He Has a Dragon

Chapter 988: Opening the Grave

As Wang Le drove closer and closer to Fushan where his mother Wang Xiaodie was buried, he became more and more anxious.

Because he had to think of the white-haired old farmer he met when he went down the mountain to worship at his mother's grave the day before he left Feicheng.

The reason was that the old man's things were stolen, and the thief was Ji Yangzi who came to Fushan to worship his daughter.

Of course, these were only the one-sided words of the white-haired old man, without any substantial evidence. However, Wang Le believed it 100% in his heart and had no doubt that what the other party told was a lie.

In the final analysis, it was because the old man and Wang Le had no causal involvement, so there was no need to make such a fuss.

"What kind of treasure did grandpa steal?"

"Oh, when it's over, I brushed off my clothes and ran away by myself, causing my grandson to follow behind and suffer."

While Wang Le was driving his car on the rural concrete road to Fushan, he recalled the tragic experience of running away from the old man last time he met him, and he couldn't help but murmur sadly in his heart.

Thinking of this, Wang Le frowned slightly, because today he was moving his mother's grave, and as a son, he had to be present.

Then the trouble that ensues is what if the old man changes?

The hills in Fushan are going to be moved for development. The old man lives here, so of course he will know about this. If he thinks more deeply, he will also know that the tombs in Fushan are going to be moved.

When Wang Le and Ji Yang came to pay homage to Wang Xiaodie, the old man knew about it. Otherwise, Wang Le would not have been stopped by him later and asked about Ji Yangzi's whereabouts.

Wang Le's martial arts cultivation at that time was only innate and his combat power was innate. Facing this old man, he could only run away. Now that his combat power has greatly increased, he is still pounding in his heart.

Because Grandpa Jiyang's cultivation was at the level of martial arts, but he still turned into a thief instead of fighting head-on with the old man and snatching things away from the other party openly, which is evident from this.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Wang Le, who has always been cautious, is extremely vigilant in his heart.

Just when Wang Le was distracted, he drove all the way. At almost nine o'clock in the morning, the two cars finally arrived at the foot of Fushan Mountain.

Along the way, Lu Yousan, who was sitting in Fatty's burgundy BMW X6, had already contacted nearby residents through his mobile phone.

So when they arrived, these local farmers were already waiting at the foot of the mountain with their tools.

After getting off the bus, no one exchanged much pleasantries with each other. Wang Le stuffed two packs of 95 Supreme cigarettes into each of the seven local farmers, all in their fifties, and then went up the mountain together with their tools.

"I hope everything goes well today and that old guy doesn't come out halfway again."

When going up the mountain, Wang Le, who was walking at the front, looked around with twinkling eyes and prayed silently deep in his heart.

Of course, for the worst-case scenario, Wang Le had already prepared himself mentally when he drove here, and there was no chance that he would have to fight head-on with the other party.

As for the outcome, Young Master Wang didn't think much about it. Even if he lost, there was still no problem in escaping.

So when we ate at a roadside stall in the morning, Wang Le and Fatty also got vaccinated in advance, that is, don't move around in any situation today, just pretend not to know each other, and don't get too close.

Although the fat man was extremely confused about this, it was just a matter of moving a grave, and it was like living or dying, but he still agreed without hesitation, and he was very conscious and didn't ask any more questions.

Because in the eyes of the fat man, his best friend has always been targeted and will not talk nonsense for no reason.

In this way, a dozen people, led by Wang Le, spent twenty minutes coming to Wang Xiaodie's grave.

At this time, the sun was three poles high, and the sun was shining fiercely. In addition, the climb up from the foot of the mountain was a strenuous exercise. Wang Le and the seven local old farmers were okay, their own physical strength was enough to cope, but the fat man and Lu Yousan were not. It was no longer possible. I was sweating profusely. When I reached the halfway point of the mountain, I had already taken off my coat and pulled off the collar.

Especially when Lu Yousan bent over and vomited as soon as he climbed up, he was obviously a drunken and lustful master who had emptied his body.

Seeing this, Wang Le had no choice but to let Fatty and Lu Yousan find a place to rest and recover their strength. As for the next thing, he would lead the seven old farmers to start working.

According to the local custom in Lefang, the tomb should be opened before the sun rises and the coffin inside should be taken out. However, the fat man was too young to think so much. As for Wang Le, although he gradually began to believe these things, he was not aware of this aspect. So I didn't come over until mid-morning.

As for those old farmers, of course they don't have time to do anything but remind them of these taboo things. It's better to do less than to do more. They just need to work and get paid and call it a day.

However, the old farmers still had some conscience. They prepared the black gauze tent in advance, and skillfully nailed four long wooden sticks on the ground around Wang Xiaodie's grave, and then tied the gauze tent to it to form a sunshade. The sun shines into the tomb.

Making these preliminary preparations quickly, Wang Le lit up firecrackers and fireworks with the cigarette in his mouth.

"Ping Ping Pong Pong"

"Bang bang bang"

When all the firecrackers and fireworks had gone off, the seven old farmers each took their tools and began to dig the grave very familiarly.

Wang Lechu started to symbolically dig with a shovel, and then stood under the sun with his hands behind his back. His face showed no emotion, and he watched silently.

There is strength in numbers, not to mention that these seven old farmers are all good at work, so as time went by, Wang Xiaodie's grave was gradually dug up, revealing the corners of the coffin board.

Just when the fat man who had recovered his breath walked up to Wang Le with a bottle of mineral water and handed it to him, the old farmers in front of him looked strange and murmured in confusion.

"Hey, look at the exposed coffin board. It looks like new?"

"I see that the tombstones outside have been beaten by wind and rain for at least twenty years. It is assumed that the coffins buried in the soil are almost rotten, right?!"

"A lot of graves have been opened for people recently. Something strange happened to me today. It's a bit unlucky!"


Wang Le and Fatty saw that the work of these old farmers had slowed down, and they were talking in low voices, obviously absent-minded, and could not help but feel an indescribable strange feeling in their hearts.

Especially Wang Le, because the person buried underneath was his biological mother, he felt his spine begin to tingle inexplicably.

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