He Has a Dragon

Chapter 3225 Mount Mount

There are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames.

This taboo existence is called Duobao Zhenren, so the chance treasures in the space are naturally indispensable.

Although Wang Le has gained a lot along the way, many of them have the innate magical power of the Qilin beast - the Five Elements Prison.

But in Wang Le's eyes, until now, the feeling given to him by the treasures here is still relatively small. I'm sorry for the title Duobao Zhenren.

As for the Five Elements Prison, it was obtained from the descendants of the Kirin bloodline by swallowing blood essence, and has no direct relationship with Zhenren Duobao.

So strictly speaking, Wang Le is still a little disappointed with this taboo existence so far.

Whether he can be satisfied next depends on the final battle deep in this space.

Duobao Zhenren's universe in his sleeves and his Taoist companion Caixia Fairy's colorful aura, these two magical powers are Wang Le's must-haves during this trip.

But the hope of acquiring these two magical powers is somewhat slim.

Even though Wang Le can now cross the border to fight against those old monsters refining the void, he clearly realizes that this is of little use.

Because the biggest enemies who compete with him to seize these two magical powers are not the old monsters of Void Refining, but the elusive Mahayana monks.

Until now, apart from the fact that Jiang Xun, a Mahayana monk from Yue Xian Sect, has entered the space, including Wang Le, there is no way to confirm how many Mahayana monks have followed everyone into this forbidden space.

Wang Le's only reliance and confidence is that he has always had good luck in fighting for opportunities.

Ever since he embarked on the path of cultivation, he has never failed to win those opportunities as long as he wanted to.

Now Wang Le only hopes that this time will be no exception.

Even if you fail, there is nothing to be disappointed about.

Because he has obtained the innate power of the Qilin Divine Beast, the Five Elements Prison, at least this trip to the forbidden space will not lead to nothing!

Two days later, when Wang Le and the others finally walked out of Linhai after a long journey, the scenery in front of them took on a completely new look.

At the end of the vast plain, there are faintly visible mountains.

"Huh!" Qu Jinghong let out a long breath, and his whole body immediately relaxed. He looked back with lingering fear at the boundless forest sea that seemed to be swallowing him up.

"When we go out, we can bypass this forest and switch to another route."

Qu Jinghong said in a solemn tone

Manager Wu nodded in agreement, then glanced at Wang Cai, who was squatting next to Wang Le and not running far away, and agreed: "Although I didn't encounter any danger, every step I took inside seemed to be in danger. On the edge of the predicted abyss.”

"My intuition tells me that if I'm not careful, I will definitely make a mistake and lose my life!"

"If Wangcai hadn't been leading the way for everyone, it would have been unknown whether the three of us could have walked out of this forest safely!"

Wang Le looked at Lin Hai behind him with rare vigilance and fear.

He had naturally been aware of the danger that Qu Jinghong and Manager Wu felt.

So these days in the depths of the forest, his nerves have been tense and he never dared to relax.

These days, if Wang Cai had not had the talent to seek good fortune and avoid evil, Wang Le and the three of them would definitely have stepped on thunder in the depths of the forest.

Because several times, Wang Le could smell danger from the dank air.

Another time, I even discovered the corpse of a great demon whose cultivation was in the late stage of Void Refining.

Although this big bull demon in the late stage of virtual refining has been dead for a long time, judging from the fatal scars left on the opponent's body,

Undoubtedly, he was killed by a stronger monster.

According to Wang Le's experience, the battle between the two sides ended within a few rounds.

This shows how powerful the murderer was who killed this late-stage Void Refining Demon.

It’s so scary to think about it.

Even if it is not the Mahayana realm, it is not much.

Wang Le asked himself, although he has the combat power to fight across borders, he is still unable to defeat such a terrifying existence.

It was precisely because of this discovery that the desire to leave the depths of the forest as soon as possible became stronger and stronger. He ran out non-stop day and night, without even thinking of taking a break.

"From the moment we entered until now, this taboo space is not without danger. On the contrary, it is full of crises. It's just that we are lucky to have wealth around us."

Qu Jinghong looked at Wang Cai who was squatting at Wang Le's feet and said with a smile.

Wangcai raised his round little head proudly and hummed.

"I can feel that there are good treasures hidden in those very dangerous directions. It's such a pity."

Wangcai spoke to Wang Le through his spiritual consciousness with some reluctance.

Wang Le smiled nonchalantly and said, "We have to do what we can, and we can't rush over just for the sake of opportunity."

"After all, you only have one life. If you lose it, it will be gone. What's more, the real opportunity is not in the depths of the forest, but in the front!"

While Wang Le was talking to Wangcai, his eyes couldn't help but cast towards the end of the plain.

"Where are the Taoist couple Duobao and Fairy Caixia buried?" Wang Le suddenly asked.

Qu Jinghong and Manager Wu were startled, then shook their heads in unison.

Qu Jinghong followed and said: "Although I don't know the specific location, after thousands of years of exploration, the approximate location has been determined. "

"If there are no accidents, it should be in the Mosing Ridge area in the northwest!"

Manager Wu followed up and said: "So the closer we get to Moxing Ridge, the more careful we have to be, because there will only be a lot of strong people there!"

After a pause, Manager Wu continued in a deep voice with a worried expression: "What I'm most worried about is that I don't know how many Mahayana monks have sneaked in secretly this time."

"These Mahayana monks are our biggest danger. Once we encounter a conflict accidentally, it will be really disastrous."

Wang Le smiled and said: "Don't worry, you two. If necessary, I will not kill at will anymore, so as not to provoke people who shouldn't be provoked, such as the Mahayana monks mentioned by Manager Wu!"

Manager Wu and Qu Jinghong secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Wang Le is so bloodthirsty that he often strikes at the slightest disagreement, leaving no room for compromise.

Wang Le didn't care when he saw the two of them acting like this. He could only say that they really didn't understand him very well!

"When I should follow my heart, I always do it without hesitation and I never do it forcefully!"

Wang Le thought silently in his heart.

The three of them found a hill near the plain before finally stopping to rest. .

Although with their cultivation strength, it is very easy to run for such a long time day and night in the depths of the forest sea, but when they reach the depths of this space, especially close to Moxing Ridge, they will inevitably encounter some tough situations. Stubble.

Therefore, by adjusting your state to its peak, you can better face any subsequent variables and dangers!

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