He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2951 Tianlan Grassland

When the ancient ship with broken sails carrying Wang Le and Qu Jinghong rushed directly to the beach in the sea breeze, the two jumped off the bow of the ship without hesitation.

"What kind of place is this? If it is an illusion, it would be too unreal!?"

Qu Jinghong stepped on the wet beach and couldn't help but say.

At this moment, Wang Le looked back and replied with a strange tone: "Of course it's an illusion. If you don't believe me, just look back."

"Uh!" Qu Jinghong looked back, his face filled with surprise and surprise.

I saw that the vast sea and ancient ships behind me had disappeared silently into thin air, and they all turned into wilderness land, all the way to the end of the sky.


The stunned Qu Jinghong was speechless, and his charming eyes widened even more.

When Wang Le saw Qu Jinghong's dumbfounded look, his originally heavy heart couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Ha!" Wang Le smiled disdainfully and said to Qu Jinghong: "Although such a top illusion can deceive many people, including you, Miss Qu, it can never deceive me."

Before Qu Jinghong could ask about the reason, Wang Le continued: "This is not because I am so clever, but because I have experienced more illusions than once or twice."

Having said this, Wang Le couldn't help but look at Qu Jinghong and asked: "Every time Miss Qu was promoted to a higher realm in the past, is it possible that she never experienced the stage of invasion by external demons?"

"Invasion of foreign demons?" Qu Jinghong was suddenly shocked and looked at Wang Le with a horrified face: "Wang Le has had the experience of invasion by foreign demons? And more than once?"

Wang Le nodded and admitted calmly, and then said softly with memories on his face: "Every time I experience the invasion of external demons, it is like experiencing a reincarnation of life."

"And in this reincarnation of life, I have a new identity and a different life story."

"Even when I finally woke up from the invasion of external demons, I felt that it was not an illusion, but that it really had happened to me."

"It's just not this life, but the previous life!"

After listening to Wang Le's emotional narration, Qu Jinghong looked at him with a look in his eyes, and he couldn't help but said with sincerity: "Brother Wang can successfully escape from the invasion of foreign demons, no wonder he has achieved what he has today.

Jinghong was convinced! "

Wang Le raised his brows, looked at the other party and said, "Girl Ting Qu's tone suggests that she knows there is such a thing as an invasion by external demons, but she has never experienced it before."

Qu Jinghong nodded and replied: "Yes, in the process of breaking through the bottleneck and advancing to a higher realm, encountering the invasion of external demons often requires opportunities. It is something that can only happen but cannot be sought."

Then fear and jealousy flashed deep in Qu Jinghong's eyes, and he continued: "But many people are often destroyed by the invasion of external demons. Not to mention being promoted to a higher realm of cultivation, even the original It is difficult to maintain the state of being, at least it will become a useless person, and at worst, the body will die and the Tao will disappear!"

After a pause, Qu Jinghong changed the topic again: "But as long as we can successfully overcome the invasion of external demons and advance to a higher realm of cultivation, we will definitely benefit from it."

Having said this, Qu Jinghong looked at Wang Le and further said, "Brother Wang, you yourself are the best example."

"Uh!" Wang Le couldn't help but touch his nose, and without saying anything modest, he changed the subject and said, "Now that we're all ashore, let's go! Let's see what kind of medicine is sold in this gourd. "

After finishing speaking, Wang Le walked towards the shore.

Qu Jinghong followed unwillingly and asked: "Brother Wang, where are you from? To be able to experience so many invasions by foreign demons without falling, you must be in an extraordinary orthodoxy, right?"

Wang Le paused, and Qu Jinghong, who was following behind, almost bumped into him.

Then Wang Le turned to look at Qu Jinghong, whose face turned red and flashed a hint of embarrassment, and replied with a half-smile, "I'm just a casual cultivator with no family or sect. It's up to you whether you believe it or not."

"As for where I come from, I'm not a native of your Middle-earth continent."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qu Jinghong wanted to continue asking, but Wang Le interrupted him and said: "Stop asking, I have reminded you before, curiosity killed the cat, Miss Qu must bear it in mind."

"Besides, even if you ask me eleven thousand times, I still won't tell you."

Before Qu Jinghong could speak, Wang Le walked towards the shore again.

"Hmph!" Qu Jinghong looked at Wang Le's back and cursed with a dissatisfied look on his face: "What's so great about it? If you don't want to say it, don't tell me. I'm too lazy to ask!"

If he hadn't been in a dangerous and unpredictable fantasy world, Qu Jinghong would have wanted to leave immediately and part ways with Wang Le, or preferably never see him again.

But the situation is stronger than the people. For the sake of his own life, Qu Jinghong can only endure the hardship and stick to Wang Le's side.

After all, in this environment where there are many variables and unexpected events may occur at any time, Wang Le's super combat power is the greatest safety guarantee.

Soon, Wang Le and Qu Jinghong walked across the long beach, and the boundless green grassland suddenly came into view.

At the same time, a huge stone tablet standing not far ahead fell into the sight of the two of them.

"Tianlan Grassland."

Wang Le looked at the four big characters on the stone tablet and read them out softly.

"Eh!" Qu Jinghong's pretty face, which was still tense, suddenly showed a look of surprise. Apparently, he didn't expect Wang Le to recognize the ancient characters on the stone tablet at a glance.

Although Qu Jinghong was still angry and didn't want to talk to Wang Le, he still couldn't help but ask: "How do you know the four words above? You didn't just say it casually, did you?"

Wang Le, who was standing in front, remained silent and did not respond to Qu Jinghong's doubts, but deep down in his heart he was not at peace, and waves were rising in his heart.

Because the four ancient characters Tianlan Grassland on the stone tablet come from the ancient times of the Emperor Burial Star.

Although in the martial arts world of the Emperor Burial Star, all records about the ancient times have been erased and only exist in legends, but don't forget that Wang Le once used Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth to swallow part of Fairy Jinghong's distracted soul.

You know, Fairy Jinghong came from the ancient era of the Emperor Burial Star, and was just a distraction.

Although the memories Wang Le read from it were only superficial, he also knew a lot of texts from ancient times.

In addition, Wang Le and Thunder Thanos also asked each other many things about the ancient times while walking together in the starry sky.

Therefore, Wang Le is no stranger to the common characters of ancient times.

"Hey, this girl is asking you something? Are you deaf?"

Qu Jinghong's constant questioning immediately interrupted Wang Le's memories.

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