He Has a Dragon

Chapter 879 Hunting


That night, Wang Le did not immediately make a breakthrough in cultivation, but went to rest early.

Because sharpening the knife will not delay the cutting of firewood, and now they have settled down, so there is no rush at this moment.

When the sun rose the next morning, Wang Le moved away the big stone blocking the entrance and walked out of the cave.

At this time, flocks of mountain birds were chirping in the woods. Occasionally, they were startled and flew up in groups, rushing into the cloudless blue sky and disappearing.

Taking a deep breath of the fresh air that smelled of fragrant grass and had a hint of moisture, Wang Le stretched out his limbs, and the joints in his body crackled like firecrackers. The sound continued intensively, gradually reverberating in the mountains, startling a flock of birds. .

Then Wang Le set up the pot again outside the cave entrance, where he had cooked the snake broth yesterday, and simply cooked half a pot of noodles for his own breakfast.

After eating, Wang Le did not go back to the cave, but went into the woods, because next, he had to prepare food for himself.

There is an old saying from our ancestors that we rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, and we rely on the water to eat the water. Young Master Wang has gone to the mountains. If he cannot solve his food and clothing problems in the woods, then he will be really sorry for his miserable military career and make people laugh all over the world.

Wang Le took out a rifle from the Dharma Eye space, opened the Delusion Dharma Eye to look for prey, loaded the bullet, and was ready to pull the trigger.

In the lonely mountain forest, century-old trees tower into the sky and block out the sun.

Amid the whirling leaves, the sun peeked out from the cracks in the dancing leaves, shining on Wang Le's expressionless white face, creating a halo.

Although this mountain range is not as good as the inaccessible deep mountains and old forests on the border of China, it can be regarded as a well-preserved original ecological environment in the mainland.

When Wang Le came from the woods on the mountainside to the valley at the foot of the mountain, and then looked in the opposite direction from yesterday through the Dharma Eye, he found the prey within a few minutes. A deer appeared in his sight.

Wang Le cheered up and quickly ran towards the place where the prey was.

Five minutes later, Wang Le gently touched the deer that was eating, about twenty meters away. Behind a big tree.

Then Wang Le held his breath, held up the rifle with both hands, aimed at the deer's head, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation!

With a "bang" sound, the bullet tore through the silent forest, passing through the gaps between the trees, and the electric light flew straight towards the camphor.

Wait until it hears the gunfire and raises its head.

The bullet had already passed through his head, and he fell to the ground covered with thick leaves. Dead as hell.

To be more precise, before it felt the pain, it was already taken into the abyss of death by the bullet that passed through the brain and began to prepare for reincarnation in the next life.

Seeing the deer fall to the ground, Wang Le put the rifle in his hand into the Dharma Eye Space and said to himself: "Sacrifice to my five internal organs temple, so that you can enter reincarnation early and avoid living this dark jungle life. But the prerequisite is that you You have to be reincarnated as a human being.”

Of course. This is just the compassion that Mr. Wang pretends to do. Otherwise, he would have been ruined by countless lawsuits involving human lives committed by his own hands.

Picking up this deer, which was one meter long and just over half a meter tall, with gray fur, Wang Le had no intention of continuing to hunt. Because no matter how big a person's appetite is, he can't eat a lot.

Especially in this hot summer season, food is inedible and easily spoiled, so Wang Le didn't plan to look for other prey and went home directly.

But what happened was counterproductive, when Wang Le dragged the deer's body back. The smell of blood also ushered in the prying eyes of other beasts.

So before Wang Le had reached half the distance, poisonous snakes from the forest were attacking him. Even from a distance, Wang Le saw the shadow of a tiger fleeting among the trees.

"Uh!" Wang Le couldn't help being startled when he saw this. He didn't expect to see a tiger.

After thinking about it, Wang Le took out a black plastic bag from the Fayan space, packed Zhangzi's body and threw it into the Fayan space. Isolating the smell of blood that attracted wild beasts, I quickly walked on the road towards the cave halfway up the mountain.

As for the tiger, Wang Lecai had no interest in skinning it. Besides, the big guy, the king of the forest, was not as delicious as the deer deer he had just hunted.

It is said that animals are spiritual, especially when facing danger, they know how to seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

Of course, this refers to those beasts that survive in the wild and are always on the verge of life and death, rather than beasts that have been domesticated and raised in zoos, where their anger has been worn away and they are just like good babies.

Therefore, until Wang Le returned to the cave entrance on the mountainside, he did not see the wild tiger he saw before. He must have noticed that the invisible violence exuded by Young Master Wang was dangerous enough to make him awe.

Wang Le first hung the deer on the tree, then took out the special military thorn from the Dharma Eye Space, peeled off the skin of the deer neatly, and finally disemboweled it. At the same time, he did not forget to wash it with water and apply it on it. Some table salt.

It was more than half an hour before the wind dried it.

Seeing that it was still early, Wang Le took out a black plastic bag, packed the deer, and threw it into the Dharma Eye space.

At the same time, Mu Xihu, who was far away in the capital, called Wang Le because of the old man's instructions, but he was always not in the service area.

And this really depressed Mu Xihu.

"Where is my brother-in-law? He was here last night and made a shocking case of nine lives. Why is he gone now?"

Mu Xihu, who was sitting on the stone bench next to the stone table in the courtyard, had thick eyebrows and deep frown. He was turning the mobile phone around in his hand, and at the same time, he was thinking silently in his heart, full of confusion and confusion.

Fleeing in fear of crime?

As soon as the word popped into Mu Xihu's mind, it was immediately rejected. He couldn't help laughing at this, thinking that he was stupid or crazy. How could he have thought that his brother-in-law had absconded in fear of crime.

"If he really absconds in fear of crime, the kilometers my brother-in-law has traveled must be enough to circle the earth several times." Mu Xihu murmured softly.

At this moment, Chen Sheng took two slices of cut watermelon from the house, walked to Mu Xihu, handed them to him, and said with a smile: "It will be the beginning of autumn in a few days, so eat more now." Order watermelon, otherwise it won’t taste good after the Beginning of Autumn!”

Mu Xihu didn't get up. He sat on the stool and took the watermelon absentmindedly, then started to nibble on it.

At this time, Chen Sheng also noticed that something was wrong with Mu Xihu, so he smiled and asked, "What trouble did you encounter? Tell Uncle Chen."

"Uh!" Mu Xihu froze, and then put the remaining half of the watermelon on the stone table... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to recommend it. Tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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