He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2890 Black Hole

"Boom, boom, boom...kakakaka...!!!"

Amidst the continuous roaring and sharp tearing sounds, a long crack, about three meters long, appeared in the void where the four great Fusion Realm monks had been attacking.

Even though Wang Le and others were standing on the ground, still some distance away from the crack in the void, they could still feel the invisible airflow rushing out of the crack.

Everyone present could clearly feel that the spiritual energy contained in the air flow was more intense.

Even a three-year-old child from Eternal Star knows what the rich aura represents.

That's opportunity!

Because most of the treasures of heaven and earth grow in places with strong spiritual energy.

Even if you can't find the treasures of heaven and earth, if you stay in this place to practice, your practice will be faster, and you will get twice the result with half the effort.

This is like Ouyang desperately trying to get to Liangdu City, the capital of Liangzhou, because due to the existence of spiritual veins, the spiritual energy there is stronger than that of Shuntian City.

Closer to home, in the eyes of everyone, the crack in the void that is expanding with the naked eye at this time is the door to a new world full of opportunities.

Of course, this new world only exists for fifteen days. If you can't come out in time, you will have to wait until the next time the door to the new world opens again.

The next time will be a hundred years later.

Just like that, the opening of the door to the secret cave of the Mahayana immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

As a result, the tense atmosphere between Wang Le's side, Yuyue Palace Xiuyue and the monk surnamed Ke disappeared, and the confrontation could no longer continue.

However, everyone knew very well that this was only temporary. After entering the cave, a war would definitely begin between the two sides.

By then, a fierce confrontation between your death and my death is inevitable!

As the cracks continued to expand, Shen Qianfeng and the other four great monks at the Fusion Realm were not idle at all, but became even busier.

Everyone was sweating profusely and casting spells on the cracks. The purpose was naturally to stabilize the entrance to the cave.

Obviously, this is not an easy job,

Even if the four great monks of the Fusion Realm join forces, it still seems a bit difficult.

But the hard work paid off, and after about a cup of tea, with the cooperation of Shen Qianfeng and other four great monks in the Fusion Realm, the entrance to the cave was finally secured.

At this time, the crack in the void had turned into a circular hole with a diameter of three meters, and the inside was dark, like a black hole.

Although strong spiritual energy emerged from the "black hole" from time to time, everyone still felt a little confused unconsciously.

"Supposedly this is the place where treasures of heaven and earth come to rest, and it should be full of auspiciousness, but why do I feel a little weird?"

Sima Dangan touched his shiny bald head and couldn't help but murmured softly.

The monk surnamed Ke sneered and said, "This is not an auspicious place, but a place of peace for a Mahayana monk."

After a pause, the monk surnamed Ke continued: "In the end, this is just a tomb, just in the void. How can it be auspicious?"

"Uh!" Sima Dangan was stunned and was speechless.

At this moment, Qu Jinghong stared at the black hole-like entrance in the void and said meaningfully: "Whether it is a tomb or a place full of auspiciousness, there are things in it that we must collect." What’s in the bag.”

"That alone is enough."

At this moment, Xiu Yue, a demon girl, smiled sweetly and said: "This secret cave of Mahayana has been opened four times. As far as I know, the disciples of the Great Light Sect who entered it did not come out alive in the end."

Qu Jinghong's face suddenly darkened, his eyes were still locked on the entrance to the void and he did not utter any rebuttal.

Wang Le, who was next to him, couldn't help but have a thoughtful look on his face when he heard what Xiu Yue said, and said in his heart: "The disciples of the Great Light Sect entered the secret cave, obviously to get the bones of the Mahayana monks for Shen Qianfeng, but everything turned out to be... The army has been wiped out. It seems that the danger here is great! I must be more careful."

Just when Wang Le was thinking about it, he saw the four Great Fusion Realm monks above the canyon stopping their movements one by one.

Immediately, Shen Qianfeng was seen looking down at the Nascent Soul cultivators, and said in a deep voice without anger: "The door to the secret cave of the Mahayana has been opened, and you can enter now."

After saying that, Shen Qianfeng left the vicinity of the entrance of the cave and appeared in the void a hundred meters away and sat down cross-legged.

At this moment, the female Fusion Realm cultivator who had been silent suddenly spoke calmly: "Everyone must have known that after half a month, this dense cave will disappear into the void again. If not in time, If it comes out, it will have to wait until the next hundred years.”

After a pause, the ageless white face of this female Fusion Realm great monk suddenly showed a strange smile, and she changed the subject and said: "But until now, I have never seen anyone who can persist for a hundred years and come out alive."

"So I advise you not to take any chances and complete the tasks assigned to you by the four of us."

At the end, this female Fusion Realm monk who looked like a plump young woman did not forget to warn: "I hope you will take care of yourself!"

Then the plump young woman disappeared out of thin air.

And just as she disappeared for a second, the plump young woman was seen sitting cross-legged near Shen Qianfeng with two other great monks at the Fusion Realm, and began to meditate with her eyes closed.


Shen Qianfeng looked at the Nascent Soul cultivators on the ground and gave instructions calmly.

Immediately, Qu Jinghong and Hua Qian'an looked at each other, then jumped into the air at the same time with a tacit understanding, and rushed straight into the entrance of the cave in mid-air.

Before the two of them disappeared at the entrance of the cave, they saw Xiuyue and the monk surnamed Ke from Yuyue Palace, unwilling to be followed, and quickly chased after them.

For a moment, the Nascent Soul monks in the canyon rose up from the ground and rushed into the sky, disappearing into the entrance of the cave one after another.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Le was the only one left in the canyon.

Just as Wang Le rose into the sky and was about to rush into the entrance of the cave, Shen Qianfeng's voice suddenly rang in his ears, saying quietly: "Bring that thing back, I and the Great Light Sect both owe you a favor, little friend!"

Wang Le's eyes flashed, and he didn't respond. He just turned his head and glanced at Shen Qianfeng, who was sitting in the void a hundred meters away. Then he smashed into the entrance of the cave and disappeared from the opponent's sight.

When only the four Fusion Realm bosses were left in the canyon, sitting cross-legged in the void, the plump young woman suddenly sighed softly: "In the past five hundred years, there have been many talented people there, but every time they were disappointed. Come back, I hope you won’t let me go back empty-handed this time!”

As soon as he finished speaking, another old man with a long gray beard who looked like a skeleton suddenly looked at Shen Qianfeng and asked: "The little fat guy who entered at the end should be your real ace in this trip to the secret realm, City Master Shen, right?"

.. Literary Museum m.

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