He Has a Dragon

Chapter 907: Chase

Category: Urban Novel Author: Dark Night and Lonely City Book Title: There is a Dragon on Him_There is a Dragon on Him No Pop-ups_There is a Dragon on Him Latest Chapter

Hong Burang was surprised. Wang Le had no idea about this. He didn't know what kind of material the special military thorn that the old guy gave him was made of and how precious it was. [No pop-up novel website]

At this moment, Wang Le's only thought was to kill Hong Burang, the head of the Hong family in front of him.

This guy had escaped with his life on Hong Kong Island before, but this night, he couldn't let him go no matter what.

And now is the best opportunity

If you don’t kill now, then when will you wait?

In an instant, Wang Le did not move the special military spur that was pressed against the blade of Hong Burang's scimitar. Instead, he stretched out his left hand in the air, poured in his innate power, and swung his palm hard towards the opponent's face.

Hong Burang fought with his fist without giving in.

With a "boom" sound, Wang Le's powerful palm collided with Hong Burang's iron fist and hit the air.

At this time, Hong Boran, who was still expressionless, suddenly changed his expression drastically. He saw that the ancient defense technique that shrouded his body and emitted a yellow light began to shatter from the iron fist, and then he heard the bones of his fist making intensive cracking sounds. .

Seeing this, Wang Le became energetic. He knew that his fierce palm with the blessing of innate power broke Hong Burang's ancient defense technique.

At this time, Hong Burang secretly complained in his heart. The innate power in his body was exhausted, so that his ancient defense techniques were no longer as strong as before. They were finally broken by Wang Le's terrifying brute force without reason.

This also strengthened Hong Burang's intention to retreat deep in his heart, and then he saw his feet move, once again taking the weird steps he had taken before, and walking straight backwards.

Wang Le couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect Hong to run away without letting him run away.

"Huh, how can it be so easy to leave?" Wang Le's face darkened, and the anger in his body became stronger. He stepped forward with all his strength and chased Hong Burang.

At this moment, Hong Burang was walking backwards and took out three green coins from his arms.

Grape-sized round beads made of unknown materials were thrown casually onto the road.


Three consecutive crisp sounds of hitting the ground were heard, and the three green balls suddenly exploded, spewing out thick green smoke, which instantly enveloped Wang Le who was pursuing him.

Wang Le was startled, fearing that Hong Burang was releasing poisonous mist and quickly held his breath. Do not let green smoke be inhaled into the body.

At the same time, Hong Burang had a sneer on his face, glanced at the thick green fog, and whispered to himself: "This is the smoke barrier, it can trap you for an hour or two."

Immediately, Hong Burang turned around and ran towards the exit of the alley. Now he had to find a place to heal his injuries.

Because Wang Le's innate power is too overbearing. As time passed, Hong Burang felt that the injuries to the meridians in his body were becoming more serious. If the injury is not treated as soon as possible, the consequences may be disastrous.

At this time, Wang Le, who was trapped in the smoke barrier, felt something in his heart. The clairvoyance ability of the Deception Eye was activated, and he penetrated directly through the thick green smoke and saw Hong Burang's back quickly disappearing.

"Hey, it's a big international joke to think that you can trap me in this way," Wang Le said with a sneer on his face.

Immediately, a strange look flashed across Wang Le's face, and the Dragon's hidden power of Breaking the Illusion was activated again. Let his entire body disappear into the green smoke, and then use the perspective of the Delusion-breaking Dharma Eye to quickly walk out of the thick fog, and then chase Hong Burang without thinking.

As the saying goes, don't chase poor criminals. At this moment, Wang Le didn't bother to pay attention to this taboo, because he had already seen that Hong Burang was at the end of his strength. There are no reinforcements.

To put it crudely, I'm just scared.

Now that Hong Burang has the intention to retreat and has taken action, the fair and just battle has come to an abrupt end. Wang Le does not need to continue to maintain his previous commitment, so he enters the invisible state again without any scruples.

"Hmph. Don't think you can escape this time. I will play with you to the end today."

When Hong Burang ran out of the alley, Wang Le, who had already caught up, couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

At this moment, Zhuang Ruixiong and Li Mubai, whom Wang Le had not seen for a while, and five middle-aged men he had never seen before, were catching up, blocking Hong Buyi's path.

Hong Burang's expression changed when he saw this, knowing that reinforcements from the other side were coming. If he had been in the uninjured state before, he would have looked at these cats and dogs without fear.

But now, it can only be said that the tiger fell flat and was bullied by the dog. Hong Burang could only give in. With a thought in his mind, he paused without hesitation, and took advantage of the gap between Zhuang Ruixiong and others before they surrounded him, and quickly changed direction. Taking a weird pace, his body turned into a black shadow and rushed towards the other side of the road.

Upon seeing this, Zhuang Ruixiong and others were well-trained and well-coordinated and divided into two groups. Li Mubai led the two of them into the alley entrance to see if anything happened to Xiao Yuanfang and others. The other three, led by Zhuang Ruixiong, chased after them. Hong refused to give in.

At this time, Wang Le, who was invisible, had already surpassed everyone, chasing Hong Burang about ten meters away, keeping a distance of not too far but not too close, and followed slowly behind.

This is because the innate power in Hong Burang's body was exhausted, and he could not recover for a while, and could not generate new innate power in time. In addition, the meridians in his body were eroded by Wang Le's overbearing innate power and were scarred. Otherwise, he would use such a weird method. With his step technique, he had long since escaped.

You know, when Hong Burang was still at the peak of his combat power during the initial confrontation with Wang Le, he used this weird step technique to close the distance between him and Wang Le in an instant. Unlike now, The invisible Wang Le hung behind easily.

However, Zhuang Ruixiong and his group, who were not allowed to chase after Xiang Hong, were quickly thrown away.

Zhuang Ruixiong looked at Hong Burang's disappearing back, and finally had no choice but to stop his pursuit, because he knew that even if he caught up with him, he would be destined to die.

"Go back first and see what's going on at Boss Xiao's house," Zhuang Ruixiong said in a deep voice, then he took the lead and turned towards the entrance of the alley...

More than ten minutes later, Hong Burang, who had been running fast, finally slowed down and got into the alley between two buildings next to the road.

The empty alley where you can't even see your fingers is illuminated by the bright light of a streetlight at the other end of the exit.

Hong Burang didn't walk out of the alley when he saw him stop and lean against the wall, breathing heavily, like a wounded beast, staying in the corner and secretly licking his wounds, looking particularly miserable.

Before Hong Burang came to China, he would have never imagined that he would end up in such a miserable situation today, as desolate as it is.

Not to mention the loss of soldiers and generals, he was also beaten by Wang Le in a life-and-death battle, leaving his armor and armor behind and being seriously injured. This was very similar to the situation when he escaped from the murder on Hong Kong Island and fled back to the United States.

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