He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2959 Ice Cave

Wang Le's timing of attack can be said to be the essence of the three words "quickly, ruthlessly and accurately". The butterfly beast that waved its wings and slashed horizontally fell into Wang Le's hands without any suspense!

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Wang Le grabbed the butterfly beast's extremely sharp colorful wings, pulled it down suddenly, and took advantage of the force to jump directly onto the opponent!

Immediately, Wang Le took one step as two steps, and in the blink of an eye he went from the butterfly beast's wings to the top of its back!


Amidst the fierce and dull bombardment, before the butterfly beast spread its wings and flew away from the danger, Wang Le punched the opponent's back with an extremely ferocious punch!

"Bang bang bang...!"

If one punch doesn't work, just punch twice!

Between the lightning and flint, fists fell like rain. Wang Le's pair of purple-gold fists kept landing on the vital joints of the butterfly's back, which was more than ten meters long!

At this moment, even if Butterfly Beast wanted to fly back to the sky as quickly as possible, it was unable to do so.

After all, this backbone has been shattered piece by piece, how can he still be qualified to soar into the sky? !

"Boom...click, click, click...!"

Amidst the crisp sound of bone cracking that pierced the sky, Wang Le's last punch made Butterfly's head explode, like smashing a watermelon!

With blood splattering everywhere, the Butterfly Beast, which had more air coming out than taking in air, fell headlong into the sea of ​​flowers and slid far away, like an airplane whose engine had lost power.

At this moment, Wang Le quickly fell back to the ground from the Butterfly Beast's head, and then quickly caught up with Qu Jinghong and Wang Cai, who had deliberately slowed down.

Just as the two people and the beast walked together again, Wangcai's speed did not speed up, but became faster.

Especially those round eyes, which showed excitement and excitement, but soon returned to calmness and alertness.

Wang Le, who was walking behind to block the pursuers, did not see Wangcai's abnormal look, but he soon noticed the abnormal behavior of the other party, and he immediately became energetic.

"It looks like there's something to be said for it."

This thought just flashed through Wang Le's mind.

The entangled gray rat beast and black and yellow bee beast came after them again.

While Wang Le was splitting his mind between two things, driving back the gray rat beast and the black and yellow bee beast with every move, he suddenly found that the scene in front of him and Qu Jinghong, led by Wangcai, had changed without warning. .

When Wang Le took a step forward behind Wangcai and Qu Jinghong, it was as if he suddenly jumped from one painting to another.

At this moment, everything around him suddenly underwent earth-shaking changes.

The brilliant sea of ​​purple and red flowers has disappeared, and Wang Le's sight is filled with icebergs and snow, and the vast expanse of white reaches the end of the world.

When Wang Le looked back, the gray rat beast and black and yellow bee beast that were entangled a moment ago were gone, and the endless ice and snow mountains came into view, looking particularly empty.

At this moment, even making the slightest sound seemed like a sin.

From the earliest ancient boats sailing down the river into the ocean, to the Tianlan Grassland later, to the boundless sea of ​​flowers just now, and now the ice and snow...

To Wang Le, all of this is like the maps he played while playing World of Warcraft when he was young.

The Thunder Beasts and Butterfly Beasts encountered are like the bosses guarding each map.

"Equipments are lost when you fight monsters, but I have passed so many levels, and in the end I don't have any. The person who designed the illusion is a bit too stingy."

Wang Le couldn't help complaining in his heart as the snowflakes fell.

If it was just like this, forget it. The key point is that Wang Le wanted to leave the illusion, but just after leaving the boundless sea of ​​flowers, he ended up entering the boundless ice and snow.

God knows what kind of map will be waiting for them after passing the ice and snow level.

This endless fantasy game made Wang Le a little bored, but he couldn't get rid of it.

Immediately, Wang Le stepped forward, grabbed Wang Cai who was wandering in circles, and then looked at him seriously and said: "This afternoon is not good, it is a complete waste of time, I don't want to be trapped in Nothing to gain here!"

Wang Cai's nose suddenly made a snort, and at the same time he did not forget to wave his tiger claws, obviously understanding what Wang Le meant.

Then Wangcai broke free from Wang Le's hand and jumped back into the snow, then ran forward quickly.

At this time, Wangcai, who was completely white and without any trace of color, was completely integrated into this vast expanse of ice and snow.

If you are not careful, you will lose all traces of your wealth.

In the following time, Wang Le and Qu Jinghong followed Wangcai quickly on the empty snowfield without saying a word.

As for the direction that the two men and one beast were heading, it was obvious that the mountains at the end of the sky were vaguely mysterious and unpredictable.

After a while, the two men and the beast passed through the snowfield without any hindrance and entered the depths of the towering mountains.

During this period, not only did he encounter enemies who attacked him, he didn't even encounter an ant.

Although they were not in danger, Wang Le and Qu Jinghong had no intention of relaxing at all. Instead, they became even more vigilant.

Especially after entering the depths of the snow-capped mountains, Wang Le saw Wang Cai, who was exploring the way in front, with his white hair standing on end and a cautious look, and became even more aware that danger could come at any time.

Just as the two of them and Wangcai entered a narrow snow valley, Wang Le paid extremely vigilant attention to the surrounding situation, especially on the cliffs on both sides for fear of something happening, when he suddenly felt empty under his feet!

In the midst of lightning and flint, at the moment when the falling force formed, Wang Le did not hesitate to grab Qu Jinghong and Wangcai who were following closely at the same time to avoid getting separated in this dangerous situation!

Soon enough, just as Wang Le grabbed Qu Jinghong's arm and stuffed Wangcai into his arms, an invisible terrifying force fell from the sky, causing Wang Le to fall into the bottomless ice cave at his feet.

If it were in the outside world, it would be useless no matter how deep it was.

But this is a cave space that is restrained and suppressed everywhere, and it is also an unpredictable and top-notch illusion.

Therefore, without being able to fly in the air, Wang Le could only rely on the smooth jade-like ice wall in the cave to slow down his fall.

At this moment, Qu Jinghong, who had calmed down, no longer cared about whether men and women were kissing each other. Anyway, this was not the first time that Wang Le had physical contact with her.

What's more, in this dangerous situation, Wang Le did this to protect her.

Although Qu Jinghong felt warm in her heart and a shy look flashed across her pretty face, her own life was still the most important thing. She couldn't help but said in a worried voice: "Brother Wang, this ice cave is too deep. We can't go up if we want to." easy!"

I saw Wang Le kicking into the ice wall, and while reducing the force of his fall, he did not forget to reply calmly: "As soon as you come, let's make peace with it."

"Uh!" Qu Jinghong's lips moved and he was about to speak again when he suddenly felt an extremely cold feeling coming up from the soles of his feet.

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