He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2895 Unnamed Plant

"Is it possible that Xiuyue, a demon girl, is being besieged to fight for some treasure?"

Wang Le touched his chin thoughtfully, secretly guessing in his heart, and his eyes flashed with emotion.

After all, risking his life to come to this secret cave space, his purpose is to seize the heaven, material, earth treasures and other cultivation resources here.

Now that you have encountered a treasure, of course you have to fight for it and keep it in your bag.

At this moment, Wang Le was crawling on the cliff like a cheetah, and the two men and horses fighting on the plain battlefield in the distance were undoubtedly the prey in his eyes.

At this time, Xiuyue was seen to be in an extremely embarrassed state, but she was worthy of being a witch, and she was still able to hold on and save her life.

"Although this demon girl does have some abilities, the three Nascent Soul monks who besieged her are indeed not very good."

Wang Le, who had been observing for a while, commented secretly with disdain.

In Wang Le's eyes, if the four Nascent Soul cultivators who were fighting in a life-and-death battle at this moment could not reach this level, then it would undoubtedly be an easy task for him to defeat these four guys.

Immediately, Wang Le, who was lying on the ground, picked up Wangcai next to him. Following a movement in his heart, the power of the Dragon's Hidden Eye of Breaking the Illusion was instantly activated.

In the blink of an eye, the man and the beast disappeared on the top of the cliff without a trace.

Although the Deliang Dharma Eye could not see through the large formation covering the space of this secret cave, it would not be a problem for Wang Le to become invisible.

The next second after the invisible Wang Le disappeared into the air, he climbed down the steep and straight cliff with Wangcai obediently lying on top of his head.

For Wang Le, wandering on the cliff like a gecko is a very familiar thing.

When I first debuted, this kind of climbing up and down was just a common occurrence.

Wang Le, after many years, is just reliving old dreams.

Although the cliffs were high, nearly a thousand meters above sea level, it didn't take long to conquer them in the face of Wang Le's powerful body and agility.

Soon, the invisible Wang Le took Wangcai from the top of the cliff to the plain.

From beginning to end, Wangcai was obediently crawling on top of Wang Le's head.

and didn't leave.

Then he saw Wang Le, who was invisible, sneaking towards the battlefield quietly.

As Wang Le got closer and closer to the battlefield, the sounds of fierce fighting between the two sides became increasingly clear.

In fact, Wang Le is not very concerned about the situation on the field. What really attracts his attention is the space environment.

It stands to reason that although the destructive power produced by the melee between the peak powerhouses in the late Nascent Soul stage will not be overwhelming in the Eternal Star, it can at least create some holes.

But in this secret cave space, such a fierce life-and-death battle would cause minimal damage to the surrounding environment.

"Is it possible that the rules of heaven and earth here are stronger than those in the outside world?"

As soon as this idea flashed through Wang Le's mind, it was rejected.

Because although this Mahayana secret cave is an independent space opened up in the void, it ultimately belongs to the Eternal Star.

In other words, this space was originally part of the Eternal Star.

So of course this Mahayana secret cave space is subject to the laws of heaven and earth of the Eternal Star.

Therefore, there is no law of heaven and earth in this space that is stronger than that of the Eternal Star.

"If this is not the case, then the problem can only lie with the invisible formation that covers the cave space."

Wang Le couldn't help but continue to speculate in his heart.

Thinking of this, Wang Le became more and more in awe of the unpredictable methods of Mahayana monks.

At the same time, it also inspired Wang Le’s ambition to work hard on the road of martial arts!

Back to the subject, just when Wang Le was less than fifty meters away from the battlefield, Wangcai, who had been lying on his head obediently, suddenly jumped without warning.

When Wang Le had no time to stop him, Wangcai spread his short legs and circled from the outside of the battlefield to the opposite side like a white lightning bolt.

Xiuyue and the other four Nascent Soul cultivators, who were fighting fiercely at this time, did not notice the movement of Wangcai at all.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that the monks who entered this space, without exception, were unable to release their spiritual consciousness to warn the surrounding area, allowing Wangcai to take advantage of the loophole and rely on the cover of the grass and his own agility to successfully succeed. Hidden from everyone's sight.

The invisible Wang Le was immediately relieved when he saw that Xiuyue and others did not notice the existence of Wangcai at all.

Although he is not afraid of these four peak powerhouses in the late Nascent Soul stage, Wang Le hopes to seize the treasure at the minimum cost without alerting them.

In this way, the invisible Wang Le followed Wangcai's footsteps and silently bypassed the battlefield. Then he saw Wangcai running in front suddenly slowed down, and then started to circle in the same place.

Wang Le couldn't help but take a closer look when he saw Wangcai's strange behavior.

I saw a cabbage-like plant that was no more than ten centimeters tall and emitted a faint fragrance growing in the low grass where Wangcai kept circling.

Wang Le, who was new to Eternal Star and was not familiar with it at all, although he didn't know what this cabbage-like plant was, he believed in the talent of making money.

What's more, the ongoing melee in front of them also indirectly proves that this plant, which exudes a faint fragrance and looks like a cabbage wrapped in layers of green leaves, is undoubtedly a great thing.

Otherwise, there would not be competition between the demon Xiuyue and other Nascent Soul cultivators.

Just as Wang Le was looking at the plant, he suddenly heard the besieged demon Xiu Yue screaming: "What is that?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the Yuanying monks who besieged her sneered in disbelief: "Do you think you can divert our attention and escape like this? You are so naive."

Before Xiuyue could speak again, she suddenly heard another monk shout angrily: "Where did the white cat come from?"

"Uh!" Wang Le suddenly woke up and struck out without hesitation. He grabbed Wangcai with one hand and threw it into the Dharma Eye Space. With the other hand, he stepped forward to grab the nameless plant that looked like cabbage.

At this moment, the invisible Wang Le was so fast that it was dizzying.

As a result, Xiuyue and the other four Yuanying monks on the battlefield did not react. Wangcai and the nameless plant that looked like cabbage had disappeared from their sight.

Xiuyue: "..."

Four Nascent Soul monks: "..."

This was originally a life-and-death battle, but when faced with this sudden and strange scene, he consciously stopped.

At this moment, everyone's faces were filled with astonishment and they were completely confused.

Why are you fighting for life and death here? Isn’t it just for this treasure that looks like cabbage?

As a result, he disappeared under everyone's nose.

This was simply a drain on the fire, causing everyone to suddenly lose the motivation to continue fighting.

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