He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2900 Water flows downwards

Wang Le would have such speculation and judgment because he believed in the saying that a person can be nourished by the soil and water.

And this sentence also applies to the birds and beasts in the secret cave space here.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are monsters or even monks in this secret cave space.

After all, before this, the door to the secret cave had been opened four times, and batches of Nascent Soul monks had come in.

In this process, anything could happen, including the Nascent Soul cultivator staying here and not leaving.

As for whether Kong Deshan and Shen Qianfeng's warning that if they don't leave and stay in the space will lose their lives when the time is up, it's true or false, that's a matter of opinion.

Wang Le was skeptical about this.

Closer to home, as more and more black-feathered birds were strangled, Wang Le saw that the threat was low, so he no longer stayed where he was, but took steps to move deeper into the canyon.

At the same time, Wang Le did not forget to pick up Wangcai, who was resisting the attack alone, and put it on his shoulder.

This is because Wangcai didn't show much attack power and could only make those black-feathered birds afraid to approach.

Therefore, Wang Le was too lazy to test and observe how strong Wangcai was.

What's more, while Wang Cai was emitting a milky white halo to protect his body, Wang Le was able to notice that Wang Cai's aura was coming to the back, and he began to gradually become sluggish.

Obviously, Wangcai needs to continuously consume energy in the process of resisting attacks.

In the next half month, Wang Le will still rely on Wangcai to help him find those treasures. Of course, he cannot waste his energy on this place.

At first, Wang Le, who was surrounded by black-haired birds, was not very fast, but gradually, the purple-gold sword light became more and more dense, and its lethality became more and more powerful.

The result of this was that Wang Le moved faster and faster, and finally broke out of the encirclement with thousands of sword lights, rushing out from the overwhelming black-haired birds.

In the blood that filled the sky, Wang Le, who was holding a long sword, was still spotless, with no trace of blood on his body.

Not to mention those black-haired birds that attack with all their might,

It couldn't touch the corners of Wang Le's clothes at all.

After a while, I saw that not a single black-feathered bird could be seen in the sky above the canyon, and was directly swept away by Wang Le's sword.

In the canyon where he passed, there was a river of blood, and the air was filled with a strong and pungent smell of blood.

"It seems that I am the first to enter this canyon."

While Wang Le put away the artifact long sword, he couldn't help but secretly speculate.

Because until now after entering the canyon, Wang Le has not found any trace of anyone coming in.

For example, the carcasses of black-haired birds that were killed, etc.

Because the relevant information provided by Kong Deshan was not detailed, Wang Le did not know the specific location of the entrance to the underground river.

The only thing that can be done now is to move forward along the river in the canyon.

Just when Wang Le thought that he had to go through a long and endless canyon to find the source of the river, which was the entrance to the underground river.

Suddenly, the river flowing in the canyon suddenly made a nearly ninety-degree turn due to the topography of the canyon and disappeared out of sight.

When Wang Le walked through the corner of the canyon, he saw the river at his feet rushing out of a huge crack in the cliff on the left not far away.

Wang Le's eyes lit up, and he quickly came to the crack in the cliff that was at least four to five meters wide and thirty to forty meters long.

Looking inside the crack, it was pitch black in the depths, making it completely impossible to see.

Although Wang Le's clairvoyance ability and spiritual consciousness were completely ineffective here, the darkness deep in the crack did not trouble him.

After all, he has cultivated to such an extent that he can walk in the dark with the naked eye without any hindrance, just like walking in broad daylight.

What needs to be watched out for are the dangerous variables.

At this moment, before Wang Le stepped forward and entered the crack in the cliff, he couldn't help but look sideways at the exit of the canyon where there was still no end in sight.

"I wonder if anyone has entered the canyon from there?"

After this thought flashed through Wang Le's mind, he disappeared into the canyon and entered the depths of the extremely dark crack...

Half a day later, Wang Le, who had been walking along the river in the dark, found that he was going further and further down, and as he was getting further and further away from the ground, he gradually found that there was brightness in front of his eyes.

As the old saying goes, people go to higher places and water flows to lower places.

Obviously this sentence does not apply to what Wang Le is seeing now.

That is, the water in the underground river flows upward to the ground, and then flows through the canyon to the plains among the mountains outside.

Wang Le was not surprised by this situation that violated common sense.

Because he has not forgotten that the space he is in now is the work of a Mahayana monk.

So don't be surprised if anything strange happens here.

What's more, Wang Le, who was walking in this space, could vaguely feel the presence of the large formation covering the entire space anytime and anywhere.

In Wang Le's eyes, perhaps everything he saw before his eyes did not actually exist, but was just an illusion in the formation.

However, the Mahayana monk who constructed the formation was too powerful, and those who came in, including Wang Le, were unable to discern the truth of all this.

Just when Wang Le, who had been walking for a long time, found nothing and was about to let Wangcai, who had been resting on his shoulders to regain his energy, go out, suddenly he stopped under his feet.

Because Wang Le suddenly smelled an unusual smell of blood in the air, and there was also an invisible murderous intention!

Immediately, Wang Le's straight nose moved slightly. After confirming that he was not mistaken, he suddenly realized that someone was one step ahead of him.

If there are no accidents, there should be more than one person. Otherwise, there would be no smell of blood, let alone murderous intent.

Even Wang Le, who had killed countless people, could even discern the difference in murderous intent.

In other words, there was a group of monks fighting fiercely in front of them.

At this moment, Wang Le directly put the wealth on his shoulders into the Dharma Eye Space, then dodged his body and ran straight to the deeper place where the smell of blood came from.

But this time Wang Le did not repeat his old tricks and become invisible again.

After all, one of his purposes for entering the secret cave space this time was to confront those Nascent Soul monks whose cultivation level was similar to his own, trying to find a breakthrough in the cultivation bottleneck.

As for the previous incident of stealing the Thousand Layers Heart invisibly, it was because Wang Le did not want Sima Dangan of the Tianyuan Sect to find out that the secret of his betrayal had been exposed.

In this way, the deeper you go along the underground river, the louder and clearer the sound of the magic weapon hitting and roaring from the front becomes.

At this time, the underground space where the underground river is located is getting wider and wider, and is no longer as narrow as above.

At the same time, it became brighter and brighter, like daylight.

So Wang Le saw six monks fighting together from a distance.

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