He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2948 Deep Sea

I saw Wangcai in his arms blinking his big round eyes with a look of confusion on his face.

Wang Le was not disappointed, he just rubbed the other person's little head and said with a smile: "Have a good rest first, maybe you will be used later."

After finishing speaking, Wang Le directly stuffed the other person into his arms, then looked at Qu Jinghong who was standing by the side, and suddenly the topic changed: "If you are afraid, just follow me and don't separate."

"After all, no matter how strong we are, once we are separated, there will be times when water from far away cannot quench our thirst for nearness."

Just as Qu Jinghong was about to refuse, he saw Wang Le turning around and leaving without any explanation.

Looking at the figure who was about to walk out of the cabin, Qu Jinghong couldn't help but snorted, and then said, "I'm not afraid!"

Although his mouth said so, his body couldn't control it and he quickly took steps to chase Wang Le.

When Wang Le and Qu Jinghong walked out of the cabin one after another, they stopped in unison and even forgot to breathe.

At this time, I saw that the ancient ship was no longer on the river that I saw earlier.

I don't know when I have arrived at the endless ocean in front of me, with no other shore visible.

"This...what is going on? I was floating on the river just now, and why did I end up on the sea in the blink of an eye?"

Qu Jinghong was so surprised that his words became a little awkward.

At this moment, Wang Le's slightly narrowed eyes were filled with cold light flickering, but his face showed no expression.

"Whether it's in the river or on the sea, let's search this ancient ship first."

Wang Le said a word, and then walked along the corridor toward the stern of the ship, because there were many separated rooms there.

If there are remains of Mahayana monks hidden on this ship, they can only be found in the rooms at the stern.

But before he took two steps, Wang Le suddenly turned sideways and punched out!

Before Qu Jinghong could react, he saw a thunder beast waving bone wings suddenly appeared at the edge of the corridor, and was hit by Wang Lewei's prophetic punch!


Amidst the bombardment, I saw the thunder beast still in the air outside the ship's edge.

He was instantly smashed into pieces by Wang Le's punch and died suddenly on the spot!

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Wang Le had not had time to withdraw his fist, and before the dismembered corpse fell back into the water, countless thunder beasts rushed out of the sea and attacked Wang Le and Qu Jing on the corridor. Hong.

In just a blink of an eye, the two of them were overwhelmed by the overwhelming thunder beasts. This sudden change was so fast that it was dizzying!

Faced with such a surprise attack, Wang Le was not a vegetarian, not to mention that he had already been on guard.

So at the first opportunity, Wang Le struck hard, trying to kill these flying thunder beasts with one blow.

As for Qu Jinghong next to him, he also made no concessions and killed the besieging thunder beasts one by one under his palms.

Although the strength of these thunder beasts that flew out of the sea was far inferior to the similar ones that rushed into the cabin earlier and were blessed by totems, they were superior in number, and they were simply countless.

After going on and on, no matter how strong Wang Le and Qu Jinghong are, they are not afraid of the attacks of these thunder beasts, but if they continue like this, they will be exhausted sooner or later.

"This can't go on like this. Follow me and rush out of the siege!"

After Wang Le finished speaking to Qu Jinghong next to him, he continued to kill towards the stern of the ship without changing the direction!

With bones and flesh flying all over the sky, Wang Le and Qu Jinghong finally fought their way out of the heavily surrounded group of thunder beasts and rushed into one of the rooms at the stern of the ship.

Wang Le glanced over, trying to find some useful clues, but soon failed.

Not to mention the remains of Mahayana monks hidden here, there is no trace of anyone ever living here, it is completely empty and empty!

"How could this happen?" Qu Jinghong couldn't help but say, his face full of remains and loss.

Wang Le turned around and left without changing his expression, and slapped the thunder beast that rushed in into pieces with his palm.

"Next room!"

After Wang Le finished speaking, he had already left the room, and Qu Jinghong, who was extremely depressed, had no choice but to follow him quickly.

In the following time, Wang Le and Qu Jinghong killed the attacking thunder beasts while searching the rooms at the stern of the ship non-stop.

But every time I came in and out of the room, I was disappointed and confused again and again.

Disappointingly, no remains of the Mahayana monks were found, and no clues were found on how to leave here.

This feeling of being trapped in a corner and unable to find a way out made Qu Jinghong, who was following Wang Le, very uncomfortable.

If it weren't for Wang Le's support, Qu Jinghong would have despaired and might even collapse.

In terms of cultivation level and age, Qu Jinghong surpassed Wang Le, but in terms of experience in facing such desperate situations, Qu Jinghong was far inferior to Wang Le, who had been on the battlefield for a long time.

Closer to home, although more and more Thunder Beasts died in the hands of Wang Le and Qu Jinghong, the number of Thunder Beasts attacking them did not decrease.

From the beginning to now, there have only been more thunder beasts rushing out of the sea.

This made Wang Le wonder if he had walked into the tomb of thunder beasts. They were all dead and now resurrected. There were only skeletons or scattered carrion hanging on their bodies, as if they had entered the zombie world by mistake.

Just when Wang Le and Qu Jinghong thought that the strength of these thunder beasts was no more than this, suddenly a scream that made both body and mind tremble came from the deep sea!

At this moment, the thunder beasts that were attacking the two people on the boat seemed to have heard the order, and they ducked to the side in unison. In the blink of an eye, a large gap appeared, just in time for Wang Le and Qu Jinghong to see howling. direction.


In the blink of an eye, the chirping sound was still in the deep sea a second ago, and now it came to the side of the ancient ship with astonishing momentum.

"Boom... clatter...!"

During the explosion, a huge thunder beast with a vulture's head and green skin, a pair of blood-red feather wings, its upper body was a human and its lower body was a bird. It held a hammer and a cone in its left and right arms and soared into the sky from the sea water. Get up and explode into countless water splashes!

At this moment, whether it was the expressionless Wang Le or the confused Qu Jinghong, they felt the difference from the first sight of this thunder beast.

To be more precise, the thunder beast in front of me is almost exactly the same as the totem portrait I saw in the cabin earlier!

Moreover, the skin and flesh on this thunder beast were completely full of luster, with no rotten flesh or only a skeleton left.

Especially the hammer and cone held in his hand emitted a bluish-white light.

Unlike the thunder beasts that besieged them, the hammer and awl in his hand had no power at all. It was completely made of scrap metal and was purely for decoration.

So much so that when Wang Le dealt with these besieging thunder beasts, he could easily destroy the hammers in their hands without using much force.

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