He Has a Dragon

Chapter 3231 Mahayana Dharma

"If it's not Eternal Star, where is it?" Zhou Xian'an couldn't help asking in shock and surprise.

Before Elder Quanyong could respond, he saw the expressions of the other two elders change and they suddenly thought of something.

Then I saw Quan Hong's face showing a look of reminiscence, and said in a deep voice: "Buried Emperor Star!"

Quan Nan interjected and continued: "An ancestor once mentioned that the birthplace of our Great Light Sect is not the Eternal Star, but the Emperor Burial Star that spans hundreds of millions of miles across the starry sky!"

Quan Yong hummed and said: "Those holy places in the Middle-earth continent are the same as my Great Light Sect, and their roots are in the distant Emperor Burial Star!"

Zhou Xian'an was startled. As a backbone member of the Fusion Realm sect, he naturally knew that the Great Light Sect migrated from the Emperor Burial Star, but that was all.

Only now did I know the secret revealed by Elder Quanyong.

"Why can't the Eternal Star be born in the Aspiration Realm? It must be in the Emperor Burial Star?"

Zhou Xianan couldn't help but asked again out of curiosity.

I saw Elder Quanyong shaking his head and saying: "I am just in the Void Refining Realm, and I don't know the secrets of this."

After a pause, Elder Quanyong couldn't help but murmured: "Maybe we can't get the answer until we are promoted to Mahayana!"

Speaking of this, Elder Quanyong couldn't help but shook his head and said: "It's a pity that the Emperor Burial Star has been abolished long ago. With the changes in the world, after such a long time, the legendary Emperor Burial Star may have ceased to exist..."

At the end of the story, Elder Quanyong's voice was almost inaudible because he suddenly thought of Wang Le, who had a mysterious origin.

Long before, he had guessed that Erguo Wang Le most likely came from the distant Emperor Burial Star.

If the Emperor Burial Stars were all gone, naturally such a peerless monster would not be born!

Of course, this is just speculation. Perhaps we can learn more about Wang Le from Qu Jinghong.

For example, is this guy from the Emperor Burial Star or somewhere else?

Also, Nima's cultivation speed is too fast. It can take anywhere from decades to hundreds of years for someone to go from becoming a god to the combined state.

And this guy only took two years to go from becoming a god to the combined state. His speed was so fast that it was simply jaw-dropping. I really didn’t know what to say.

Just when various thoughts about Wang Le were flashing in Elder Quanyong's mind, Zhou Xian'an looked thoughtful and said: "It is said that the reason why our sect and those holy places moved to the Eternal Star is precisely because the Emperor Burial Star continued to decline and entered the Age of Ending Dharma. , simply cannot satisfy the cultivation of our monks."

After a pause, Zhou Xian'an continued: "If this is true, even if the Emperor Burial Star does not disintegrate and turn into dust, it will never be able to be born in the Aspirational Realm again!"

Of course, Quan Yong didn't share his guess with others, but he muttered in his heart: "That's not necessarily true. After all, that boy Wang Le is most likely from the Emperor Burial Star!"

Although he thought so, Quanyong still couldn't be sure that Wang Le really came from the Emperor Burial Star!

Naturally, people like Quan Yong would not think that the Emperor Burial Star in the Dharma Ending Age would bless the monster Wang Le with their final luck.

It can also be said that the last hope is pinned on Wang Le, and the dead tree will bloom!

If Wang Le cannot find the Chaos Star Core in its growth stage, the Emperor Buried Star will definitely disappear in the vast starry sky in the near future.

Since leaving the Emperor Burial Star, Wang Le has vaguely realized that his luck has never been bad.

Even if you encounter a dangerous situation, you can successfully avert the danger in the end.

It is precisely based on this kind of self-confidence that Wang Le dares to run into this taboo existence space in a fused posture, where there are as many fused bodies as dogs, and the ground is full of refining.

Even Mahayana monks came a lot this time.

Just as Elder Quanyong and others were on the road again with different intentions,

After crossing the valleys and dangerous peaks, Wang Le and the others suddenly saw a towering mountain peak that looked like a huge sword thrust into the sky!

"Moss Ridge!"

Manager Wu looked at the towering peaks surrounded by clouds and mist, with birds shooting out from time to time, and murmured to himself.

Looking at the birds hovering in the sky, Qu Jinghong looked at Mount Mosing Ridge with a solemn expression, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that someone arrived before us, and there were more than one group!"

As he spoke, he could hear the roars of beasts and the chirping of birds coming from the direction of Moxing Ridge, and his cultivation level was not low!

Obviously, because foreign monks entered Mount Mount, they alarmed the birds and beasts living in Mount Mount.

"This is not a first-come, first-served game. In that case, let them explore the road and see the situation!"

Wang Le said to the two of them while looking at the mysterious Mount Mount.

Then he suddenly changed the topic and pointed at Mount Mount and said to Qu Jinghong and Manager Wu: "Don't you think Mount Mount is like a huge tombstone?"

"Ah?" Qu Jinghong and Manager Wu couldn't help but be stunned. Then they looked carefully, and their expressions suddenly became strange, as if this was really the case.

Because there are plains and open spaces on both sides of Mount Mosing Ridge, it looks so lonely.

And just behind Moxin Ridge, there is a mountain with a very low altitude, only one-third as high as Moxin Ridge.

If you zoom out and look at the mountains behind them, they look roughly like a tomb.

"No wonder everyone concludes that the graves of the Taoist couple Duobao Zhenren and Caixia Fairy are in Mount Mosing Ridge."

Wang Le whispered thoughtfully.

Although I feel that this mountain peak may be Duobao Zhenren's old mystery array, but at the moment there are no other clues except Mount Mount Mountain.

At this moment, Manager Wu analyzed with a gleam in his eyes: "A being like Master Duobao has always been invincible throughout his life. Even after death, he must have such confidence."

Qu Jinghong looked at Mr. Wu thoughtfully: "You mean he won't make any real or fake tombs?"

Manager Wu nodded and replied: "It's very possible!"

"But this is just my guess. As for the real situation, we can only go to Mount Davis and act accordingly."

Just as the three of them were speculating on whether Moxing Ridge was the burial place of Duobao Zhenren, they suddenly felt a palpitation in their hearts, and the entire space of heaven and earth seemed to have stopped flowing!

At this moment, the three people's faces became extremely pale, and they all looked in the direction of Mount Mount.

At this moment, the clouds and mist surrounding Mount Mount suddenly turned into nothingness, and two giant figures hundreds of feet tall appeared out of thin air in the void above Mount Mount.

At this moment, Wang Le and the others could clearly feel the terrifying aura emanating from the void, which made them so depressed that they could not even breathe!

"Mahayana monk!" Manager Wu's voice was trembling, and his legs were shaking uncontrollably.

Qu Jinghong next to him was not much better, the two of them almost fell to the ground! !

The pale-faced Wang Le forced down the awe and fear brought by the aura of the Mahayana realm, and stared intently at the two huge figures in the sky!

This is the unique sign of Mahayana monks - the Mahayana Dharma!

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