He Has a Dragon

Chapter 3100: Good luck but not work

Chapter 3100 Good luck but no work

Although practicing One Qi to Transform Three Pure Ones requires the development of dark orifices like other martial arts techniques, the number of dark orifices that need to be opened to transform One Qi into Three Pure Ones is far beyond what can be compared with techniques such as the Diamond Glaze Shield or even the Nine Transformations of Heavenly Silkworms. .

It can be said that the total number of dark orifices that Wang Le has developed before is not as many as the number of dark orifices that need to be opened to transform into three pure beings.

According to the profound meaning of one qi transforming into three pure states, the most basic introduction is to open up the three dark orifices in the brain.

But if you want to continue to practice deeply, you will need to develop more and more secret orifices.

According to Li Dan's core concept of Tao: One life, two, two, three, and three give rise to all things. In the future, every time the power of one qi transforms into three pure things is increased, a new dark orifice will be opened.

To be more precise, every time you develop a distraction, you must open up a dark orifice.

To use a relatively simple metaphor, every dark orifice that is developed is a dojo where distractions reside.

They will practice and improve in their respective dojos, waiting for the call of the deity.

It is also a great magical power to open up the dark aperture and transform the three pure beings in one breath, but the Nine Transformations of the Vajra Glaze Covered Sky Silkworm is far inferior in comparison.

The key reason is that in the process of the former opening up the dark orifice, it is not just a matter of simply opening it up and then being done.

If this opened up dark hole is a dojo where distractions reside, then this dojo needs to be built and maintained carefully.

To put it simply, when I first practiced the Vajra Glazed Cover and other techniques, the dark orifice that I developed was just a rough room with a small area.

To practice the great supernatural power and transform the three pure things with one breath, the dark orifice that needs to be opened up is a super luxurious villa. It must not only be magnificent, but also large in area, so that the distracting spirit can live in it like a fish in water.

If it was just a matter of simply opening up the secret hole, it wouldn't be too easy for Wang Le.

After all, he has developed many secret tricks before this, and it can be said that he is familiar with them due to his rich experience.

But this time, it is not that simple to open up the dark orifice required to convert one qi into three pure things.

No way, it used to be easy to just work as a bricklayer to build a rough house, but now you not only have to be a bricklayer, you also have to do decoration.


This is going to get very complicated, not something that can be done in one or two clicks.

For Wang Le, it is extremely challenging.

All in all, the most important thing at the moment is to open up the three secret apertures that are the beginning of practicing One Qi Transformation into Three Purities!

The next step is to deal with the life and death crisis facing the Qingjing Sect. Wang Le only needs to open up a secret aperture.

As long as he opens up the first dark hole, Wang Le can reluctantly use one qi to transform the three pure things.

Although he can only cultivate one distraction, it is completely enough to open the Qingjing Sect's mountain-protecting formation.

After all, one qi transforming into three pure beings is just an introduction to fully opening the mountain-protecting formation.

Of course, before Burying Cloud Valley attacks the Qingjing Sect, it would be the best thing if more secret apertures could be opened up.

However, Wang Le is self-aware of this. It is difficult to open up two dark apertures in a short period of time, let alone three.

According to the contents recorded in the white jade bed, it took Li Dan almost twenty years to develop these three secret orifices.

Although I and Li Dan were the first to try something new, and they need to constantly try and summarize in the process of cultivation, it still takes too much time.

Of course, this is just slow in the eyes of Wang Le, who has always practiced very quickly.

If it were anyone else, they would definitely think that Li Dan's cultivation speed is terrifying.

"No matter what, let's go all out to open up the first dark orifice first, and we'll talk about the remaining dark orifices later!"

Wang Le couldn't help but think silently in his heart.

Through these days of study and preparation on the mysteries of One Qi Transformation into Three Pure Ones, Wang Le is confident that he will be able to open up the first dark orifice in a short period of time.

As for the remaining two secret holes, because the conditions for opening them were more stringent, Wang Le didn't have much confidence and could only act according to circumstances.

Next, Wang Le put away his chaotic thoughts and began to use the purple gold mana in his Dantian to rush straight to his brain along his meridians.

Wang Le had already found the acupuncture point called Lingyu Dark Aperture, and soon flooded the acupoint with the power of purple gold.

In an instant, a steady stream of purple gold magic power began to continuously hit Lingyu's dark orifice like a sea tide.

Because he had extensive experience in opening up dark orifices, Wang Le also knew that he could not eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he did not attack the dark orifices of Lingyu with any urgency or ferocity.

The sea tide formed by the purple gold mana is not fierce when it rushes towards the dark orifice of Lingyu. It has a rather ingenious and unworkable charm.

The main purpose of doing this is to loosen the door of Lingyu's dark orifice.

After Zijin's mana was struck again and again to achieve the loosening effect, Lingyu's dark orifice was also allowed to adapt to such impacts, and then another high-intensity violent impact was carried out.

From slow to fast, step by step to open up the dark orifices of Lingyu, this is Wang Le's strategy.

Because this time the exploration of the secret orifice of the mangling fish was different from the past.

In the past, it was only necessary to open up the dark orifice and open it up, but this time it was necessary to further open up the dark orifice to have a larger space.

Fortunately, it is just the first secret hole that needs to be developed in the beginning. Compared with the secret holes that need to be opened later, it is relatively simple and easy.

Otherwise, Wang Le didn't think that he would be able to gain access to such a magical power as One Qi Transformation into Three Purities before he attacked Qingjing Sect in Burying Cloud Valley.

This made Wang Le, who had the magical power of the demon race, have to complain that the great magical power of the human race was simply not something that humans could cultivate.

After all, it is too easy to learn the innate magical powers of the demon clan.

To be more precise, there is no difficulty at all. The innate ability of Zhu Jiuyin to swallow the heaven and the earth was obtained by chance, not to mention any cultivation.

Of course, the risks involved were a narrow escape, and Wang Le was terrified just thinking about it now.

Getting back to the subject, the following days were uneventful, and Wang Le concentrated on exploring the secret orifice of the Lingyu.

The purple gold mana in Dantian was greatly consumed by constantly opening up the dark orifice, so Wang Le could only temporarily take out the remaining spiritual stones in the Dharma Eye space to replenish it.

There is no way around it. The amount of dark orifices required to develop such a great magical power as turning one qi into three pure beings far exceeds the cost of developing ordinary dark orifices.

This process not only consumes the mana in the body, but also consumes a lot of Wang Le's spiritual consciousness.

Because opening up a dark orifice is a delicate job, it's like doing a dojo in a screw shell. You must concentrate on it without any distractions.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, the consequences will be so serious that we simply cannot afford it.

At worst, he could suffer a brain injury and become a fool; at worst, he could lose his life.

In such a high-intensity practice, the body and mind must be unified. Wang Le is careful every step and does not dare to relax in any way.

Fortunately, Wang Le's magic power and spiritual consciousness are extremely powerful, far superior to those of ordinary monks. Otherwise, he would not be qualified at all if he wanted to practice the practice of converting one qi into three pure beings and opening up the dark orifice.

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