He Has a Dragon

Chapter 995 Alas!

The white-haired old man accomplished all his feats in one battle. The bloody arrow he spat out from his mouth, with the overwhelming murderous intention and the potential to kill in one strike, broke through the shackles of the white light and shot straight to the fresh human skin!

I saw that the graceful fresh human skin turned into waves, rising and falling, shaking, as if the will contained in it was awakened by the blood arrow, and then became angry, and the world changed color because of it!

It was a clear sky, but suddenly dark clouds covered the whole world, thunder and lightning appeared in the clouds, and heavy rain was about to fall at any time!

The blood arrow made of the blood of the white-haired old man was blocked when it was only one finger away from the fresh human skin, and could no longer advance an inch. Then the arrow began to emit white smoke, then to the arrow body, and then to the arrow tail. It was evaporated completely in an instant.

The white-haired old man who was using up his whole body to cultivate, burning his essence, blood and lifespan, trying to break free from this cage, saw this, his eyes widened with anger, and with great difficulty, he waved a big hand and grabbed the trembling picture in front of him. of fresh human skin.


Immediately, a shrill scream came from the mouth of the white-haired old man, which immediately caught the eye of Wang Le, who was experiencing hellish torture below.

"Hiss!" Wang Le's face twitched. He gasped not because of the pain he suffered, but because he saw the tragic situation of the white-haired old man above him.

I saw that the white-haired old man's big hand was blocked just as it reached the same distance as the previous blood arrow. He could not touch it no matter what. At this moment, it was like a fresh human skin controlled by will.

Then, like the bloody arrow, the big hand covered with skin and bones emitted white smoke, starting from the fingers, like a cigarette being lit, and then burning... into ashes.


The white-haired old man was tortured by the severe pain like a big snake being strangled by the neck. His whole body was twisting and struggling, but he could not escape the death hand that was holding his throat.

Wang Le, who was not far downwind, had always been called by outsiders a perverted demon who came out of hell, with cruel and bloody methods. But at this moment, he looked at the old man like a lit candle, constantly It burned, then turned into white smoke, and merged with the shining white light pillar and disappeared. It was hard to bear to witness it.

Because this kind of inhuman torture has exceeded the category of perversion, and for a while, it could not be described in words.

The screams continued. Ordinary people or those with lower martial arts cultivation would have died long ago. However, the white-haired old man's martial arts cultivation was extremely advanced and his vitality was even stronger, making it difficult for him to die.

The invisible force devoured it very quickly,

In a few breaths, the white-haired old man's entire arm turned into white smoke and dispersed, and then the devouring spread to his chest...

At this time, Wang Le below, the high temperature in his body began to decrease, and he couldn't help but feel a weird feeling in his heart, that is, he didn't need to die.

When he realized that he could survive, Wang Le was not overjoyed. Instead, he had an indescribable feeling in his heart, because the drops of blood blended in, and after the high-temperature burning pain, it was like a wave of blood. The mysterious power was hidden in the large and small acupoints in the body, which inexplicably gave him a sense of relaxation in body, mind and soul, and he could feel that his physique had been further improved, and his potential to be tapped was even greater.

Just when Wang Le was immersed in the changes in his body and distractedly observing the white-haired old man above and the fresh human skin left by his mother, he saw that half of the white-haired old man's body was devoured in a short period of time, leaving only the Xiang The upper head is still intact.

"I am not willing to die like this!"

The white-haired old man roared with resentment, and then there was a "boom" sound. His entire head exploded from the inside out, like a watermelon being smashed. Red and white things were splashed everywhere, but in the end not a trace touched it. Everything on the skin fell on Wang Le's chest and head below.

Before Wang Le could react, he saw the round, bright white light pillar with a diameter of more than three meters rising up from the tomb pit on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Le was left outside. The bright white light beam continued to shrink upwards. At this time, the light beam extending to the end of the sky also quickly retracted.

At the same time, Wang Le, who was covered in red and white stuff from the white-haired old man's head, fell to the ground after breaking away from the restraints of the white beam of light.

When Wang Le was about to land, he was unable to turn over like a kite, so he could only use his only strength to slow down his fall, and then he fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the loess on this mountain was relatively moist and soft. Although he was shattered by the fall, Wang Le just grinned and did not suffer any major injuries.

And at this time, Wang Le couldn't care less about the pain on his body, and stared at the changes in the sky with his eyes.

At this time, I saw that the bright white light pillar was compressed into a transparent round cake-shaped crystal sheet, and the fresh human skin was sandwiched in it. There was a stream of light surrounding it, and there was also white smoke transpiration, and I don't know if it was because of The uncertainty caused Wang Le to have an illusion. He seemed to hear the thoughts of sentient beings chanting sutras echoing in his ears.

With a "swish", this round crystal-like transparent sheet shot out of the air in front of Wang Le, who was slumped on the ground.

"Uh!" Wang Le, who raised his head, immediately held his breath. Sitting on the ground, he didn't dare to move, because the murderous intention appeared again and rushed towards him, covering his body.

Immediately, the strong murderous intention fluctuated violently, sometimes getting stronger and sometimes weaker, as if the will contained in that fresh human skin was fighting with the people, hesitating.

If possible, Wang Le would have long ago wanted to use the dragon's hidden power of Breaking the Illusion Eye and run away with his life.

However, after this drastic change, Wang Le no longer had the strength to fight, and his heart told him not to resist, because the strange existence he was facing was unfathomable, and there was no possibility of escape.


A female sigh seemed to come from a distant place, passing through mountains and rivers, through the abyss of hell, and through the ruthless and cold years. It sounded faintly next to Wang Le, leaving his mind blank!

The strange woman sighed, which inexplicably made Wang Le's eyes turn red, and unstoppable tears fell down his face.

"Mother!" Wang Le shouted excitedly at the fresh human skin floating in the air in front of him.

As soon as the words fell, they enveloped Wang Le, and the murderous intention that was sometimes strong and sometimes weak quickly receded like a tide. Before he could open his mouth again, the round transparent crystal-like flakes with fresh human skin "swiped" towards the sky. Shooting away, it turned into a point of light and disappeared into the clouds, disappearing without a trace.

Wang Le got up from the ground, roared, his eyes turned golden, mysterious lines and profound symbols were flowing on them, and the Dharma Eyes for Destroying Illusions opened at full strength!

PS: This plot is very important. I have been basically insomnia since last night and have been struggling with how to write better, so it is difficult to start writing and I have delayed finishing it until now.

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