In the first life, Uchiha Madara was a strong man who suppressed the Warring States.

And in the second life, Uchiha Madara is still the Uchiha Madara who suppressed the contemporary world.

This is Madara's pride.

Even if he will leave this world for a short time, when he returns to this world, he will still be the man standing at the forefront of this era.

"Lead the way!"

Madara's voice echoed in the dark and damp basement.

Then, the door of the underground secret room opened.

The wind from the ground blew in, and Madara's white hair blew in the wind. After many years, he walked out of this place like a tomb again.

The wrinkled pale face was also exposed to the sun, and the smell of decay and rot on his body was swept away.

The remnants of the old era?

When he, Uchiha Madara, set foot on this land again, he was still the Uchiha of the past!

Chapter 18 I won, old man

On the peninsula on the edge of the Land of Water, Shanks sat by the sea, looking at the sea from afar.

He has been in this world for half a year. In this half year, his strength has grown from an "ordinary person" to a strong man who can have a place in the second half of the Grand Line.

"I really want to go to sea. I don't know what my current strength is. I should be able to escape from the hands of the admiral."

Shanks' strength has improved rapidly, but he knows himself.

And to be honest, judging from Shanks's progress, the progress in the past six months is extremely terrifying, even greater than Luffy's progress in two years of training.

"No, no, this is too risky.

It's just a chance to escape from the hands of the admiral. If you really meet the admiral, you may lose your life."

"The most important thing about training is to be able to endure loneliness."

Shanks nodded and warned himself again.

To be honest, the current training is not a boring thing for Shanks.

Because he can see his progress every day, the joy brought by this progress is like a dog head stacked Q, there is a full sense of accomplishment.

The more you work now, the more you will gain in the future.

Thinking of this, Shanks put aside his distracting thoughts, then jumped up and jumped directly into the sea.

After a while, a black shadow slowly floated up from the bottom of the sea in the distance. When the black shadow completely floated out of the sea, it was clear that it was a shark more than ten meters long.


Shanks threw the shark heavily to the ground.

"The animals in the pirate world are really big, and there are all kinds of strange animals."

Shanks sighed, who knew that this ordinary shark could spray water?

This is not the kind of ordinary spray, but a huge water column sprayed out of the mouth.

"It's worthy of being the pirate world. It looks like it should be some kind of special fish."

Shanks was angry while thinking.

Not long after Zabuza left, Shanks ate all the fish in the lake.

So every day he could only go to the beach to find food. Fortunately, his observation Haki was strong enough to detect the situation in the deep sea.

Even through the Conqueror's Haki, he could vaguely sense all kinds of sounds in the deep sea.

In the depths of this sea, Shanks sensed many huge monsters, but it was normal. How many animals in the pirate world were normal?

"I feel like my appetite is getting bigger and bigger. Is it because I've become much stronger?"

Shanks didn't know what was wrong with him. His appetite was probably ten times higher than before.

In addition to being strong enough, the strong in the pirate world also have another outstanding feature, which is that they can eat a lot.

Being able to eat means that they have become stronger.

"Alas, it's not good to have too good talent. So far, my strength has been growing, but as a human, no matter how much the physical strength grows, there is a limit."

"If only the Armament Haki could be so fast."

Shanks was a little distressed. The practice of Armament Haki was more troublesome than he imagined, but the practice of the physical body progressed very quickly.

While thinking, Shanks cut a piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

But at this moment, Shanks seemed to realize something and looked at the sea.

More than 20 kilometers later, Madara, who was sitting on the raft, also sensed some kind of power.

"It's not chakra spying, is this the observation Haki? It really lives up to its reputation."

Madara was able to sense it not because of chakra fluctuations, but because of his intuition as a strong man.

The moment Shanks used his observation Haki to sense him, Madara also sensed Shanks' blurred vision at the same time.

Shanks on the other side was even more curious.

An old man with white hair who looked like he was about to be buried did not seem to pose any threat.

But how could a ruthless person who dared to sit on a raft alone in the sea really be an old man who was about to be buried.

Even if Madara's aura was weak, Shanks would not treat Madara as an ordinary person.

At the same time, he also noticed a samurai sword next to Madara.

No matter how you look at it, the opponent's weapon is much more gorgeous than his own samurai sword that looks like it was mass-produced.

"A swordsman?"

Shanks was not wrong to say so.

Madara can really be said to be a swordsman.

Moreover, most of the weapons of the ninjas in the Warring States period were also such samurai swords, so Madara also chose to go out with his former weapon.

This sword has no name, nor is it a famous sword, it's just that Madara is used to it.

For him, weapons are not important.

But Madara still wants to experience Shanks' swordsmanship.

"A power beyond ninjutsu, and different from blood limit, is this the observation Haki?"

Madara stood up, and the speed of the raft under his feet also became much faster.

Madara's momentum was rising layer by layer, and his right hand had already grasped his samurai sword.

At this time, Shanks also sensed the momentum of Madara in the distance.

From his perception of observation Haki, he could see that on Madara's hunched and thin body, a huge white flame was rising slowly, as if it was going to rise to the sky.

Behind Madara, the half of the sky seemed to be on fire.

It was not really on fire, but Shanks' observation Haki sensed it.

"Such a strong momentum, just one step away from breaking through that barrier."

Shanks was too familiar with this feeling, Conqueror's Haki.

Conqueror's Haki that could affect the real world and the weather.

The opponent was just one step away from producing Conqueror's Haki, but with such a terrifying momentum, even if Conqueror's Haki had not been born, Shanks would not take it lightly.


Shanks' hand was already on his samurai sword, and the black and red Conqueror's Haki emanated from the scabbard.

Boom! !

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and a flash of lightning passed by.

At this moment, Madara jumped out.

The wind whistled in his ears, and the white hair at waist level scattered in the air.

The old hand, which was so thin that only skin and bones were left, grasped the scabbard.

Without any fancy words or movements, Madara jumped directly at Shanks.

Buzz! !

Shanks did not hold back, and the black and red domineering aura burst out from the scabbard, and a terrifying blade light dozens of meters long flashed.

At this moment, the surging waves on the sea were completely suppressed and fell into silence.

And in the air, Madara, the samurai sword in his hand, also showed a terrifying power in his right hand at this moment.

A blue blade dozens of meters long appeared, and even a somewhat illusory huge blue right hand could be seen behind it.


A deafening collision, black and red lightning and blue lightning exploded between the two people.

A huge force came, and the ground around Shanks collapsed dozens of centimeters in an instant, and Madara in the air also flew backwards.


A thunder flashed, Shanks turned around, and his eyes met with Madara standing on the cliff.

Then, Shanks grinned.

"I won, old man."

Chapter 19 Shanks: I have an old man too?

Shanks did not feel the killing intent from Madara, and the collision between the two was just a normal fight.

However, this "normal" is already the upper limit that many people in the ninja world cannot reach in their lifetime.

Although Madara cannot use the perfect Susanoo due to physical reasons, if we talk about attack power, the power of the knife just now is comparable to the attack of the perfect form.

"You didn't win, I just lost to time. When I was young, you might not be able to beat me."

Madara, who was not far away, spoke indifferently.

Shanks's strength is indeed very strong, but if he wants to beat him, that's a joke.

"Ha, what a strange old man."

Shanks ignored Madara and sat down in his previous position.

Eating fish by the sea and looking at the sea.

Suddenly a man floated on the sea and stabbed him. How could Shanks not be depressed.

But seeing that the man was so old, Shanks had to give up, otherwise the fight would not end for a while.

"Want to eat together?"

Hearing Shanks' words, Madara did not refuse.

It's just that his legs and feet were obviously a little inconvenient when he walked.

He was over 90 years old. Whose old man over 90 years old can still fight with others?

And looking at the sunken ground around him, it was lucky that his body didn't collapse directly after using so much strength.

"Your swordsmanship lacks the killing intent."

This was the first sentence Madara said when he sat down.

He seemed to be used to this way of speaking. Facing Shanks, Madara naturally put himself in the position of a senior.

"I think being a pirate doesn't require killing."


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