He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2993: 2 feet long golden body

"One leaf, one Bodhi, one flower, one world?" Qu Jinghong looked at Wang Le with some surprise, and couldn't help but said, "I didn't expect Brother Wang to understand Buddhist Zen. It's really surprising."

What Qu Jinghong didn't say was that along the way, Wang Le's knowledge in many aspects was completely inversely proportional to his own cultivation and combat power. He was like a rookie who just debuted and didn't understand anything.

It is for this reason that Qu Jinghong couldn't help but feel surprised and surprised by Wang Le's knowledge.

"I didn't expect that the Eternal Star also has the shadow of Buddhism."

While Wang Le was thinking to himself, he couldn't help but ask: "Miss Qu also studies Buddhism?"

Qu Jinghong nodded and replied: "Buddhism is a foreign force that came to our Eternal Star thousands of years ago."

After a pause, Qu Jinghong continued: "This force has always been mysterious. Although it rarely appears in our Middle-earth continent, I have heard about it, and it has been mentioned in the ancient books of the sect."

Speaking of this, Qu Jinghong further said: "To say that the most powerful magical power in Buddhism is undoubtedly the two-foot-long golden body.

"Two feet long golden body?" Wang Le silently remembered it in his mind, and then couldn't help but ask: "How does it compare to Li Dan's self-created great magical power that can transform three pure things with one breath?"

"Eh!" Qu Jinghong's face showed surprise again, and he couldn't help but say: "Brother Wang actually knows that Li Dan's great power can transform the three pure beings with one breath."

At this time, Wang Le smiled and said nothing, and did not respond.

Seeing this, Qu Jinghong had no choice but to continue: "These two great magical powers were created by my human monks, and they are completely comparable to the innate magical powers of the top demon clan."

"As for the superiority of these two magical powers, the two-foot-long golden body and the one-qi-transforming three-purity power, only God knows."

"After all, people with these two magical powers have never competed against each other."

"Maybe there is a fight, but you and I don't know about it."

At this point, Qu Jinghong suddenly looked at Wang Le with strange eyes, and continued: "Brother Wang's physical condition is the best that this girl has ever seen in her life. There is no doubt that he is a suitable candidate for cultivating the great supernatural power."

Wang Le curled his lips disapprovingly, and then replied: "Young master, I haven't even seen a bald donkey. Where can I go to practice the great supernatural power and have a two-foot-long golden body? It's completely nonsense!"

Qu Jinghong shook his head and said: "With Brother Wang's potential,

There will definitely be great achievements in the future, and when the time comes, you will naturally have the opportunity to travel to the Eternal Star. "

"By then, if you have the opportunity to cultivate to the level of the human race's great magical power of two feet of gold, you will definitely be even more powerful!"

Speaking of this, Qu Jinghong couldn't help but look yearning on his face, and continued: "It is said that if you achieve a golden body of two feet, you can fight with top monsters such as real dragons and white tigers without losing!"

At the end, Qu Jinghong did not forget to say: "Of course, Li Dan's One Qi Transformation into Three Pure Ones is the most powerful magical power for fighting enemies. If you can learn it, you will not only be invincible, but you will at least be able to stand at the top of the Eternal Star Pyramid." , no one dares to provoke him."

Wang Le couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said: "Dream on you! There is no such thing as having your cake and eat it too, let alone getting one of these two magical powers, it's like smoke rising from the tomb of your family."

Qu Jinghong smiled nonchalantly and said, "This girl is just enjoying her mouth."

Then Qu Jinghong changed the topic again: "But with Brother Wang's potential, if you are determined in the future, let alone find the great magical power to transform the three pure things with one breath, after all, the creator Li Dan has disappeared long ago."

"At least the Buddhist great supernatural power Zhang Er Golden Body has a chance, because the Buddhist inheritance has its origin. As long as Brother Wang is willing, I believe he can find clues."

"Of course, whether you can succeed in the end depends on Brother Wang's ability."

Wang Le chuckled and did not respond to this topic. He directly kicked Wangcai in front and said, "Let's go!"

Wangcai suddenly became excited and immediately took his short legs and walked along the gravel path, crossed the yard and rushed to the main house opposite.

After finishing the conversation, Wang Le and Qu Jinghong followed behind, walking carefully along the gravel path, fearing that another gust of wind would blow out of the fork.

Fortunately, nothing happened, and the two men and the beast quickly crossed the yard and came to the corridor under the eaves.

Before Wang Le could step forward and push open the door of the house, he saw Wangcai leaning on the door first and then pushing it open with all his strength.

With a dry "squeaking" sound, the heavy-looking door slowly opened, and the gap exposed became wider and wider.

What came into view next was the normal furnishings of tables and chairs. Although they were antique and full of age, they were not shabby.

Wang Le and Qu Jinghong followed Wang Cai across the threshold and walked into the house.

Qu Jinghong glanced around at the spotless living room with simple furnishings, and couldn't help but say, "I see there's nothing in here!"

Wang Le tightened his lips and did not respond, while his eyes were fixed on Wangcai.

After all, Dewangcai has the final say as to whether there are good things here.

Seeing this, Qu Jinghong seemed to understand what Wangcai meant, and then he stopped talking and directly focused his attention on Wangcai.

As for the two rooms other than the living room, Qu Jinghong had no intention of searching them.

After all, from the beginning to now, she, Qu Jinghong, would have achieved nothing if she had acted alone.

The good things in the storage ring now were all given to her by Wang Le.

After all, Qu Jinghong was very pessimistic about his luck and had no confidence at all.

Instead of wasting time and energy, it is better to follow Wang Le and Wangcai obediently.

At this time, Wang Le, who was standing quietly with his hands behind his back, saw that Wangcai was directly ignoring the tables and chairs in the living room, and couldn't help but murmured to himself with regret: "I thought these tables and chairs were also made of Donghai Fuso wood. What a pity."

"Uh!" Qu Jinghong, who was standing next to him, immediately rolled his eyes and exclaimed angrily: "You think Donghai Fuso wood is a rotten wood that you can just pick up!"

Wang Le chuckled and was about to reply when he saw that Wangcai had already searched the living room and rushed directly into the room next to him.

Immediately, Wang Le didn't care to say anything, and left the place in a flash, following behind him into the room.

When Wang Le and Qu Jinghong walked in, they saw that the walls and even the floor of the empty room were covered with all kinds of strange and mysterious runes, which was dazzling.

But right in the middle of the runes that were everywhere, there was a blank space with a straw futon placed on it.

At this moment, he saw a milky white bracelet placed on top of the light yellow straw futon.

Before Wang Le and Qu Jinghong made any move and were still looking at the mysterious runes in the room, they saw Wangcai kicking up his short legs to enter the area covered with mysterious runes.

As a result, as soon as Wangcai's left front leg stepped into this area, one of the runes suddenly burst out with bright light, and Wangcai bounced directly up.

With a muffled "bang" sound, the bouncing Wangcai fell directly back to Wang Le.

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