He Has a Dragon

Chapter 977: You can’t keep this kind of person!

All the old and young people in the study can do now is comfort themselves and hope that things will not develop to the worst.

Other than that, there wasn't much the two could do.

Because the old guy who is protected by the mysterious army now has no idea where he is buried.

Of course, there is also the news that the male thief reported to Wang Le. It does not say how many disciples and disciples the old guy's enemies in the martial arts world sent into the world, and their strength. Wang Le is even more concerned about this Not knowing anything makes it impossible to prepare in advance.

Thinking of this, Wang Le couldn't help but regret that he so happily returned the magical weapon to the male thief during the day without bargaining for more information.

This was because Wang Le suddenly heard the news that an enemy wanted the old guy, which made him a little distracted and did not calmly think too much about the gains and losses. Otherwise, the male thief's magical weapon would not have been returned to its original owner so easily.

According to Wang Le's usual urinary nature, no matter what, he must give a heavy blow to the male thief!

But the matter had come to this, even if his intestines turned green, it would not help, so Wang Le simply stopped thinking about it.

Just when Wang Le, whose face was as heavy as water, took a cigarette and smoked it, and was thinking about the next step in his mind, Xiao Yuanfang said: "I will ask those staff in the United States to report to the Hong family as soon as possible. Do a thorough draw.”

After a pause, Xiao Yuanfang stood up and paced back and forth with his hands behind his back as usual. He opened his mouth and continued in a deep voice: "I told you last time that the relevant departments have dispatched personnel lurking in the United States to keep a close watch. I have been following every move of the Hong family for some time now, and I must have achieved some results."

Wang Le looked up at Xiao Yuanfang and said: "We must do our best to find out Hong Burang's every move in the Mi Country. In this case, when I go to the Mi Country, I can kill him as soon as possible!"

Xiao Yuanfang frowned and said: "The Hong family's background in the United States is unfathomable, like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. Are you really ready in such a hurry?"

Without waiting for Wang Le's answer, Xiao Yuanfang asked again: "Even if you run thousands of miles and are able to kill Hong Burang in the end, will you be able to sit back and relax from now on?"

At the end, Xiao Yuanfang did not forget to add another sentence: "You must know that the trouble you face is not just Hong Burang, the head of the Hong family, but the ancient family behind him."

Wang Le, who was sitting on the sofa, remained silent and listened quietly to Xiao Yuanfang's questions. He did not interrupt midway, nor did he answer the other party's questions immediately without thinking.

After pondering for a while, Wang Lecai, who was sitting on the sofa, looked up at Xiao Yuanfang who was pacing in the study room, and then responded: "There are masters in the Hong family who are more powerful than Hong Burang."

Xiao Yuanfang stiffened and his eyes flashed. Although he was not surprised by this, after hearing it from Wang Le, he still couldn't help but feel tight in his heart.

At this time, Wang Le flicked the cigarette butt in his hand into the ashtray, stood up at the same time, walked to Xiao Yuanfang, and continued: "But those masters cannot enter China, so the boy only needs to kill Hong Burang after If I escape unscathed and return to China safely, then they can only look back and sigh, unable to do anything to me!"

Immediately, Wang Le roughly told the origin of the Hong family of the United States, which he knew from Li Mubai and Zhuang Ruixiong, as a group exiled from the martial arts world.

After hearing this explanation, Xiao Yuanfang's brows relaxed a little, and then he said: "If what you said is true, that would be the best."

After a pause, Xiao Yuanfang continued: "In this case, if nothing happens, the hatred between you and the Hong family can be temporarily put to an end. Of course, the premise of all this is that you can successfully deal with Hong Burang."

As soon as he finished speaking, the strong murderous intent on Wang Le's face flashed away, and he replied: "It's only three things, Hong Burang must die this time!"

Xiao Yuanfang hummed and stopped asking any more questions. Instead, he changed the subject and said, "What are you going to do with that fat hunchback who fought with you in the suburbs of Beijing during the day?"

Then he continued with a hint of confusion: "How come you, the kid, have a relationship with someone like Fat Hunchback?"

"Uh!" Wang Le could only show a wry smile and said: "It's a long story. On the surface, it's because the boy has defeated Fat Hunchback's two junior brothers, and the other party wants to regain the ground. In fact, it's because This guy is on the opposite side of the martial arts sect and Nanhua Temple..."

After a long while, Xiao Yuanfang listened to Wang Le's explanation and finally fully understood the ins and outs of the matter. He suddenly showed his decisive and murderous character. His face was cold and murderous, and he said in a cold voice without hesitation: " We can’t keep people like this!”

Wang Le had no doubts about this, because he was planning to wait until he left the study, and while the fat hunchback was still seriously injured and losing his fighting ability, he set out to take this guy's life!

Of course, all this must be done quietly, otherwise, the next trouble will really happen, and compared with Hong Burang, the concessions will be no less.

By then, Wang Leke would really be burning the candle at both ends and would be too busy to come over.

And this is the worst-case scenario that Wang Le will never allow to happen!

In this way, Xiao Yuanfang saw that the matter had been almost discussed and it was already getting late, so he didn't talk more.

The two of them had a brief chat at the end, exchanged opinions with each other, and then left the study together and went back to the bedroom to rest.

Of course, Wang Le had more important things to do, so after returning to his bedroom, he did not immediately throw himself on the bed and fall asleep.

I saw him lying on the bed, closing his eyes and quickly entering a state of trance, recovering his innate strength and physical strength that had been consumed by the fierce battle in the suburbs of Beijing during the day.

As for the injuries that have not yet been completely healed, Wang Le can only wait until the fat hunchback is dealt with before he can safely treat the injuries that have not yet completely healed.

If Wang Le hadn't had an idea at that time and put the magic weapons of the male thief and the fat hunchback into the magic eye space, then their combat power would have been greatly enhanced by relying on their own magic weapons.

In this case, during the fierce battle between the three of them, Wang Le would never seriously injure the fat hunchback so easily, thus not aggravating his own injuries.

It can be said that the loss of the natal magic weapon is equivalent to cutting off the arms of the fat hunchback and the male thief, causing the two of them to lose at least one-third of their combat power.

Take the previous martial arts fight between Hong Burang and Wang Le as an example. It can be said that these two men killed each other to the point of darkness.

And Hong Burang relied on his own magical weapon to overwhelm Wang Leda, and finally escaped with his life by self-destructing his magical weapon.

It can be seen from this that the importance of the natal magic weapon is self-evident.

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