He Has a Dragon

Chapter 917: Everything in this world is helpless.

Early in the morning, after several hours of deep sleep, Wang Le's physical fatigue from last night's battle was gone. The injuries to his internal organs were finally under control and improved, without worsening. [For more exciting novels, please visit]

Young Master Wang, who was feeling refreshed and refreshed after breakfast, was about to go back to the bedroom and continue to heal his wounds. However, after answering Su Zhendong's call, his mood suddenly deteriorated.

"what happened?"

When Wang Le answered the phone outside the house and returned to the house, Ning Bizhi, who was sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper, glanced at the other party's dark face and couldn't help asking curiously.

I saw Wang Le sitting back on the sofa where Xiantian was, and then replied with a depressed look: "The old man of the Su family called me."

"Uh!" A look of surprise flashed in Ning Bizhi's eyes, and she immediately understood why Wang Le put on a sour face and couldn't laugh.

At this time, Wang Le continued to say coldly: "I will go there when Su Nan decides on the time and place."

When Ning Bizhi saw this, she didn't know what to say for a moment. After all, the relationship between Wang Le and the Su family can be said to be constantly being cut and chaotic. No matter what outsiders or the parties involved think, it will eventually lead to a dead end. untie.

The saying that there are never unsolvable problems in this world is just a theoretical talk. When it comes to practical problems, because of the existence of people, most of them are unsolvable.

Just like this, in this earthly world, it happens every day that we grow old and die without contacting each other, and we become strangers in the world from now on.

Obviously, the relationship between Wang Le and the Su family is like this. Even if they meet once, they cannot change the ending.

Because of the death of his mother, Wang Xiaodie, all this was doomed long ago and cannot be changed, unless time can be turned back.

But is it possible?

"Xiao Le, I have said everything I should have said before about this kind of thing. Now it's up to you to decide what's right. In the end, as long as you feel clear about it."

After a pause, Ning Bizhi opened her mouth and spoke to Wang Le, who was sitting on the sofa opposite.

Wang Le hummed silently, and then said, "Don't worry, I know what to do."

Looking at Wang Le's tone and expression, Ning Bizhi could only sigh secretly. Based on her understanding of this adopted son, there was no hope for him to recognize his ancestor and return to his clan in this life.

"The things of the world,

All helpless. "

Ning Bizhi puffed up her belly, slowly left the sofa and stood up, and couldn't help but say with emotion.

At this time, Wang Le also quickly stood up and walked to Ning Bizhi's side to support her. After all, the twins' bellies were too big, making this move more and more inconvenient.

"No need, you can go and do your own thing, I'll have a nurse to take care of you." Ning Bizhi said to Wang Le with a smile.

Immediately, without waiting for Wang Le to speak, Ning Bizhi called the female caregiver in and asked her to help her out of the house, and then took a walk in the courtyard.

Wang Le stood at the door and watched for a while. When he saw that Ning Bizhi was fine, he returned to the house and went into the bedroom to continue practicing.

Because at this moment, it is most urgent to treat your own injuries and restore yourself to your peak state.

As for meeting Su Yang, since the decision has been made, there is nothing to think about.

While Wang Le was concentrating on healing his wounds, a large family was sitting around the living room of Mr. Mu's villa in Lian Yayuan.

"The commotion my brother-in-law made last night was really too big. They were two commercial buildings with more than ten floors! From morning to now, I have been thinking about it and I can't figure out why the two of them were fighting. Did it collapse?"

Mu Xihu, who had been hiding in Lian Yayuan for the past two days and did not dare to go out, scratched his head in confusion and spoke.

Before dawn in the morning, Mu Xihu received a call from a friend in his circle of disciples, informing him of the news. He was completely awakened on the spot while he was still in bed. In addition to admiring his brother-in-law as always, he also felt more It is doubtful.

At this time, Mu Xiyan ignored her brother Mu Xihu's confusion, but looked at Chen Sheng with a worried look, and asked: "I don't dare to call Wang Le, for fear of disturbing him at this time, Uncle Sheng." , based on the news you have received so far, how is it now? Is Wang Le injured?"

Chen Sheng, who was sitting opposite, smiled slightly and replied: "Don't worry, nothing serious happened to Wang Le. The news came from the red wall. Last night, the head of the Hong family of the United States, Hong Burang, personally led a group of masters to attack, and he was eventually defeated. Wang Le was destroyed alone, and only Hong Burang escaped with serious injuries."

After a pause, Chen Sheng continued: "The collapse of the two commercial buildings that Xiaohu mentioned was caused by Wang Le's beating in the dark while chasing Hong Burang. As for what means were used, as far as I have the exact information It was caused by Hong Burang having to detonate his natal magic weapon in order to escape Wang Le's pursuit."

Before Mu Xiyan and Mu Xihu could ask further questions, Chen Sheng smiled bitterly and said quickly, "Don't ask what a natal magic weapon is, because I don't understand either."

Having said this, Chen Sheng couldn't help but look at Mr. Mu, who was sitting on the main sofa with his eyes closed and meditating.

"Grandpa, what is this magic weapon? It can actually cause the collapse of two high-rise buildings after being detonated. It is not TN-T explosive. Is this too exaggerated?" Mu Xihu couldn't help but ask the old man, Because he was too curious about this issue.

At this moment, Mr. Mu opened his eyes, glared at his grandson angrily, and then replied: "Do you think that the martial arts battle between Wang Le and Hong Burang last night was just for fun like before in Tianxiang Pavilion? This is a life and death fight, either you die or I die!"

Then Mr. Mu paused, his tone changed, and he continued very seriously: "Since the head of the Hong family, Hong Burang, has a magical weapon of his own, it means that he is at least in the middle stage of the martial arts profound level, and the innate realm of martial arts is in front of him. There is no difference between cats and dogs."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Sheng was stunned for a moment, because he didn't expect that he could tell from Hong Burang's possession of the so-called natal magical weapon that the other party was at least in the middle stage of martial arts.

Then a look of disbelief appeared on Chen Sheng's face, and he blurted out: "Since Wang Le can defeat Hong Burang, it means that he is at least in the late stage of the Xuan level of martial arts!"

Immediately, Chen Sheng couldn't help but said: "Previously, Wang Le's combat power was only innate in martial arts. How could he progress so fast? Is it possible that the road to martial arts is so easy?"

After finishing speaking, Chen Sheng remained dumbfounded and fell into uncontrollable horror.


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