He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2893: Wangcai is dispatched (2)

"It is worthy of being the cave of Mahayana monks during their lifetime and the place of their tombs after death."

The frightened Wang Le sighed silently to himself.

After all, Wang Le had to admit that he had underestimated this secret cave before, and his assessment of the dangers within it was greatly inaccurate.

Only now, after entering this cave space, did Wang Le realize that he was as small as an ant, and he couldn't help but feel helpless.

"The master here is no longer here, but it is still so terrifying. I wonder how powerful the Mahayana realm masters are." Wang Le couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

There is no doubt that once you encounter a strong person in the Mahayana realm, there is no room for resistance at all, and you will only be crushed.

But soon, Wang Le completely suppressed the helplessness deep in his heart and kept himself in a calm and rational state.

They come, the security.

What's more, Wang Le had already made enough mental preparations before coming.

In this way, Wang Le no longer glanced around, but carefully observed the surrounding environment.

Surrounded by mountains, the plain where Wang Le is located is not large, but it is full of flowers and the scenery is extremely beautiful, making people feel relaxed and happy.

If it wasn't as quiet as a dead zone here, it would really be like a fairyland.

Within the range visible to Wang Le's naked eyes, after once again confirming that there was no trace of other Nascent Soul cultivators, he couldn't help but secretly speculate: "It seems that after entering from the entrance of the cave, everyone falls into different spatial locations, but randomly. Fall in any corner of this space.”

As for whether any monks fell into the same position, it was unclear.

All in all, whether intentionally or unintentionally, all the Nascent Soul monks who entered the secret cave were separated, which naturally avoided the killing conflicts between them.

For Wang Le, such a quiet environment without any living creatures is not unfamiliar.

Whether it was when he was on the Emperor Burial Star, such as the lake bottom ruins space where he obtained Zhu Jiuyi's blood in the martial arts world, or when he was attacking the invasion of foreign demons from a higher realm, the illusion he entered was like a dead realm.

What's more, there are plenty of flowers here,

Beautiful scenery and endless vitality are much better than lifelessness.

"But where to now?"

Wang Le thought about the information about the secret realm he had received from Kong Deshan, and was distressed secretly.

Because from the information provided about the secret realm, Wang Le could not determine where he was in the secret realm, so he could not determine which direction to go.

If the space formation here was not too oppressive, Wang Le could still use the Illusion-Destroying Dharma Eye or even his own spiritual consciousness to explore the way.

But now that he has lost these two powerful weapons and can only rely on his own naked eyes, Wang Le simply doesn't know where to go.

"I wonder if other people are like me and are now in such a predicament that they can't move forward!"

Wang Le touched his nose helplessly and muttered silently in his heart.

"Is it possible that we really have to choose a random direction to move forward?"

As soon as this idea flashed through his mind, Wang Le rejected it without hesitation.

Because according to the information provided by Kong Deshan, the space of this secret cave built by Mahayana monks is not small.

Without being able to fly, the forward speed will inevitably be much slower if you rely on your feet alone.

What's more, when you can only use your naked eyes, once you get lost, you don't know how much time will be lost.

You know, you can only stay in this secret cave for half a month. Once the time passes, if you don't leave, your life or death will be unpredictable.

All in all, Wang Le must think carefully before taking action and must not be reckless.

In the gentle breeze, time was passing slowly, and Wang Le among the thousands of flowers seemed to be a stone statue motionless.

Only the deep black and white eyes flashed from time to time, like thousands of stars rising and falling...

After a long time, Wang Le, who had been standing still, suddenly had his eyes flashing with light, and a look of uncertainty appeared on his extremely fair face.

Immediately, Wang Le saw a movement in his heart, and a furry white object appeared out of thin air on the delicate and slender palm he stretched out.

After a closer look, it was the tiger in Wang Le's palm that he put into the Dharma Eye space before he shattered the void and left the Emperor Burial Star together - Wangcai!

At this moment, Wang Cai, who was sleeping soundly in Wang Le's palm, was blown by the breeze. His small and exquisite ears moved as if aware, and then he slowly opened his sapphire-like ears. big eyes.

When Wang Le's half-smiling look came into Wangcai's eyes, he saw the other party jump up, land directly on Wang Le's shoulders, and then run to the top of his head.

For a moment, the tiger wealth in his palm was like a ball of beating white flames, beating all over Wang Le's body non-stop, appearing extremely active.

After all, after being thrown into the Dharma Eye Space for so long without coming out to breathe, Wangcai was really suffocated.

What's more, when I saw my master Wang Le, I felt extremely friendly, so I seemed so excited and kept rubbing against Wang Le.

I saw that Wang Le did not stop it immediately, but allowed Wangcai to play around and let him run wild as he pleased.

When Wang Le took Wangcai with him to leave the Emperor's Burial Star, he didn't expect the other party to really find many treasures for him.

But in the process of observing and understanding the space of his Dharma Eye, Wang Le experimented with countless living creatures, and only Wangcai could stay in it freely.

As for other living creatures, they simply cannot survive in the Dharma Eye Space.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Le took advantage of the situation and brought prosperity with him.

But Wang Le didn't expect that one day he would really need Wangcai.

Before this, Wang Le had always thrown Wangcai into the Dharma Eye Space and rarely asked about it.

Among them, Wang Le's biggest discovery is that Wangcai is in the Dharma Eye space and does not feed on animal meat.

Instead, they feed on the spiritual stones piled up in the Dharma Eye space.

Although Wangcai's demand for spiritual stones is increasing, no matter how many spiritual stones are consumed, the size of this guy has not changed from the beginning to the end, and is still only as big as a palm.

This means that there are a large number of spiritual stones piled up in the Fayan space, and there will be no shortage of spiritual stones in a short period of time. Otherwise, Wang Le will definitely feel distressed to death.

In this way, after allowing Wangcai to make a fuss, he finally calmed down, and then Wang Le took Wangcai back into his hands.

Then Wang Le was stroking Wangcai's furry body, and said with a doting and helpless face: "You have consumed so many spiritual stones in the space, and the result is still so small. It seems that you will never be able to change in this life." Big.”

The spiritual Wangcai seemed to understand what Wang Le meant. He immediately stood upright from his palms and kept waving his short, plump legs, as if to show off his power and show his dissatisfaction.

Wang Le smiled nonchalantly, with memories and expectations in his eyes, and continued: "When grandpa saw you for the first time, he said that you were born to be a different species looking for treasures from heaven and earth. This time, your brother and I are acting as doctors, so I can only rely on you."

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