He Has a Dragon

Chapter 3044: High mountains and long rivers

Without being able to fight against the three great monks of the Fusion Realm, they could only continue to hide their traces.

This made Wang Le sigh and said: "I just finished my stomach and settled down, and now I have to worry about avoiding the pursuit of those three old men again. I am really unwilling to do so!"

At this moment, Wang Le, who was full of resentment, completely hated these three guys, Shen Qianfeng, Wu Zhongyuan and Li Song.

Qu Jinghong and Ou Yang, who were standing on the side, could clearly feel the murderous intent emanating from Wang Le!

Deep in his heart, Qu Jinghong couldn't help but mourn for his senior brother.

After all, I have been with Wang Le for a while now, so I naturally know that the other person is serious about killing and will retaliate.

As long as Shen Qianfeng doesn't kill Wang Le this time, he won't be able to live in peace for years to come, and there will be retribution sooner or later.

Just as Qu Jinghong was thinking about it, Wang Le couldn't help but smile when he saw Ou Yang hesitate to speak, and said: "It's time now, brother Ou Yang, just say whatever you want, there's no need to hide it. "

Ou Yang said in a deep voice with worry on his face: "I'm not doubting Brother Wang's invisibility. After all, we relied on it to avoid the pursuit of the three great monks of the Fusion Realm along the way. They fled into Liangdu City."

After a pause, Ouyang changed the subject again, and further said meaningfully: "But it is outside after all, and at this moment you and I are already in Liangdu City, so anything is possible."

A strange color flashed in Wang Le's eyes, and he understood immediately. He couldn't help but frown, and asked: "Brother Ouyang means that in Liangdu City, my invisibility may not be able to escape those three old thieves." track?"

Before Ouyang could respond, Wang Le asked and answered with a stunned look on his face: "Yes, I have ignored the existence of the city defense formation."

"This is Liangdu City, and its city defense formation must be very tight. It's far beyond what we can predict."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qu Jinghong said solemnly: "If Ouyang hadn't reminded me, I would have forgotten the power of the city defense formation."

"What's more, it's the city defense formation in Liangdu City. The power of it is far beyond your imagination."

Speaking of this, Qu Jinghong couldn't help but continue: "Although Brother Wang, your invisibility technique is extraordinary and is the only one I have seen in my life, the defensive formation of Liangdu City was left by countless sages and powerful men, including many Mahayana monks. !”

"Uh!" Wang Le's mouth twitched slightly,

Although he was very confident in his Dragon Hidden Superpower, he was limited by his own cultivation and facing the Mahayana monks staying in the formation, everything was hard to say.

At this moment, Wang Le couldn't help but feel guilty.

Then Wang Le looked at Qu Jinghong and Ou Yang and asked, "Do you think Guan Hanshan, the lord of Liangdu City, will join forces with Shen Qianfeng and others to deal with us?"

Ouyang responded uncertainly: "Probably not. This is a place where fighting is prohibited in Liangdu City. Even if there is a conflict and violence is required, you can only go to the designated arena."

Qu Jinghong followed with a disapproving look on his face: "Fighting is prohibited, it depends on the person."

"If his cultivation status is high enough, even if he breaks the rules of Liangdu City, Guan Hanshan can only turn a blind eye, even if nothing happened."

Having said this, Qu Jinghong couldn't help but look worried, and continued: "Although Senior Brother Shen and the three of them are not enough to make Guan Hanshan swallow his anger, in the face of enough interests, anything is possible."

"Once Guan Hanshan is roped in by Senior Brother Shen and others, even if we become invisible, we will most likely be unable to hide under the search of the city defense formation."

Before Qu Jinghong could continue speaking, Wang Le had already stood up and left the table, smiling bitterly and saying, "I don't expect Guan Hanshan to really abide by the rules and not allow Shen Qianfeng and the others to attack us in Liangdu City."

“Without further ado, it’s best to leave here quickly!”

Then Wang Le looked at Ouyang and said: "There is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever. Brother Ouyang, you and I should part ways here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ouyang said quickly: "How can that be done! I can't let you, brother Wang, bear the risk alone. You should work together to help each other. At the worst, it will cost you your life."

Wang Le smiled and shook his head and said: "I promised Brother Ouyang that I would send you to Liangdu City. Now that you are here, you can live there with peace of mind!"

Then Wang Le continued: "Don't worry those three old thieves will find you. Their target is me, Wang Le."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qu Jinghong interrupted: "And me. Senior Brother Shen wants what I have, so naturally he won't let this girl go."

"So Wang Le, please don't throw me away. At least until it's completely safe, I will stay with you no matter what."

"Because only in this way can we get a chance of survival from Senior Brother Shen's pursuit!"

Wang Le glanced at Qu Jinghong and knew that the thing he was talking about was Donghai Fuso wood, but he just didn't want to say it so clearly in front of Ou Yang.

After all, wealth is not revealed, and with this legendary treasure in hand, of course the less people know about it, the better.

As his mind wandered, Wang Le nodded and said: "After these days of observation, the methods they used on me will disappear completely in five to seven days."

"When the tracking marks they put on me are gone, I will naturally be able to get rid of this pursuit. Then Qu Jinghong can go back to the Great Light Sect with peace of mind."

Qu Jinghong nodded without any doubt and said: "Okay, once we get rid of Senior Brother Shen and others' pursuit, I will leave on my own."

No need for Wang Le to say anything, Qu Jinghong also knew that the other party didn't want her to know her true destination.

After it was agreed, Ouyang did not insist anymore, but made a very respectful bow to Wang Le, and said with a hint of sobs: "I can't thank you enough for your kindness. If it weren't for your care all the way, Brother Wang, I, Ouyang, have no chance of coming from Shuntian City to Liangdu City!"

"The road ahead will be steep and the rivers will be long. I can only wish Brother Wang to find the right path as soon as possible and conquer the present generation!"

Wang Le chuckled and said, "Then I'll borrow Brother Ouyang's good advice."

Just like that, just as the three of them were about to leave the inn and find a safe place to go their separate ways, Wang Le's expression suddenly changed, and he instantly felt two extremely familiar fusion realm consciousnesses sweeping towards the inn!

At this moment, Wang Le grabbed Qu Jinghong and Ou Yang and disappeared into the inn room without hesitation.

And in the next breath, Wu Zhongyuan and Li Song appeared in the room.

Its speed is jaw-dropping.

This means that Wang Le has keen intuition and quick reaction speed. Otherwise, the three of them would be stuck in the inn by Wu Zhongyuan and Li Song and unable to get out.

( = )

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