He Has a Dragon

Chapter 3237 Jiang Xun takes action

Wang Le shuddered just thinking about this illusory formation's method of killing the old monster of Lianxu.

Once you are trapped in it, if you use your innate magical power, will the other party imitate you and use the same tricks?

And the power will only be stronger.

Fortunately, the Dharma Eye of Breaking Illusions can still play some role here, otherwise, there would be no life or death in this illusion formation.

"Follow me closely, otherwise you will fall into a trap that cannot be saved by the gods!" Wang Le reminded the two people behind him again.

Qu Jinghong and Manager Wu nodded in agreement without hesitation.

The old monster in the late stage of the Void Refining Realm was a lesson learned from the past. They were already trembling in the Fusion Realm. Of course, they had to hug Wang Le's thick legs tightly and not dare to relax or be careless in the slightest.

Next, Wang Le took Qu Jinghong and Manager Wu to continue groping forward.

As for the fate of the remaining old monster and other monks in the late stage of Void Refining Realm, Wang Le naturally couldn't care about it.

They can only wish for happiness.

If you walk on a safe route in the formation, you will naturally avoid the situation of running into a wall.

And this means that there is no need to spend more time walking around in this formation.

Even so, it took Wang Le, Qu Jinghong and Manager Wu an hour to finally walk to the edge of the Formation Gate and see the real environment outside, which was Mount Mosing Ridge!

Just as Wang Le and the other three stepped out of the living gate, sighing in relief and smiling in unison, they suddenly felt a darkness in the sky above their heads.

The three of them subconsciously looked up into the void, and were immediately startled.

I saw Jiang Xun, a Mahayana monk from Yue Xianmen, sitting cross-legged in the void with his Mahayana dharma image, and the phantom of his dharma image covered half of Mount Moxing Ridge.

Invisibly, the pressure released makes people breathless.

"Hurry up!" Wang Le roared, grabbing Qu Jinghong and Manager Wu and rushing forward.

Get away from this chain formation as quickly as possible and in the shortest possible time.

Because at this moment, a warning sign suddenly occurred in Wang Le's heart, and based on his experience, the Mahayana Dharma images released by Jiang Xun seemed to be gaining momentum.

Obviously he is preparing for a big move.

What its goal is is beyond Wang Le's ability to guess.

All he can do is not to let himself and his two companions become the victims!

However, he is afraid of snake bites in one move and is afraid of well ropes in ten years. While Wang Le led the people to run wildly, he did not forget to look ahead.

He didn't want to be accidentally trapped into a large chain formation like he did when he stepped into Mount Moxin Ridge before, and he didn't even have time to react and dodge. It was really tragic.

Just when Wang Le and the other three had left the chain formation far behind, they saw the Mahayana image released by Jiang Xun in the void and slapped the ground with one palm, which was the area of ​​the chain formation that Wang Le had just escaped from!

In an instant, the surrounding monks, including Wang Le, could clearly feel as if the air around them had been evacuated by this palm, causing everyone to feel an indescribable sense of oppression and suffocation.

Just like a fish out of water!

At this time, both Qu Jinghong and Manager Wu were pale, and their legs were even weaker.

If Wang Le hadn't been holding him back and didn't let go, the two of them would have fallen directly to the ground.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, when the blue-grey sky-holding giant palm with a radius of hundreds of acres fell on this large chain formation, for a moment, the heaven and earth fell silent, and no sound was made!

The long river of time seemed to be frozen and stopped flowing at this moment.

It wasn't until a deafening "boom" that everything was broken!

The ears of Wang Le and others invariably made a buzzing sound. They were temporarily deaf and could not hear anything.

Everyone could only see the entire chain formation blooming with extremely bright lights of various colors shining in all directions, as if they were about to penetrate the void.

But the brightness only lasts for a moment, and in the blink of an eye it turns gray.

Then I saw slender space cracks appearing in the void in that area.

As a result, the place where the chain formation was located fell into chaos, and it was impossible to see what was going on inside...

"I'm going to kill you! This is directly physically destroying this chain of formations!"

Wang Le looked at this scene and couldn't help but murmur to himself, his eyes filled with wonder and deep envy.

Breaking all laws with one force is nothing more than that!

When his cultivation level reaches Jiang Xun's level, he doesn't even bother to use formation skills to break through the large chain formation in front of him, just do it!

And this is what Wang Le has always dreamed of.

"I want to cultivate to the Void Refining Realm as soon as possible, so that I will not be far from the Mahayana Realm."

Wang Le clenched his fists, looked at the majestic back of the Mahayana Dharma in the sky, and encouraged himself with a firm and confident tone.

Qu Jinghong and Manager Wu looked at Wang Le. If someone else said this, they would keep spitting at each other.

But the speed of cultivation in front of him was really exaggerated.

Qu Jinghong watched helplessly as this guy was promoted to the form of a god, and two years later, he watched with his own eyes as he went from being a god to the current state of integration.

People need to gain some insights in cultivation after two years of seclusion, but this guy was promoted directly.

With such a speed of cultivation, Qu Jinghong would not be surprised even if Wang Le took less than ten years to achieve the Mahayana realm.

After all, in hundreds of thousands of years, Wang Le is the only one who has successfully survived the thunder catastrophe of immortality, so what else can he not do?

Just as Wang Le was amazed by the power displayed by the Mahayana realm, Qu Jinghong was imagining how long it would take for Young Master Wang to advance to the Mahayana realm, when he saw Jiang Xun's Mahayana dharma image moving again.

I saw the Mahayana sitting cross-legged in the void reaching out to the place that was still in chaos and full of space cracks.

It's like sitting on the edge of a stream, calmly taking a sip of water from the stream.

Almost at the same time, a big green-robed hand appeared out of thin air, and like Jiang Xun, fished into the chaos of the chain formation.

The Mahayana Faxiang in the void could only snort, but did not stop him.

There is no doubt that he is another powerful person in the Mahayana realm.

But his true appearance was not revealed.

In fact, Jiang Xun only released the Mahayana Dharma. As for where the deity is hidden, this is not something that Wang Le and other weak ants can detect.

Then I saw these two hands picking up a group of people from the chaotic formation.

The few people Jiang Xun took away were the disciples of the Luo Xian Sect whom he had met earlier, and many of them were powerful late-stage Void Refining Realm experts.

Wang Le was not surprised by this, but when he saw the group of people scooping up the green robes, his face darkened.

It was the Three Holy Islands in the Bohai Sea that had formed a rift with him back then and never gave up on hunting him down.

Although it had long been guessed that the Three Holy Islands in the Bohai Sea, as a holy land, would send powerful Mahayana warriors, they had always been in the guessing stage and were taking chances.

Now that it is confirmed, Wang Le will naturally feel that the threat to him from the Three Holy Islands in the Bohai Sea has skyrocketed.

There is no way, the powerful people in the Mahayana realm are too terrifying. Once they encounter them, there is no possibility of escaping. .

Just thinking about being chased by the Mahayana realm makes people feel extremely desperate.

Wang Le is no exception!

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