He Has a Dragon

Chapter 933: Meeting on a narrow road, the brave one wins

In the box, Wang Le faced the siege of Luo Junyan and Junior Brother Li without changing his expression. He did not take the initiative to attack impatiently because of this. After he opened the golden glass cover that exuded golden light, he still stood still. 【First release】

The crowd of onlookers at the door of the box and outside saw Wang Le, Luo Junyan, and Junior Brother Li operating the ancient defense skills. They made a murmur of curiosity and wonder, but soon fell into silence again, seriously. Watch what happens next in the box.

At this moment, Junior Brother Li, who was the first to approach Wang Le, could no longer hold back. He used the ancient martial arts technique that he had used before, and swung a heavy punch to the chest of Wang Le, who was like a golden saint.

Wang Le, who was standing still, did not evade any move. This time, he did not open the Deception Dharma Eye. He just used the innate power in his body and gathered the brute force of his physical body into one palm. He used force to dominate and quickly faced Junior Brother Li's attack. That punch coming!

There was a "boom", the moment when the flesh and bones of the fists and palms collided, it made a dull and sharp sound like an iron pillar colliding with an iron plate, which made the onlookers so uncomfortable that they couldn't help but cover their ears.

At the same time, among the dull sharp sounds that echoed in the box, there was also a subtle sound of bone cracking mixed in.

Junior Brother Li groaned and was about to withdraw his fist that had been cracked by Wang Le's palm.

But how could Wang Le spare the opponent lightly? He saw that the iron palm he struck quickly closed up and tightly wrapped around Junior Brother Li's fractured fist, making the opponent's possibility of withdrawing it instantly vanish.

Luo Junyan's expression suddenly changed when he saw that Junior Brother Li was injured and trapped after just meeting him. He was finally sure that Wang Le was not as simple as he seemed.

Immediately, Luo Junyan was seen tapping the ground with his toes without hesitation. He jumped into the air and kicked his feet repeatedly, turning into a black blurry shadow of his feet. He attacked Wang Le's temple from the side and held Junior Brother Li's fist. He moved his left shoulder blade, trying to get Wang Le to let go of Junior Brother Li.

Wang Le turned his head slightly to one side and quickly avoided Luo Junyan's extremely cruel kick. At the same time, he let out a low roar. He saw his left shoulder wrapped around Junior Brother Li's fist and exerted force, and the muscles on his arm bulged. While trembling, he pulled the opponent off the ground like a carrot, and his whole body was treated like a penis. Wang Le swung it up and hit Luo Junyan's other thigh, which was attacking the shoulder blade.

When Luo Junyan saw Junior Brother Li being thrown up by Wang Le and smashing into his thigh, his pupils shrank because he was in mid-air and had no place to focus!

At the critical moment, Luo Junyan felt fierce in his heart, and his eyes showed a fierce look. He saw him running the ancient defense skills crazily, and the purple-red light shrouded his body. He used all his strength to resist Junior Brother Li, who was thrown by Wang Le as an attack weapon!

And Luo Junyan did this to hurt both sides.

So while he planned to block Wang Le's attack, he used the ancient martial arts skills he had practiced and used a move called "Double Dragons". The two clenched iron fists were like a pair of angry dragons that overturned the sea. Taking advantage, he swooped down and smashed his head at Wang Le's neck, with a threatening attitude of either you die or I live.

When they meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. At this moment, the courage of both sides is considered. As long as one side retreats, the offensive will be resolved immediately, eliminating the risk of injury or even death.

However, the retreating party will fall into passive defense in the future, because the ebb and flow of momentum will often affect the final outcome.

As a killing machine, Wang Le knew the consequences without even thinking about it, so the moment he saw roots growing under his feet and stabilizing his lower body, the golden liquid crystal granular innate power in his body spurted out crazily from his Dantian, allowing that to open up. The three dark orifices were filled in an instant.

Opening it with all its strength, the golden glazed cover that wrapped Wang Le's body emitted a golden light that was so dazzling that it made Wang Le seem to have turned into a little sun descending on the world. All the onlookers invariably covered their eyes with their hands. An expression of fear of being burned.

In this fleeting moment, while Wang Le was consolidating his defense, his left hand that was holding Junior Brother Li's body as a weapon suddenly loosened his grip. However, under the inertia, Junior Brother Li still slammed into Luo Junyan's thigh.

As for Wang Le, who had his left hand free, facing the ancient martial arts technique used by Luo Junyan, his heart moved, and his Delusion Eyes opened again, and he easily found out the opponent's fists that filled the sky. Among them, the two were like angry dragons. Where the punch lies!

With a "bang" sound, Luo Junyan did not expect that Wang Le would let go of his grip on Junior Brother Li's body. He was caught off guard and missed his move, and his thigh bone was hit by Junior Brother Li's body.

The two of them each activated the ancient defense technique. During the collision, although neither was harmed, it was not easy either, because at this moment, in order to support the ancient defense technique from being broken, the innate power was consumed. Very huge!




In the midst of the flash of lightning when Junior Brother Li was thrown away, Wang Le, who had freed his hands, raised his head, tilted his waist back slightly, and used the Deception Eye to find the flaw in Luo Junyan's offensive. Without hesitation, he straightened his waist suddenly, like drawing a bow. He raised his head to shoot the arrow, and the fists he swung cut through the air like sharp arrows. With an indomitable momentum, he killed the two 'raging dragons' coming from the sky!

This whole process seemed to be slow but was actually fast. It happened in the blink of an eye. Luo Junyan's purple-red light collided and entangled with Wang Le who was like a little sun, attacking each other up and down.

For a moment, the entire box was filled with roars and fists, and the onlookers standing at the door of the box were so frightened that they quickly retreated outside, for fear of being harmed, and there would really be no room for reasoning.

If it weren't for the fact that Wang Le had not recovered from the internal injuries he suffered during the life-and-death battle with Hong Burang, then the fight with Luo Junyan, whose martial arts training was at the Huang level at most, would have ended long ago.

It was precisely because Wang Le gradually withdrew his strength during the fight in order to avoid the recurrence of his injuries and did not make any killing blows. Therefore, in the eyes of the outsiders who were watching, the two people fighting in the box were at par with each other in terms of skill.

However, Luo Junyan, one of the parties involved, had already stirred up a storm deep in his heart. Only then did he realize that Wang Le's martial arts cultivation was much higher than his own.

"He is not a member of the martial arts world and has not undergone systematic martial arts training. How did he achieve such a high level of martial arts?"

Luo Junyan thought in disbelief.

Another important reason was that Wang Le was too young. Luo Junyan couldn't figure out why the opponent was practicing so fast.


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