He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2879 Where did you come from?

Ou Yang, who came out to see Wang Le off at this time, was speechless when he saw Wang Le's winter melon look, with a strange look on his face.

Wang Le couldn't help but smile when he saw the complicated expressions on Kong Deshan and Ouyang's speechless faces.

Then he took the initiative and said to Kong Deshan: "During my absence, Brother Ouyang's personal safety depends on you."

Kong Deshan quickly put away his somewhat messy mood and agreed with a confident smile: "I dare not say it in other places, but in this Shuntian City, Mr. Kong is still sure of it."

After a pause, Kong Deshan continued with a slight disdain in his eyes: "It's just the Wen family and Xuan Dao Sect. They don't have the courage to act recklessly in Shuntian City!"

Wang Le looked deeply at Kong Deshan, and then said: "I hope so!"

"Uh!" Kong Deshan felt a little embarrassed when Wang Le saw him, and then he forced a smile and said: "If anything happens to Ou Yang when my little friend comes back, I will be punished!"

Wang Le laughed and said: "In my dictionary of punishment, there are only two words, and that is killing!"

At this moment, Kong Deshan couldn't help but think of the moody and cruel methods of the young man in front of him, and a surge of fear suddenly surged deep in his heart.

Even after achieving the intermediate level of spiritual transformation, Kong Deshan was not confident that he could deal with Wang Le.

After all, this evildoer used his Nascent Soul cultivation level to cross levels and boundaries to kill the ancestor of the Han family who was in the middle stage of becoming a god.

Just when Kong Deshan was frightened and speechless, Wang Le looked at Ouyang and smiled, cupped his hands and said goodbye: "I'll go right away. Brother Ouyang, take care of yourself!"

Ouyang was worried and just about to return the gift to say goodbye when he saw that Wang Le had already turned around and walked out of the yard.

Kong Deshan saw this and did not dare to neglect at all, and quickly stepped forward to lead the way.

When Ouyang and Kong Deshan disappeared from sight, Kong Deshan finally put away his gaze and murmured to himself: "It's really unpredictable this time. Whether you can save your life depends on your ability, brother Wang!"


They walked through the streets without saying anything. Under the guidance of Kong Deshan, the old horse, the two of them arrived at the city lord's mansion in a short time.

As the most important place in Suncheon City,

The City Lord's Mansion is of course located in the most prosperous and lively core location.

To keep a low profile, Kong Deshan did not take Wang Le through the main entrance, but entered through the small gate in the back garden of the mansion.

Although Wang Le has changed his appearance and turned into a short winter melon, which is completely different from his previous appearance, but the partition walls have ears, and God knows if there are eyes that have been staring at Ouyang's yard.

Kong Deshan and Wang Le who came in and out of here were targeted without warning.

After all, Wang Le is too famous now. He has long been the most popular figure in Shuntian City, and his every move will attract the attention of the outside world.

Therefore, from beginning to end, Kong Deshan was as careful as possible during the entire process to avoid letting others discover his whereabouts.

So in the end, it was completely normal to enter the city lord's palace through the small door instead of the main entrance.

Wang Le has no doubts about all this.

In Wang Le's eyes, since he agreed to this cooperation, he must have the awareness to cooperate with Kong Deshan, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

In this way, when Wang Le followed Kong Deshan into the City Lord's Mansion, he walked around and noticed that although the pavilions and pavilions here were many and gorgeous, they seemed deserted and not very popular, and he couldn't help but look strange.

"Why is there no one in this huge city lord's mansion except you and me?" Wang Le couldn't help but ask.

Kong Deshan, who was leading the way, explained softly and calmly: "Because the matter was so important, Kong did not dare to be careless, so he divided the city lord's mansion into two areas early and let everyone in the mansion live in another area. All sides are empty."

Wang Le nodded with a sudden look on his face, and then didn't ask any more questions.

After all, this is a household matter of the City Lord's Mansion and has nothing to do with Wang Le.

The reason why he asked so much was because Wang Le, who was cautious by nature, did so when he saw the calm and weird atmosphere.

Just like this, when Wang Le followed Kong Deshan to the banquet hall of the City Lord's Mansion, five eyes full of scrutiny and vigilance fell on him.

At this time, there were only seven low tables placed in the banquet hall of more than 200 square meters.

Let one table serve as the main seat, and then place three tables on each side.

Five of them had people sitting in front of them.

At this time, in addition to the low table at the top of the main table, there is also an empty table at the end on the right.

Faced with everyone's dagger-like scrutiny, Wang Le walked calmly to the empty table at the end and sat down cross-legged.

At this moment, Kong Deshan walked to the low table in front of the host, sat down cross-legged, and then clapped his hands gently.

When the "papa" applause fell, a group of young maids were seen filing in from the outside, wearing tulle palace clothes that showed their plump breasts, holding wooden trays containing wine and delicacies in their hands.

Obviously, these young maids had received special training. They did not make a single sound during the process of placing the dishes, and they did not raise their heads to look at anyone present from the beginning to the end.

Wang Le and others also watched with their eyes, nose and heart, and sat quietly in front of the low table without saying a word.

After a while, when the food and drinks were served and all placed, Kong Deshan made all the maids retreat with a wave of his hand, and closed the door of the banquet hall.

Then Kong Deshan, who was sitting at the main seat, picked up a cup filled with fine wine, broke the silence and said with a smile to Wang Le and others: "Although this is the first time for you to gather together, from this moment on, everyone is in the same boat. , it’s a rare fate, please drink this cup together!”

After finishing speaking, Kong Deshan drank up the wine in the glass neatly.

At this time, there were six people present. Except for Wang Le who picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp after Kong Deshan without hesitation, the others did not move at all in their seats.

When Kong Deshan saw this, there was no sign of anger. While his expression remained unchanged, a strange look flashed across his eyes as he glanced at Wang Le.

At this time, the eyes of other people present looking at Wang Le could not help but be full of sneers and ridicule.

It is essential to be on guard against others. In the eyes of everyone, this short winter melon who followed Kong Deshan in did not have any guard against others. He was really stupid.

But at this moment, the bald man sitting at the low table opposite Wang Le stared at Young Master Wang, and then asked angrily: "The five of us are all the strongest ones on the Yuan Ying combat power list in Shuntian City." Hey, where did you come from? Why have I never seen you before?"

At this time, he saw Wang Le putting down his wine glass and just picking up his chopsticks to start eating the meat and vegetable dishes on the table. He had to stop what he was doing, looked at the bald man opposite, and replied with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you haven't seen it before. Anyway, it's already here." seen."

"As for my origin, it's not important. What's important is that Director Kong Da invited me here."

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