He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2912 Boundless Forest

While sighing in admiration, the thin monk with a mustache showed a look of fear and luck.

Fortunately, he was not discovered. Otherwise, he would have followed the footsteps of the monkey-faced monk and the beautiful woman in palace clothes and went to hell together.

"This monster is really too strong, especially in this space where cultivation is suppressed and only the Yuanying realm can enter. He is like a fish in water. If you want to seize the top skills and dead wood sacred grass from him, you must get it." Only by recruiting other comrades to join forces can we succeed.”

The thin monk with a mustache muttered to himself and then made a decision. Then he climbed off the cliff and turned to the other end of the canyon, running in the opposite direction to Wang Le.

After all, watching the whole battle, although this thin monk was full of jealousy and fear of Wang Le's unparalleled combat power, he died for wealth and food, and the withered wood, sacred grass, top skills and other cultivation resources on the opponent's body , its temptation is so great that it is simply irresistible.

Wang Le, who had already walked out of the canyon at this time, obviously did not expect that in addition to the monkey-faced monk and the beautiful woman in palace clothes, there was also a Nascent Soul monk in the gap in the cliff.

Not to mention that the Yuanying monk who had escaped the disaster was weaving a dragnet, vowing to put him, Wang Le, to death...

They ate and slept in the open air along the way. According to the secret information provided by Kong Deshan, Wang Le kept speeding toward the northwest after leaving the canyon.

During this period, Wang Le, with the help of Wangcai, found a lot of good things, including ore materials for refining tools and plants and fruits for alchemy.

But Wang Le basically didn't know these treasures. Fortunately, he had Wangcai as a powerful helper. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gained anything.

In the process of harvesting these natural treasures, Wang Le followed Wangcai and greatly satisfied his appetite, eating a lot of nameless fruits.

Of course, satisfying the appetite is only secondary. The most important thing is that after eating these nameless fruits, Wang Le can clearly feel that his cultivation level is improving.

This is really terrifying for Wang Le, who has only reached the peak of the late Nascent Soul.

You must know that in recent daily practice, even if a large number of spiritual stones are used, the practice speed is still slow. Wang Le can only improve his practice by using water mill.

But the nameless fruit in this secret cave space had such an amazing effect, which was completely beyond Wang Le's expectation.

This made Wang Le feel that when he left the Emperor Burial Star,

The decision to bring prosperity is a wise one.

If Wang Le did not have the help of Wangcai during this trip to the secret cave space, Wang Le believed that he would miss out on a lot of gains.

Of course, Wang Le could also clearly feel that the aura of this little guy was getting stronger and sharper from the wealth he had eaten with open belly along the way.

It's just that no matter how much good food he eats, Wangcai doesn't get any bigger, and his body shape remains the same as before.

In this way, in the secret cave space with no sun, moon, stars, day or night, Wang Le, who seldom rested, did not want to continue to delay on the road, and rushed to the place where the remains of the Mahayana monks were suspected to be hidden as soon as possible.

But Wangcai, who was released from the Dharma Eye Space, was like a wild horse that ran wild. He didn't listen to Wang Le's instructions on this day and left the planned route.

Wang Le, who was extremely helpless, had no choice but to follow Wangcai and let the other party make the decision.

Of course, there is also curiosity and expectation in the helplessness.

After all, Wang Le has enjoyed a lot of benefits following Wangcai these days, and Wangcai has never let him down.

Half a day later, Wang Le followed Wangcai to the edge of a forest with no end in sight.

At this moment, Wangcai, who was running wildly and as fast as a ghost, finally stopped and wandered outside the forest.

Wang Le, who was following from behind, saw this and said to Wangcai angrily: "What? You had to come here. Now that you are here, why don't you come in? Are you afraid?"


Wangcai made a low voice, seeming to acquiesce, and then he kicked off the ground with his feet and jumped into the air, landing on Wang Le's shoulders in the blink of an eye.

"Uh!" Wang Le glanced at Wangcai in surprise, and couldn't help but think in his heart: "This guy obviously doesn't dare to go in, but he is unwilling to leave!"

As his mind wandered, Wang Le's eyes looking at the boundless forest in front of him became increasingly profound.

"If there is any danger, let's give up and leave! Anyway, there is no shortage of good things in this secret cave."

As soon as Wang Le finished speaking to Wang Cai, he saw this guy standing on his shoulder and roaring deeply into Wang Le's ear, undoubtedly expressing his protest and opposition.

"Uh!" Wang Le was speechless as he rubbed his ears that were irritated by the roar, and at the same time muttered: "Just come in, I hope there are good things inside!"

After saying that, Wang Le took Wangcai and headed into the forest.

The moment Wang Le stepped into the forest, he seemed to feel a dark wind blowing by, and he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

This made Wang Le stagnate, and his slightly narrowed eyes couldn't help but show a look of vigilance. However, he did not stop and return the same way, but continued to move deeper into the forest.

As for getting lost, Wang Le didn't have to worry at all with Wangcai, a heterogeneous creature who was born to search for heavenly materials and earthly treasures, by his side.

In the following time, Wang Le, guided by Wangcai on his shoulder, turned left and right more and more deeply.

The trees along the way are getting bigger and bigger, and their ages are mostly measured in millennia.

There was no light at all under the blocked sky, and the smell of rotting branches and leaves was getting more and more pungent.

Wang Le felt as if he was walking in an extremely gloomy hell.

Just when Wang Le thought there were no living creatures in this dead-like forest, his heart suddenly tightened and he subconsciously looked up at the sky.

At this moment, a bat-like bird with scarlet eyes swooped in from the air!

When Wang Le met those scarlet eyes, he realized that he had encountered a ferocious beast that had no spirituality and only knew how to kill.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Wang Le's heart moved. He took out the artifact long sword from the Dharma Eye Space, and then stabbed it in the direction of the flying bird above without hesitation.

Just when the magic sword in Wang Le's hand was about to pierce the bat beast, the opponent suddenly flapped his wings and drew a beautiful arc in the air without losing speed, successfully avoiding the purple gold sword. mango.

Almost at the same time, there was a sudden sound of wind behind Wang Le, heading towards this direction at an alarming speed.

In an instant, Wang Le didn't panic at all. The wrist holding the sacred sword suddenly shook, and thousands of purple-gold sword shadows appeared in front of the surrounding portals!

As a result, the bat beast that avoided the sword light and the other bat beast that sneaked up from behind were like a kamikaze special agent team, crashing into the purple-gold sword shadow in the sky, and being crushed in the blink of an eye.



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