"And he had the last laugh every time, and he never missed a beat."

Speaking of this, Ouyang couldn't help but marveled: "You have to know that he is not the only great monk in the Fusion Realm in the entire Liangzhou. This shows that Shen Qianfeng's methods and abilities must not be underestimated!"

Wang Le couldn't help but show a solemn look in his eyes, and nodded in agreement: "It is not easy to cultivate to the integration state, and this City Lord Shen can stand out from others of the same level. The depth of his scheming is really profound. It’s unpredictable.”

At the same time, Wang Le couldn't help but murmur to himself vigilantly: "It seems that I have to take it easy, otherwise I will be accidentally taken into the ditch by this old fox."

Just when Wang Le was on guard, Ou Yang couldn't help but said with a sudden look on his face: "Before today, Ou thought that Shen Qianfeng was competing for the top materials needed for alchemy for the sake of cultivation."

"Now it seems that it is most likely to heal or control one's own injuries."

Wang Le nodded in agreement: "That should be it.

At this time, Ou Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Brother Wang, you are a master of art and you are bold and dare to seek skin from a tiger. If it were Ou, how could you have the mind to sit here? He promised Kong Deshan on the front foot and tried his best to escape on the back foot." "

Wang Le smiled, then took a meaningful look outside the room, and said noncommittally: "In this great monk's territory, maybe every move we make is in his eyes, so it's not that easy to escape."

Ouyang's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but look outside suspiciously, and blurted out: "Is the Great Fusion Realm monk really that powerful?"

I saw Wang Le reply: "Whether it's great or not, maybe Brother Ouyang will know when he walks out of the yard."

In fact, the first time Kong Deshan left and disappeared, Wang Le vaguely felt that there was a pair of invisible eyes staring at him.

However, this feeling only passed away briefly, and then it never appeared again.

The only thing Wang Le can be sure of now is that he is safe in this room. When he leaves the yard, it may be a different situation.

At this time, Ou Yang responded without hesitation: "Ou is timid, so he should just stay in the house with Brother Wang!"

Seeing Ou Yang's uneasy look, Wang Le smiled and comforted: "Brother Ou Yang, there is no need to worry. As long as I, Wang Le, are fine, no one will dare to touch a hair on your face, not even the Wen family and Xuan Dao Sect. Take action now.”

At this point, Wang Le stood up and continued to say to Ouyang with a smile: "Since they don't trust us to go out, let's go and recharge our batteries."

"After all, this trip to the Mahayana Secret Realm Cave is destined to have a series of battles, and it will not be so easy to rest by then."

Ou Yang stood up and nodded with a wry smile: "That's all we can do. It's a pity that Ou's cultivation strength is not worth mentioning. I'm really ashamed that I can't help you, brother Wang."

ps: Happy New Year to everyone, and may everyone be like a dragon in 2019!

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