He Has a Dragon

Chapter 884 Return

The moon sets, the stars dim, and the sun rises. [For more exciting novels, please visit]

In the vast desert Gobi desert in midsummer, it is as lonely as snow as always.

In the valley surrounded by hills on three sides, the tents have been dismantled by Wang Le and others, and the entrance of the cave has been covered tightly. Young Master Wang even moved down the dead Populus euphratica that straddled the top of the hill and placed it on the entrance of the cave.

"Don't take anything out of the Gobi Desert. Douse the remaining diesel on the truck and burn it all."

After Wang Le looked at the things in the valley, he made a decision directly without asking other people's opinions.

But of course these things were not burned in the valley, so everyone put them all on the truck.

After finishing their last breakfast here, Scarface's two Land Rovers and a truck were driven out of the valley by Jin Zhongxin, Lao Yu and Li Er respectively. Wang Le was still driving his Hummer to follow. at the end.

There was no conversation all the way until the motorcade stopped at noon.

Li Er parked the large truck on the Gobi Desert, and then poured out all the diesel from the oil drums contained in the truck.


There was an explosion. Under the scorching sun, the wind helped the fire. After Li Er threw a burning piece of cloth in, the entire large truck was instantly wrapped in a fire dragon and burned.

"When we came here, the car was full of people, but now on the way back, there are only four of us left. Alas!"

Jin Zhongxin looked at the burned car in the distance and couldn't help but said sadly.

At this time, the old fish standing next to him also had a sad look on his face and said: "Too many people died on the way to rob the tomb. Maybe one day, it will be our turn."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Er walked over from a distance and shouted loudly: "Old Yu, if you want to die, you go die, I will quit Jinpen from today on."

"Uh!" Lao Yu was speechless for a while and could only give Li Er a big roll of his eyes.

"Lao Li, do you really want to wash your hands in a golden basin?" Jin Zhongxin asked with some disbelief.

I saw Li Er humming, and replied solemnly: "That's right, after returning to China this time, I don't plan to go out again, and my whole family will leave the Northwest. From now on, I won't be involved in tomb robbing anymore, so there will be such a thing in the future Regarding the matter, Xiao Dao and Lao Yu should stop looking for me.


After a pause, Li Er smiled and changed the subject: "But if you want to drink, you must come to me, otherwise I won't spare you two!"

Jin Zhongxin smiled slightly and said: "Actually, after I go back this time, I am ready to give up and go back to my hometown in the capital to take care of myself. Anyway, I have already saved enough money for retirement. No matter how much money I have, I can't spend it all!"

"Uh!" Lao Yu looked at the two old guys speechlessly and muttered: "You two wash your hands in a golden basin, leaving me alone to dig graves."

Immediately, Lao Yu waved his hand, as if to wave away all the past, and then said: "Forget it, besides, we are all old. After returning to China this time, I, Lao Yu, will not work anymore, so I can have a good death!"

At this time, Wang Le, who was standing next to the three of them and had never spoken a word, smiled slightly, raised his hands and congratulated: "Then the boy is here to congratulate the three of you!"

Everyone looked at each other and burst into laughter. The laughter was full of joy. Especially after Jin Zhongxin made this decision, his whole life suddenly felt a lot easier. It was like an old tree sprouting new branches and opening up. Second spring.

Immediately, all four of them got into Wang Le's car. As for Scarface's two Land Rovers, they were thrown directly into the desert, leaving them to fend for themselves in the wind and rain.

Maybe some travelers passing by will find out that they can make a lot of money, but this has nothing to do with Wang Le and the others.

This time, Wang Le no longer had to drive the car, and the three of them, Jin Zhongxin, took turns.

Therefore, when Wang Le, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, closed his eyes and rested, the thought would always come to his mind that when he was crawling out from the ramp, he finally saw through his eyes the sky-reaching stone pillar of Genghis Sixing's underground mausoleum. scene.

"What kind of flame is that? It's actually black!" Wang Le thought in his heart.

Although at this time, he was getting further and further away from Genghis Khan's mausoleum, one strange phenomenon after another there still filled his head.

After a while, the more Wang Le thought about it, the more confused he became, so he simply stopped thinking about it and simply threw it behind him.

"It's a pity that there are so many Origin Stones that I didn't have time to get them!"

In the end, Wang Le still sighed in his heart with some regret.

But soon Wang Le no longer thought so, because he suddenly realized that maybe one day in the future, in order to sprint to a higher realm, the Origin Stones in Genghis Khan's mausoleum would be his backup.

You must know that Genghis Khan’s underground mausoleum has only been explored a little this time, and there are many more places that have not been searched.

For example, Wang Le was not found in the so-called Qiu Chuji martial arts inheritance in Genghis Khan’s coffin or around his coffin.

"These Origin Stones are enough for this breakthrough." Wang Le couldn't help but murmured to himself with satisfaction after thinking of the piles of Origin Stones in the Dharma Eye Space.

Thinking of this, Wang Le began to be impatient to return to China as soon as possible, and then start to make this breakthrough, thereby promoting to a higher martial arts realm.

However, when Wang Le thought about the realm of martial arts, he suddenly had a headache, because he thought about the demonic skills that Soul Eater had learned about in Genghis Khan's underground mausoleum.

The key thing is that Wang Le doesn't know when she practiced the demonic method. She has been practicing it daily, and she practices freely according to the innate power in her body's Dantian. There is no so-called demonic method!

After much deliberation, Wang Le could only comfort himself that the boat would straighten out naturally when it reaches the bridge. Anyway, nothing has gone wrong in his cultivation so far, and it has never had any negative effects.

After all, this robbery of Genghis Khan's underground tomb completely overturned Wang Le's original views and understanding.

The appearance of Soul Eater in the mausoleum made Wang Le know that in addition to humans and European vampires and werewolves, there are also monsters in this world.

Of course, there is also Genghis Khan, the prodigy of the generation who everyone thought had died and ascended to heaven long ago. However, only a piece of fresh human skin was left in the coffin, but his true body had long since disappeared, leaving no clues.

Although Wang Le tried to tell himself that Genghis Khan was dead, he couldn't convince himself that the emperor was really dead when he thought about the fact that there was only fresh human skin in the coffin but no bones. .

As for Genghis Khan being resurrected from the dead and attaining enlightenment and ascending to heaven, Young Master Wang had never thought about it, but this was too unbelievable, so in the end he could only be treated as dead.


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