He Has a Dragon

Chapter 3056 Purple Gold Dragon

The moment Liu Shiyong saluted and raised his head, the old monk in red, who had his back to everyone, had turned around.

After Wang Le reacted, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and he thought to himself: "It seems that this old bald donkey has a lot of abilities!"

There was no way, Wang Le was just a mortal now, not a peerless monster with incredible cultivation. Of course, he couldn't see how Master Hunyun turned around.

Although his cultivation level is not there, Wang Le still has at least some sharp eyesight.

Naturally, it can be seen that Master Hunyun's strength is extraordinary.

"After all these years, how has Donor Liu been doing?"

Master Hunyun, whose face was wrinkled and without any color at all, looked at Liu Shiyong with a gentle face and greeted Liu Shiyong softly.

Liu Shiyong quickly replied respectfully: "Thanks to Master Hongfu, the Liu family has been peaceful and peaceful these years."

Master Hunyun smiled, his eyes naturally fell on Wang Le who was standing next to Liu Shiyong, and asked: "Is this Yuhua's son?"

At this moment, Liu Shiyong could not help but show a hint of sadness, and then nodded and replied: "It is the bloodline left by Quan Zi."

Master Hunyun took a deep look at Wang Le, and then sighed softly: "Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye it has been more than ten years!"

Liu Shiyong was speechless and did not echo him. The sadness in his eyes became more intense.

Just as the atmosphere in the room became increasingly heavy, Master Hunyun broke the silence, looked at Liu Shiyong and Wang Le, and said slowly: "Back then, Yuhua died in the battle for our Jokhang Temple. After that, his son followed the poor people." Practice beside the monk!"

"Ah?" Liu Shiyong was surprised at first, then the sadness on his face disappeared, and was instantly replaced by a look of ecstasy!

The middle-aged monk on the side looked even more surprised, and looked at Wang Le with envy in his eyes.

At this time, Liu Shiyong quickly pulled Wang Le next to him to kneel down, and at the same time ordered: "My grandson, hurry up and kneel down to worship the master!"

Wang Le slapped the snake on the stick with a wink, then immediately knelt on the ground and knelt before Master Hunyun and said, "Disciple has met Master!"

Master Hunyun chuckled and looked at Wang Le, who was kneeling on the ground, and said, "He is quite clever. He is worthy of being the last disciple accepted by this poor monk."

"The last disciple?" The grandfather, grandson, and the middle-aged monk all looked surprised at the same time.

As the name suggests, the last disciple is the closed disciple.

What does this mean? As a martial artist, I naturally understand the weight of it.

"Get up!" Master Hunyun said with a smile to Wang Le, who was kneeling on the ground.

Wang Le rose in response without any hesitation.

At this time, the middle-aged monk who had been silent took out a wooden bead bracelet and handed it to Wang Le with a smile on his face: "Little brother, this is a meeting gift from my senior brother."

"Uh!" Wang Le was stunned and couldn't help but look at Liu Shiyong next to him and Master Hunyun opposite.

Master Hunyun said with a gentle smile on his face: "Just accept the bracelet that Third Senior Brother gave you!"

Seeing that Master Hunyun had spoken, Wang Le was not polite. He took the gift bracelet from the middle-aged monk and said, "Thank you, Third Senior Brother."

Then Wang Le took a look at the storage bracelet and thought to himself: "The material is a bit strange. It is not the same as the storage rings in the real world. It's a pity that I haven't cultivated my spiritual consciousness yet."

Just when Wang Le was comparing, Liu Shiyong said to the middle-aged monk sincerely: "From now on, I will ask my senior brother to take care of my worthless grandson."

The middle-aged monk smiled and said, "This is what it should be."

After the two of them exchanged a few polite words, Master Hunyun said to Wang Le with a kind face: "When you get tonsured tomorrow, I will give you a dharma name. Today, I will let senior brother Hengqu take you to familiarize yourself with the environment of the temple. By the way, Make arrangements for accommodation.”

After a pause, Master Hunyun said to Liu Shiyong again: "Donor Liu, please stay here. I have something to say to you."

Liu Shiyong nodded in agreement, and then said to Wang Le next to him: "Follow your senior brother down first, and grandpa will go find you later."

At this time, the third senior brother Hengqu smiled and said to Wang Le: "Little junior brother, follow me."

Wang Le hummed, then saluted Master Hunyun, and then followed Hengqu out of the house.

Next, Hengqu took Wang Le to a row of houses next to the Zen Yuan and arranged him in the fifth single room.

"Junior brother, this is where you will live in the future." Hengqu said to Wang Le.

Wang Le looked around at this small house, which was at most twenty square meters. Apart from a simple bed, table and chairs, there was nothing else.

"I live in the first house in this row." Hengqu continued.

Before Wang Le could say anything, Hengqu added: "Don't read it now. Senior brother will take you to walk around the temple and familiarize yourself with the area used for morning classes and meals."

Wang Le quickly nodded in agreement, then followed Hengqu obediently out of the room, and then walked along a gravel path into the bamboo forest on the side.

When Wang Le entered the bamboo forest, he shuddered involuntarily and had goosebumps on his neck. He felt like there was a cold wind here.

"Let me go, this is a place where the Buddha's light shines. Why is there such a ghost place?"

Wang Le couldn't help but thought silently and vigilantly.

Hengqu in front seemed to have seen through Wang Le's inner activities. He kept turning around and saying with a smile: "When the master was wandering outside, he once captured a rare ghost beast. Now it is suppressed under this bamboo forest."

"Ghost beast?" Wang Le suddenly felt confused and at the same time couldn't help showing doubts.

Hengqu saw the confusion and curiosity in Wang Le's eyes, but he didn't explain. He smiled and continued walking outside the bamboo forest.

After a while, when all doubts were gone, Wang Le followed Hengqu out of the bamboo forest. As the sun set, his originally peaceful heart suddenly became alarmed.

At this time, Hengqu, who was walking in front, became even more expressionless and shouted anxiously: "Be careful..."

At this moment, Wang Le looked up and saw a giant purple-gold dragon that was so long that its tail could not be seen in the sun, lying in the sky. The huge dragon head was extremely ferocious, looking down at the Jokhang Temple.

When the eyes of Wang Le and the purple gold dragon collided in the void, there was a "boom" deep in the mind.

At this moment, the aura exuded by the purple-gold dragon was extremely terrifying, as if just one breath could make the whole world vanish into thin air.

But Wang Le has no fear, he just feels that he is the purple gold dragon, and the purple gold dragon is him!

"How is this going?"

Wang Le, whose expression changed drastically, couldn't help but thought in his heart.

At this moment, Wang Le couldn't help but complain about what the hell was going on in the illusory world created by the invasion of external demons.

It seems to be different from the script he imagined. Is this the rhythm of the restless routine?

"Aren't you going to wait for me to achieve mastery in martial arts, then break the void and leave the fantasy world?"

Wang Le thought to himself with a gloomy expression.

At this moment, Wang Le felt that everything was out of his control!

"Nah, are you going to let this foreign monster invade and let yourself go?"

Wang Le couldn't help but complained crazily in his heart.

( = )

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