He Has a Dragon

Chapter 954: Tracking

"Dong dong...dong dong...dong dong dong..."

When Huang Xiang knocked on the courtyard door, the lights in the main room inside quickly came on. www.geiliwx.com

"Who?" The familiar voice of the fat hunchback reached Huang Xiang's ears outside the courtyard door from far and near.

"Second Senior Brother, it's me." Huang Xiang said excitedly with a trembling voice. At this moment, his restless heart finally fell into his stomach and he felt completely at ease.

With a "squeak" sound, the wooden door of the yard was opened by the fat hunchback from the inside, and Roshan's figure was revealed to Huang Xiang's sight.

At this time, Huang Xiang was seen crying and saying: "Second senior brother, both junior brothers are dead."

"What?" The fat hunchback, who had a calm face at first, was startled and asked quickly.

Without waiting for Huang Xiang's reply, the fat hunchback took a deep breath and said calmly: "Don't stand outside, come in with me and talk."

After saying that, the fat hunchback turned around and walked into the house with a changeable expression.

When Huang Xiang saw this, of course he did not dare to have any objections. Before following the fat hunchback, he did not forget to close the wooden door of the yard again, and then he chased after him and headed towards the main house...

"What's going on?"

When Huang Xiang came to the living room of the main house, a fat hunchback wearing a large white silk pajamas sat in the Grand Master's chair with a gloomy face and shouted with suppressed anger.

Under the light, Huang Xiang's face became darker and darker, and he replied listlessly: "My two junior brothers and I never thought that those two thieves were martial arts masters."

As soon as he finished speaking, the fat hunchback snorted coldly and said: "Speak clearly to me, don't be vague and careless!"

Huang Xiang stirred up his energy, forced himself to cheer up, and then told in detail everything that happened in front of the door of his private house in the urban-rural fringe area on the outskirts of Beijing, including his escape.

Because Huang Xiang understood that it was simply whimsical for him to try to hide this from the fat hunchback, so he had better tell the truth.

Besides, Huang Xiang also believed that the fat hunchback would put himself in his shoes and understand his actions. After all, his life was more important than the sky.

Just like that, after listening to Huang Xiang's story, Fat Hunchback really didn't blame him.

He closed his eyes silently, hiding the horror flashing inside.

"Except for people like us, how come there are martial arts masters in this world?" The fat hunchback murmured to himself.

The two junior brothers who lost their lives tonight were not just cats and dogs. In this world, people who have not achieved innate martial arts simply cannot kill them.

Even a sneak attack is difficult to kill. Taking a step back, even if the first junior brother was successfully attacked by a thief, the other junior brother who was already vigilant should not be able to survive a single move and be directly killed by the thief. .

After a simple guess, Fat Hunchback had no choice but to believe that Huang Xiang was telling the truth, that is, the female thief who took action was at least at the Huang level in martial arts.

Otherwise, she would not have been able to kill the two junior brothers who were on the verge of breaking through the martial arts innate level so easily, and she would not have frightened Huang Xiang, who had just entered the yellow level of martial arts, to turn around and run away without even daring to make a move.

"Could it be that these two thieves, like us, are worldly people who came out of the martial arts world?" The fat hunchback couldn't help but speculate in his heart.

Thinking of this, the fat hunchback suddenly felt that this matter was very difficult, and he couldn't help but become even more depressed and angry!

"It's all Wang Le, that bastard. If it weren't for this shy turtle hiding, I wouldn't be looking for trouble. It's such a headache to be in such big trouble!" The fat hunchback cursed in his heart.

Of course, the fat hunchback couldn't put these words into words, leaving the anger and resentment in his heart with nowhere to vent.

After a moment of excitement, the fat hunchback stood up from his seat and walked out of the room while saying: "Call the other junior brothers who have not yet taken turns and are sleeping in the room, and I will go there and have a look first.

After finishing speaking, the fat hunchback quickly walked through the courtyard, opened the door and walked out. Huang Xiang, who was still in the house at this time, quickly shouted: "Second Senior Brother, let's go over now. Those two thieves must have escaped long ago."

The fat hunchback paused, turned to look at Huang Xiang, who was walking out of the house quickly, and asked in an angry tone: "I'm not an idiot. If you can think of it, can I not think of it?"

"Uh!" Huang Xiang was stunned for a moment and was speechless. He was so embarrassed that he lowered his head habitually, not daring to look at the fat hunchback.

Seeing Huang Xiang's cowardly look, the fat hunchback suddenly felt that getting angry with such a person was really cheap, so he softened his tone and said: "Go and wake them up, I'll wait for you in front."

Immediately, after Huang Xiang nodded in agreement, the fat hunchback quickly walked out of the small courtyard and walked along the road to the outside of the red wall.

Ten minutes later, after picking up the fat hunchback on the road, three black Audi cars increased their horsepower and ran out of the red wall. Under the guidance of Huang Xiang, they headed towards the urban-rural fringe of the suburbs of Beijing as quickly as possible, rushing with great momentum. Go ahead...

When the first ray of dawn appeared from the east, the three cars stopped at the urban-rural fringe area on the outskirts of Beijing, where the incident occurred.

Huang Xiang took the lead in kicking open the door of the courtyard and led eight martial arts masters into the courtyard. The fat hunchback sat at the end, stepped across the threshold, and slowly passed through the crowd to the door of the two-story house.

At this time, the corpses of the two junior brothers who fell in a pool of blackened and solidified blood had already turned white and stiff, and they were staring at the starry sky high above them.

Huang Xiang felt a little guilty and did not dare to look at the two junior brothers. His eyes flickered. Among the people who followed him, some who were close to the two junior brothers couldn't help but look sad. Then he knelt down and closed the door for them. eyes.

"The murderer is very powerful." Someone said in a deep voice after seeing the wounds of the two junior brothers.

Then everyone couldn't help but look at the fat hunchback, waiting for what he would say.

The fat hunchback looked very indifferent. He walked into the house expressionlessly, and then turned on the lights. This left a group of people standing outside waiting, wondering whether it was better to go in or go in!

When everyone was in trouble, luckily the fat hunchback didn't stay too long and walked out with a hint of disappointment on his expressionless face.

"Those two people have been running away for a while because the tea on the table has become cold." The fat hunchback said in a deep voice.

Huang Xiang couldn't help but mutter in his heart: "I told you that everyone escaped, but you still don't believe it."

Just when Huang Xiang was complaining silently in his heart, the fat hunchback glanced at a middle-aged man in the crowd who was thin and ordinary in appearance and said: "Child monkey, there are still those two people left in the room. The next step is up to you."

I saw a man named Tong Hou stood out from the crowd, without saying a word, and got into the brightly lit room...WWW.GEILIWX.COM Happy reading every day

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