He Has a Dragon

Chapter 3207 5 lines of prison

If he could do it all over again, Wang Le vowed not to seek the blood of this Qilin bloodline descendant again!

This heartbreaking pain was as if fire was scorching every inch of his skin, bones, and soul!

It was as if there was invisible tape sealing his mouth, nose and even lungs, preventing him from breathing air.

This feeling of suffocation made him so painful that he went crazy and even despaired!

The scar was so healed that the pain was forgotten, and the shadow of swallowing the blood of Zhu Jiujiu on the Buried Emperor Star once again shrouded his heart.

This made Wang Le feel that seconds seemed like years!

But there was no way to alleviate the pain, except to get through it.

Wang Le would rather experience the thunder tribulation of immortality again than experience the pain caused by devouring blood essence.

And in this moment of suffering, the entire space was smashed to pieces by Wang Le!

If Qu Jinghong and Uncle Wu were still present at this time, they would definitely be frightened by Wang Le who was covered in blood.

Wang Le, who had always been hiding his true face, passively restored his original appearance in this situation.

As time passed bit by bit, the unspeakable pain had numbed Wang Le's nerves.

Until then, Wang Le also vaguely felt that his physical body had changed again.

Especially the meridians and blood in the body are the most obvious!

Although the blood in the body has long since transformed into purple gold, it has always been flowing on the surface and has not achieved a complete qualitative change!

But this time, the blood flowing in the body finally experienced a qualitative change as it was devoured by the essence and blood of the descendants of the Kirin bloodline.

The entire blood began to turn into a dazzling purple-gold color from the outside to the inside, even exuding an invisible pressure, but it was different from the pressure generated by the bloodline suppression unique to the demon clan!

As for the various reasons, Wang Le, who was already numb and his brain had stopped functioning, had no energy to think about it.

What's more, even if you have the brains to think about this, you will get nothing!

After all, in this world, he is the only one who can devour the bloodline of the top beasts of the demon clan and obtain the opponent's innate magical powers from it, and there is no other one!

If you swallow the essence and blood of the top beast of the demon clan, it would be so easy to obtain the innate magical power of your clan.

And it’s just the essence and blood of bloodline descendants.

Then the demon clan in Middle-earth and even the entire Eternal Star have long been killed by the human race.

It is precisely because of this method that is beyond everyone's imagination that Qu Jinghong and Uncle Wu, who have seen the magical power of swallowing the sky and devouring the earth, have never been sure that this is the innate magical power of the demon clan!

After all, from ancient times to the present, there has never been a monk who could break the ethnic barrier and practice and display the unique innate magical powers of the demon clan!

At this moment, not only is the essence and blood in the body undergoing a complete qualitative transformation, but the meridians are also slowly widening and becoming tougher!

You must know that this kind of situation often only occurs in the process of improving a large realm. There will be no broadening of meridians in small realms like that.

And this means that Wang Le's combat power has been further improved!

To be more precise, the original cross-border war capabilities have become even more powerful!

If he wanted to fight cross-border in the Void Refining Realm at the early stage of the Fusion Realm, it would be impossible to win. At least he would have hope in the middle stage of the Fusion Realm!

And after the meridians transform and become stronger this time, Wang Le will definitely have the terrifying combat power to fight across borders and win in the Void Refining Realm!

Although there was such a big gain, Wang Le, who was suffering, couldn't be happy at all.

If his willpower hadn't been tempered countless times on the verge of life and death,

He has long been unable to withstand the pain caused by the transformation of essence and blood, so it would be easy to bite his tongue and kill himself.

It was with the last bit of clarity between the coffin and the altar that Wang Le gritted his teeth and held on!


Deep in Wang Le's mind, as well as deep in the Dantian of his body, there was a "boom" explosion at the same time!

Suddenly, Wang Le, who had been punching everywhere in the space to vent his pain, froze up and stood motionless like a statue.

At this moment, Wang Le looked inside his dantian and saw a blurry unicorn shadow living in the void of his dantian.

And at the moment when the unicorn shadow appeared, the real dragon and Zhu Jiuyin, which had been engraved on the golden elixir in the dantian, seemed to be touched, and then they turned into phantoms and appeared in the void in the dantian.

The moment the shadows of the three top ancient beasts appeared together in Dantian, Wang Le seemed to hear the roars and roars of traditional time and space and time!

That was the roar from the true dragon who defeated all illusions in the world and saw the true nature!

That is the joyful roar from Zhu Jiuyin traveling around the universe!

That is the roar of the unicorn that suppresses heaven and earth, and I am invincible!

At this moment, the time is very short, just in the blink of an eye, but it seems like tens of millions of years have passed.

In this roaring roar, Wang Le seemed to have an incomparable connection with the three phantoms of ancient beasts in his dantian.

There is me in you, you in me, you are me, I am you, it seems to be a community of destiny!

Wang Le felt that with just a thought, he could transform into a real dragon, Zhu Jiuyin, or even a unicorn!

At the same time, Wang Lefu finally received the innate magical power from his bloodline!

"Prison of the Five Elements!" the groggy Wang Le muttered to himself.

There is no doubt that this Five Elements Prison is the innate magical power of the Qilin Beast!

As for the specific effect, it is unclear.

Unlike in the process of obtaining Zhu Jiuyin's talent of swallowing the sky and devouring the earth, Wang Le saw Zhu Jiuyin's last battle from the opponent's essence and blood.

The magical power of swallowing the sky and the earth is so powerful that it seems to be able to destroy the entire starry sky!

In front of the real master, Wang Le's technique of Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth was simply childish.

After all, the essence and blood swallowed this time did not come from Qilin himself.

So if you want to know the power of the Five Elements Prison, you can only wait until you fight the enemy.

He didn't know how to say it, but maybe it was the connection between his blood lines. Wang Le vaguely felt that the ancient divine beast Qilin had not fallen.

This made Wang Le startled, and what followed was strong curiosity.

You know, whether it is the real dragon or Zhu Jiuyin, Wang Le can clearly feel that they have fallen long ago.

As for the Zhu Jiuyin projection produced when using Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth, most likely it was left behind during his lifetime.

For a truly top being like Zhu Jiuyin, it is normal for his power to remain after death.

In this way, when Wang Le digested the essence and blood from the center of his eyebrows and the blood vessels of his physical body were transformed, the pain he suffered began to lessen.

It took more than an hour before Wang Le truly climbed out of the sea of ​​suffering. .

At this time, Wang Le was so exhausted that he didn't even have the strength to stand up. He simply collapsed on the ground, his eyes becoming blurry.

At this moment, he didn't think about anything but just lay here and rest!

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