He Has a Dragon

Chapter 980 As long as it’s done

Just when Tong Houhou and the other masters were panicking, Wang Le had already left the red wall early and returned to his residence along the original road.

Most of the time before and after was spent on the road, and it only took a few minutes to deal with the fat hunchback.

As for the three corpses stored in the Dharma Eye space, including the fat hunchback, Wang Le was not in a hurry to dispose of them immediately, because the continuous martial arts battles during the day put a considerable load on his body. , plus the internal injuries have not completely healed.

Therefore, Wang Le decided that it would be safest to come back and take a good rest. Anyway, tonight's attack and killing plan has been successfully completed.

As for the next step, it was just a matter of throwing the three corpses stored in the Fayan space into a garbage incinerator near the outskirts of Beijing in accordance with past practice. It was of no importance.

After taking a cold shower and putting on clean clothes, Wang Le threw himself on the bed and fell asleep, because he was really tired. At this moment, restoring his own condition was the most important thing.

There was nothing to say all night. When a new day started in the morning, Wang Le felt refreshed after a good sleep and his body had recovered.

When Wang Le came to the yard, Xiao Yuanfang was, as usual, doing his own set of military exercises to strengthen his body and keep himself strong enough to cope with the busy work of the next day.

Of course, it is indispensable that Wang Le occasionally treated him before and injected some innate power. Otherwise, Xiao Yuanfang would not be more alive and energetic now, with the state of an old tree sprouting new buds, and his mental state is surprisingly good.

After playing martial arts for a while, Xiao Yuanfang took the white towel from Wang Le and asked casually while sending the housekeeper away: "Is everything settled?"

Wang Le's face was as calm as water, he hummed and replied: "That's it."

Obviously, after Xiao Yuanfang talked with Wang Le in the study last night and said the words that this person could not keep, he knew that with the character of his adopted son, he would never leave the trouble until the sun rises the next day. time, that’s why I asked this question.

Sure enough, as expected by Xiao Yuanfang, Wang Le had indeed solved the problem of the fat hunchback perfectly before dawn, without any flaws.

Otherwise, Wang Le wouldn't have the time to get up early in the morning and watch Xiao Yuanfang doing his axe-fighting and military-style boxing.

"That's it."

As his mind wandered, Xiao Yuanfang wiped the sweat from his face with a white towel.

He replied calmly.

After a pause, Xiao Yuanfang added: "I guess when I go to the office later, a report will be sent to my office."

Wang Le smiled softly and said faintly: "No one will be seen in life, and no body will be seen in death. No matter how many reports are sent to your old desk, they are just empty words."

"Uh!" Xiao Yuanfang froze, then rolled his eyes at Wang Le, and lowered his voice angrily: "Looking at the matter of killing people, looking at the four-nine cities, and even the whole of China, no one is better than you kid. , whoever messes with you will be hanged by the birthday boy, because he is too long-lived!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Wang Le's reply, Xiao Yuanfang threw the white towel into Wang Le's hand, then turned around and walked straight into the house.

When Wang Le saw this, a silent smile appeared on his face, and then he followed Xiao Yuanfang's footsteps, entered the house, and went to the dining room to eat...

There is no airtight wall in the world. When Wang Le, Xiao Yuanfang and other large families were having breakfast, the death of Fat Hunchback spread through various channels and became the number one topic in the upper circles of Sijiu City before and after breakfast.

"Yesterday I had a fight with the pretty boy in the suburbs of Beijing, but he didn't die at the hands of this pervert. When I got back, he died in mysterious ways, and all his corpses were gone."

"This guy Wang Le is cruel and brutal, and he will be punished. Could it be that he did it?"

"I'd rather touch the King of Hell than mess with the pretty boy!"

Just as everyone was pretending to be Sherlock Holmes and Detective Conan and making speculations, Wang Le, after finishing breakfast, first said hello to Ning Bizhi and Lulu, and then followed Xiao Yuanfang out of the residence.

Because it was the rush hour for work, if you were driving a car, it would be extremely painful to be stuck in the middle of the road, so Wang Le found a deserted place, took out the black heavy-duty motorcycle that he had not used for some days, put on his helmet and , without stopping, amidst the roar and roar of the engine, it rushed towards the suburban garbage recycling plant in the suburbs of Beijing.

In less than twenty minutes, Wang Le arrived at the garbage recycling plant in the suburbs of Beijing with ease.

Wang Le has not been to this place for a long time. In the past, every time he disposed of corpses, it was always at this garbage recycling plant.

Needless to say, there is no need to mention the next process. Wang Le, who activated the hidden power of the Magic Eye Dragon, sneaked into the factory easily without any surprises, and then stored Fat Hunchback, Huang Xiang and another one in the Magic Eye space. The bodies of the three Ouchi masters were taken out and thrown into the incinerator, making them completely disappear from this world. They could never return to the martial arts world and stayed in this mortal world forever, entering reincarnation...

After leaving the garbage recycling plant, Wang Le rode a heavy machine back to the city from the suburbs of Beijing. He did not immediately go back to his residence to accompany Ning Bizhi, but came to Lian Yayuan.

Chen Sheng, who was standing at the door, saw that Wang Le, who had just been here yesterday, came here again this morning. He couldn't help but feel a little surprised and muttered to himself: "This kid hasn't been so diligent in visiting Lian Yayuan for a long time. "

Although Chen Sheng was confused, when he saw Wang Lehou riding a heavy machine to the door and taking out a black helmet, he did not open his mouth to ask why.

After a simple greeting, Chen Sheng silently brought Wang Le into the small courtyard.

At this time, Mr. Mu was sitting firmly on the stone stool covered with cotton pads, drinking hot tea from the cup in his hand, and enjoying the sun that had just risen.

"Good morning, grandpa." Wang Le walked up to Mr. Mu and greeted him respectfully as always.

"Sit down and talk." The old man, who had just taken a sip of tea and closed his eyes to taste it, casually ordered.

Wang Le was not polite and walked to sit opposite the old man. At this time, Chen Sheng brought the tea in time, and followed him out of curiosity and sat on the other side.

After two or three minutes, the old man opened his eyes and looked at Wang Le opposite him. Without beating around the bush, he asked straight to the point: "What's the matter?"

"Do you have Qingfengzi's contact information? My mentor's enemies in the martial arts world have already sent people out."

As soon as Wang Le told him his purpose without hesitation, Mr. Mu's expressionless face suddenly changed, revealing a solemn expression.

Obviously, he understood the seriousness of the matter.

PS, I changed the previous article. As for the reason, everyone knows. There are two chapters left in the evening. I will stay up all night to read them tomorrow morning.

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