He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2934 Playing fake

When the demon Xiuyue said these words, Qu Jinghong and others' eyes changed again when they looked at Wang Le, and they immediately guessed that the other party had concealed his identity.

At this time, the demon girl saw that Wang Le's expression did not change, and she had no intention of opening her mouth to argue. She couldn't help but look at him very seriously, and continued in a deep voice word by word: "The throne is just a false identity, you are Wang Le!"

Although everyone had already made some guesses, they were still extremely shocked and surprised after the demon Xiuyue revealed Wang Le's true identity.

"This girl should have guessed it a long time ago."

Qu Jinghong couldn't help but look at Wang Le and said, his words full of annoyance.

I saw Sima Dangan looking at Wang Le with a mixture of resentment and awe, and said slowly: "I have always wondered why City Lord Shen didn't invite Wang Le, who is the most popular person in Shuntian City recently. I'm afraid it's you, a monster, who has concealed his true identity. Sneaked in."

After a pause, Sima Dangan said with an extremely regretful voice: "When the Thousand Layers Heart was stolen earlier, I should have thought of you Wang Le!"

"Because when you crossed the border to kill Feng Niangzi, the powerful god-transformer in Shuntian City, you, Wang Le, used the mysterious invisibility method!"

Wang Le rolled his eyes and replied calmly: "So what if I had known earlier? At most, I would have died faster."

Sima Dangan trembled and obediently closed his mouth.

After all, the monster in front of him who can kill gods across borders has never been merciless in killing people, and he has just experienced it personally.

Sima Dangan didn't want to be targeted by this evil star because he talked too much.

At this moment, the demon Xiuyue suddenly asked: "Were all those people in the canyon and underground river space killed by you, Wang Le?"

Before Wang Le could answer, Yu Lian followed up and asked, "Did you do the ruins of the Devouring God Tower, and did the powerful gods of that generation in Tianfu also fall in your hands?"

Wang Le replied calmly without changing his expression: "You guys have really rich imaginations."

The demon Xiuyue shook her head without hesitation and said: "This is not a figment of imagination, because in the underground river space and the canyon, the battlefields left behind, in addition to the traces left by magic weapons and sharp weapons, are mostly made of fists and palms alone. Caused by the power of the flesh.”

After a pause, the demon Xiuyue looked deeply at Wang Le and continued: "In the process of the slave family fighting you one after another just now, you have never used your own magic weapon, and you have to fight for life and death with just a pair of fists. "

"So the slave family will naturally think of those people who died in the underground river space and the canyon.

This is exactly what you, Wang Le, did. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Lian nodded in agreement and said, "That's right, Yu has inspected the remains that completed the Devouring God Tower, and the traces left on it were not caused by any magic weapon at all. , now I think it can only be the physical power of fists and palms."

Having said this, Yu Lian looked at Wang Le in horror and continued: "Although Yu cannot believe that a Nascent Soul cultivator is capable of doing this, this kind of thing did happen."

At this time, Wang Le did not deny it.

After all, the witches Xiuyue and Yu Lian have talked about this. If they still deny it, they will really treat everyone present as fools.

Just when Wang Le was hesitant, Qu Jinghong, who was extremely curious, finally couldn't help asking: "Is it really you?"

Wang Le glanced at the other party, shook his head and said with emotion: "Fortunately, the top of the Devouring God Tower, which is on the list of divine treasures, was damaged and was repaired artificially, otherwise I would be in danger!"

Although Wang Le did not admit it directly, everyone knew that the other party admitted it when they heard what the other party said.

"Sure enough, it's you! Now you have the Devouring God Tower in your hands?"

Yu Lian asked impatiently.

Wang Le looked at the other party with a half-smile, and asked: "If I told you that I was here, would you immediately rush over to kill and seize the treasure?"

"Uh!" Yu Lian was stunned at first, then snorted coldly with an unkind expression: "Yu hasn't held you accountable for Wang Le's sneak attack just now!"

Wang Le rolled his eyes, looked at Yu Lian and Zhong Hong on the left and right, and said mockingly: "Young master is not someone who is easily fooled. I have long seen that you are acting, so of course I will attack you secretly. It’s a pity that none of the hits were successful!”

Qu Jinghong, who was standing next to him, suddenly turned ugly when he heard Wang Le's words.

She really couldn't imagine that if Wang Le hadn't suddenly appeared here, she would have been fighting alone, surrounded by enemies.

Qu Jinghong, who was constantly thinking and thinking, couldn't help but look at Sima Dangan with murderous intent in his eyes, wanting to skin him and dismember him immediately!

There is no doubt that the reason why Qu Jinghong got together with his mortal enemy the demon Xiu Yue and Yu Lian and his gang was all because of this guy Sima Dangan.

It can only be said that although Qu Jinghong came from the top Daoguang Sect, he was still a fledgling and could easily be fooled by veterans like Sima Dangan.

Just when Qu Jinghong stared at Sima Dangan, wishing he could execute him on the spot immediately, Yu Lian asked Wang Le with an ugly face, "How did you see through it?"

I saw Wang Le blinking his eyes, and then replied: "Looking at your appearance, you are a cunning person. He can only deceive others, but there is no such thing as being deceived."

"That's why I don't believe that an old fox like you would be so naive as to be deceived!"

After a pause, Wang Le further said: "The most important thing is that I don't believe that a great monk in the Fusion Realm can have poor vision. It is a bit unreasonable to pick out six people and two of them are traitors."

Having said this, Wang Le shrugged his shoulders disapprovingly, and finally said: "With all these things going on, there must be a monster when something goes wrong. Of course, I guessed that you guys were acting out."

Yu Lian said coldly: "Based on just a guess and without any evidence, I believe that Yu is acting for fun..."

In the middle of his words, Wang Le interrupted him coldly: "What if I guess wrong? Anyway, anyone who wants to snatch the remains of a Mahayana monk from Shuntian City will die if he meets me!"

"You!" Yu Lian couldn't help but said angrily: "Are you, Wang Le, too overbearing?!"

Before Wang Le could respond, Qu Jinghong sneered and said, "You, Yu Lian, are indeed putting on a show and want to take the opportunity to stab the girl in the back. Fortunately, Wang Le discovered it in time, otherwise you would have succeeded now."

After a pause, Qu Jinghong looked at the demon Xiuyue, and continued with a gloomy expression: "You demon girl is really cunning, and you can actually make these powerful gods willing to be driven by you!"

The demon Xiuyue replied with a proud smile: "Sister, in addition to Brother Sima, there are now four powerful gods in the form of gods, including my sister. You two are in doom today!"

At this moment, although facing the four powerful gods, Qu Jinghong felt the pressure in his heart to the extreme, and even gave birth to despair, but he still refused to give in and said: "Even if I die, I will pull it off." You, a witch, will be buried with you!"

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