He Has a Dragon

Chapter 3142 Remembering an old friend

According to Ouyang's introduction, these four levels are for rent to the outside world. As long as you have enough spirit stones, you can live in them.

In addition to these four levels, there are nine top caves that are not available for rent.

Even if you have a lot of spiritual stones in your pocket, you can't rent these nine caves on the top of the mountain.

To put it simply, if you want to live in the top cave, you must have the qualifications.

At least you have to be a great monk in the Fusion Realm.

This is just the most basic. If you don’t have a recommendation from someone of considerable status, you may not be able to live in it.

Of course, if you are a top-notch Fusion Realm monk and want to live in such a top-notch cave, you don’t need anyone to recommend you.

And the premise of all this is, of course, that the nine top caves are still vacant.

If the quota is full, then I'm sorry, unless someone among the monks living in these nine caves can take the initiative to let them out.

Young Master Wang originally wanted to live in the best cave, but after Ouyang's introduction, he immediately stopped thinking about it.

But he can still afford to live in a cave with twenty thousand mid-grade spiritual stones a month.

Then Wang Le said to Ouyang: "Then give me a cave with 20,000 medium-grade spiritual stones!"

Ouyang's eyes lit up and he immediately realized that he was a rich man in front of him.

If the leasing deal is reached today, he can get a lot of spiritual stone commission.

"These vacant caves can be chosen by fellow Taoists at will!"

Ouyang pointed to the vacant caves on the sand table with green dots that were close to the mountain peaks and said to Wang Le with great enthusiasm.

Wang Le did not choose directly, but casually threw ten middle-grade spiritual stones to Ouyang and said, "I don't know what friends would recommend?"

As for Young Master Wang, all 20,000 middle-grade spiritual stones have gone out, and he doesn't care about these ten middle-grade spiritual stones.

Anyway, I have a dark eye on these caves in Luolong Mountain, so I might as well let Ouyang, who is well versed in this matter, choose for me.

And Wang Le also believed that with Ouyang's temperament, he would not randomly recommend Dongfu to himself after receiving the benefits.

After all, when the two first started dealing with each other two years ago, Mr. Wang used the spirit stone to clear the way.

Now it's just a repeat of the same old tricks.

Ouyang saw the middle-aged wealthy man in front of him casually giving him ten pieces of middle-grade spiritual stones. While his face showed joy, he was also secretly surprised.

It's not like he didn't receive any benefits from working here, but he had never received ten middle-grade spiritual stones.

What's more, the other party is just a Nascent Soul monk with a similar cultivation level to himself, which is really strange.

This made Ouyang, who received the spirit stone, couldn't help feeling and said: "Fellow Taoist is so generous. It reminds me of an old friend I once met in Shuntian City."

"He is just like you, generous and generous, and a born leader. He is extremely admirable!"

Wang Le raised his eyebrows.

He vaguely guessed that the other person was talking about him, so he couldn't help but wink in a bit of mischief and said with a smile: "As long as you have enough spiritual stones in your pocket, you will be admired!"

"Uh!" Ouyang's mouth twitched and he didn't know how to answer, so he could only smile awkwardly.

At this time, Wang Le took the initiative to change the topic and said: "I heard that an ancient tomb with taboos has been opened outside Liangdu City recently. In addition, a group of merchants in Liangdu City, headed by Duobao Ke, are planning to jointly hold an auction. "

"This Liangdu City must be very lively, right? I just don't know how many big shots will come here?"

Ouyang had received such a big benefit, and now he heard Wang Le's inquiry, and of course he was very sensible and had something to say.

He is not so naive that just recommending a good cave is worth ten middle-grade spiritual stones.

The Nascent Soul Realm rich man in front of him must have other needs.

Then Ou Yang smiled and said: "The auction conference in previous years was already lively enough, but the people it attracted were at most only great monks in the Fusion Realm, and there were only a handful of them."

"But this time, because of the taboo, the entrance to the ancient tomb actually appeared outside Liangdu City. Not only did the top monks in Liangzhou move, but top figures from other places in Middle-earth also swarmed in."

"Not to mention the large number of great Fusion Realm monks who have come, even the old monster of Xu Lian who is rarely born has entered Liangdu City either overtly or covertly!"

At this point, Ouyang continued softly with a mysterious face: "Let's just say that most of the nine top caves on the top of the mountain were vacant in previous years, but now they are all full."

"Oh?" Wang Le's eyes flashed, and then he asked: "Is there any old monster from Lianxu staying here?"

Ouyang chuckled, shook his head, and replied in a low voice: "I'm just a handyman. The important people staying in the nine caves are all arranged by the city lord himself."

Then Ouyang changed the subject and said: "But as far as I know, at least three old monsters of Void Refining have already stayed in the nine caves!"

After a pause, Ouyang couldn't help but said further with awe on his face: "Three of them have appeared on the surface, but secretly there are still many Void Refining old monsters who have sneaked into Liangdu City without anyone knowing!"

At this point, Ouyang suddenly changed the topic, looked at Wang Le and asked seriously: "When you inquire about such news, you are not asking to explore the forbidden ancient tomb, are you?"

Without waiting for Wang Le's response, Ouyang advised: "I would like to sincerely tell you that fellow Taoists must not have such thoughts."

"That's a place that eats people without spitting out their bones. Not to mention that countless big shots will go in, but the traps inside the ancient tomb alone are extremely dangerous!"

Of course Wang Le knew that the other party was sincerely trying to persuade him, so he smiled and replied: "I know this, so I naturally stay away from the taboo ancient tomb."

"My next goal is the auction conference in a month. I hope there will be a good harvest by then."

Ouyang suddenly smiled and said: "That's good, Ouyang, I am familiar with the things in Liangdu City. If there is anything needed, fellow Taoist, just ask."

Wang Le smiled and nodded, and introduced himself: "I'm Lin Dong. In the coming days, I need Brother Ouyang's help to pay attention to the news about the auction conference."

Ouyang agreed without hesitation, and without any further nonsense, he pointed directly at one of the green spots on the sand table to the southeast of Luolong Mountain, and said with a smile: "As far as the currently vacant caves are concerned, this one has the best environment. That’s right, fellow Taoists can stay here.”

Wang Le nodded without hesitation: "Okay, then this is it. I'll rent it for a month first!"

After that, the two of them did not delay. After Ouyang drafted the agreement, Wang Le paid 21,000 medium-grade spiritual stones to register, and finally got the key to this cave, an equilateral hexagon covered with Beautifully patterned silver metal token.

After finishing all this, Ouyang called his colleagues who were resting on the second floor to come down and look at the counter, and then took Wang Le to the cave on Luolong Mountain...

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