He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2962: Totally Wrong

"This guy is really crazy, he is in the late stage of becoming a god!"

Qu Jinghong muttered to himself as he looked at the battle group that was fighting without distinguishing each other, his face full of complexity and horror.

At this moment, Wang Le, who was in the battle, could clearly feel the physical strength of his opponent, which made him feel even more stressed!

Wang Le has always been good at close combat, which is based on his physical body. No one can compete with him.

But the physical strength of the big white snake in front of him was comparable to his. It could be said that they were evenly matched.

Therefore, in the midst of the mutual attacks, even if Wang Le caught the opportunity and hurt the body of the white snake, he would not be able to cause serious damage to it, let alone any fatal damage.

In addition, the snake letter in the white snake's mouth can stretch and retract freely, often making sneak attacks when Wang Le is not paying attention.

This is because Wang Le has been in the battlefield of life and death countless times and accumulated too much practical experience. Otherwise, he would have been successfully attacked by the Snake Xinzi in the mouth of the big white snake.

Of course, it's okay to go back and forth.

Wang Le, who was accompanied by the Dharma Eye of Deception, also found the flaw at the moment when the white snake attacked and launched a surprise attack on it!

And in the midst of this fierce battle of attack and defense, Wang Le and White Snake suffered more and more wounds at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although both Wang Le and White Snake were covered in blood and looked scary, their bodies were too strong and their bones were not really injured.

It is precisely because of this that the battle between Wang Le and White Snake fell into a stalemate.

If there are no accidents, it will be difficult to determine the winner in a short period of time.

This made Qu Jinghong, who was watching, fall into unprecedented shock.

She did not expect that Wang Le, who only had Nascent Soul cultivation, could display his extraordinary combat power to such an incredible extent.

The cross-border killing of a strong man in the middle stage of becoming a god has made Qu Jinghong look at Wang Le with admiration, and he was extremely shocked.

I thought this was Wang Le's limit, but I didn't expect that even the Great White Snake in the late stage of divine transformation couldn't do anything to this guy.

At this moment, Qu Jinghong was completely at a loss for words.

The despair deep in his heart disappeared.

"Perhaps by following this guy, we can really hope to break through the illusion and leave this ghost place."

Qu Jinghong couldn't help but think in his heart.

At this moment, as the battle became fiercer, the other white snakes retreated and stayed far away, for fear of encountering the disaster of Chiyu.

Not to mention attacking Qu Jinghong, he seemed to have fallen into hibernation!

bang bang bang

Boom boom boom

Boom boom boom


Amid the earth-shattering collision and roar, wherever a person and an animal passed by, it was like a rice field plowed by an old buffalo. The earth and rocks were turned to pieces, and it was unbearable to look directly at them.

On several occasions, Wang Le used the Phanwang Dharma Eye to peek out of the White Snake's loopholes in the transition between offense and defense, and took the opportunity to kill the opponent's belly.

I thought this was the weakest part of the Great White Snake's body, but Wang Le's heavy punch still didn't break the vital part of its belly!

But this also completely angered the White Snake, and it fought back with a roar, which made Wang Le suffer a heavy loss.

In the final analysis, the Great White Snake fully exerted its powerful combat power in the late stage of divine transformation, making it impossible for Wang Le to crush the enemy as powerfully as before.

It is precisely because of this life-and-death confrontation between the opponent and Wang Le that it is really difficult for Wang Le to completely kill the opponent.

Although Wang Le's invincible will has never wavered, he is still confident that he can defeat the strongest opponent in front of him, but he can only defeat him.

As for defeating the Great White Snake, Wang Le's rationality told him that it would be difficult to do.

What's more, in this fantasy world where variables may occur at any time, Wang Le doesn't want to pay a heavy price to kill the powerful enemy of the Great White Snake.

After all, if you kill the big white snake, God knows what you will encounter next.

Closer to home, as time went by, Wang Le's offensive continued as usual, and the purple gold mana in his dantian still maintained a stable output without any signs of exhaustion.

As a result, the Great White Snake in the late stage of divine transformation was forced to maintain the same offensive, otherwise, it would inevitably be suppressed by Wang Le's powerful offensive.

Although the physical strength of the Great White Snake is comparable to that of Wang Le.

However, compared with Wang Le's purple-gold mana, his own demonic power in the later stages of becoming a god began to show signs of decline as the war dragged on for longer and longer.

In the final analysis, Wang Le's purple gold magic power is unique, both in terms of quantity and quality. Even if the Great White Snake has reached the late stage of divine transformation, it cannot be compared with it.

Don’t forget, Wang Le’s Dantian is blessed by the totems of True Dragon and Zhu Jiuyin, these two ancient mythical beasts!

This means that Wang Le's spiritual consciousness is suppressed in the cave space. Otherwise, he would have long ago found an opportunity to display Zhu Jiuyin's innate power of Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth.

By then, the big white snake will definitely be unable to eat and carry around.

It can be said that in this time and space background, where one person and one beast are fighting for life and death, the Great White Snake in the late stage of becoming a god has taken advantage.

Wang Le was undoubtedly a mute and couldn't tell how hard it was to eat Coptidis chinensis. He could only rely on his strong body and powerful magic power to fight off the Great White Snake in the late stage of becoming a god.

Qu Jinghong, who had been watching the battle from the outside of the battlefield at this time, thought that the battle in the battle group would continue for a long time, but suddenly found that the White Snake's offensive against Wang Le was gradually showing a trend of exhaustion.

Although this trend of depletion is not obvious at all, and it is difficult to detect if you are not paying attention, there has been a change after all, and depletion has become an unchangeable fact.

This surprised Qu Jinghong, who had always captured the changes on the battlefield.

According to her prediction, it was simply delusional for Wang Le to maintain a confrontation with the Great White Snake for a long time without falling behind.

This is because Wang Le is at the Nascent Soul realm after all, and his magical power is not as long and powerful as the great white snake demon in the late stage of divine transformation.

For example, if Dharma is water, then the Nascent Soul Realm is a small pond and the Divine Transformation Realm is a lake.

The size of the water capacity of the two can be seen from this.

It was based on this judgment that Qu Jinghong determined that Wang Le could not maintain such a high-intensity and powerful offensive against the White Snake for a long time.

Therefore, if Wang Le wants to win, Qu Jinghong must take effective measures before his magic power is exhausted. Otherwise, the longer the delay, the more disadvantageous it will be.

But obviously, Qu Jinghong found that his prediction was wrong, and it was completely wrong.

Qu Jinghong never expected that the Great White Snake would be the first to show signs of exhaustion in its offensive.

"How is that possible?" Qu Jinghong muttered to himself in disbelief.

At this moment, Qu Jinghong really couldn't imagine that Wang Le was only in the Nascent Soul realm, but his magic power was so strong and long-lasting that it was far superior to the Great White Snake.

Is it possible that the "small pond" in Wang Le's Nascent Soul Realm is not filled with water, but with mercury? ? ?

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