The Third Hokage had the longest tenure in Konoha, but after the Konoha collapse plan, and so many things happened afterwards, all kinds of messy information appeared.

With those things coming down, even if the Third Hokage was alive, he had to die quickly.

It would be more decent to die earlier. If you don't want to be decent, then everyone will help you be decent.

So it's good enough for Yuanyi to do something decent.

And looking at Yuanyi next to him, Fukuda Qingmeng could only shake his head.

"They have no way out, so are we."

"What's more, there is a Six Paths Sage."

"With the Golden Lion, the Six Paths Sage will not appear."

The appearance of the second Four Emperors really helped the World Government.

"However, you can only worry about the next thing. I can only help you get rid of Orochimaru at most."

Master Yuanyi knew that Orochimaru wanted to use him as a stepping stone. Orochimaru was a ninjutsu genius and knew a lot of tricks.

Although the real information has not been transmitted back yet, Master Yuanyi has roughly known it.

A day later, the battle report between the four major ninja villages and Orochimaru came back.

This report did not hide any details, and the navy's operations did not make any mistakes. Moreover, it can be seen from the battle report that the navy's elite of the four major ninja villages are really elite.

Let alone the strength, just the fighting will alone is ridiculously strong.


"30,000 people sacrificed... how many people are there in total?"

"No more than 110,000."

On the main force of the World Government, all the immortals and naval generals attended the meeting.

When everyone got this battle report, everyone was dumbfounded.

Everyone knew the situation on the navy side.

War supplies and other things are stored in scrolls, so there will be a lot of people on the warships, and the shipbuilding technology of this world is actually not weak, and the warships are also very large.

A regular warship is more than enough to hold a thousand people.

But... even if there are 100,000 people, you directly lost one-third of them in an encounter. Is this human?

" there any problem with the authenticity?"

"No problem, the elite navy of the four ninja villages is stronger than we thought."

"This is not a question of strength or not, are those people crazy? Won't they retreat?"


Some naval officers couldn't hold it anymore, mainly because the casualties were too outrageous, and the fighting spirit of both sides was really a bit confusing.

This is not the intensity of an ordinary war, these people are really not afraid of death, they are all crazy.

Look at the soldiers under his command, although they are also elite, but their fighting spirit cannot be so terrible, so fearless.

"Send this report to other parts of the navy, war is so cruel."

"Our navy has a large number of people, but the power of pirates should not be underestimated."

"This is our first real battle in the Red Earth Continent, and it's time to let everyone see the determination of the World Government."

There was no ripple on Di Lu's face sitting in the main seat. The cruelty of the war far exceeded the cruelty of any period.

This kind of war has never happened in the ninja world.

If you are not careful, all families and even countries will be destroyed in this kind of war.

Di Lu looked at everyone here with a sharp gaze. These people have ambitions, desires, and strength.

But in this kind of war, one must be prepared to die.

It is time for the world to see this bloody "justice".

If this hypocritical "justice" no longer exists, then everything they want will disappear.

Di Lu's idea is simple and pragmatic. As a naval marshal, he cannot see the "justice" in these nobles. Justice no longer exists in this class.

The revolutionary army is the future.

Di Lu's calm and even death-minded will really surprised Master Yuan Yi again. The naval marshal in front of him is indeed a rare genius.

With each other, the navy will be fine in the next ten years.

This is a tacit understanding between wise men.

But Yuan Yi was not wrong. Di Lu did have a tacit understanding with him, because Di Lu saw the decadent side of the world's nobles.

What he is doing now is actually spreading the influence of the revolutionary army in the navy from top to bottom.

After the world government decays, these forces will become the forces of the Revolutionary Army.

And Yuanyi's approach is that after the world government collapses, it will directly enter the era of immortal ascension.

Their tacit understanding is that the world's nobles are unreliable.

"Okay, since the marshal has spoken, let's send this report and let everyone see it!"

At this time, Yuanyi also spoke.

In this kind of occasion, he absolutely supports Dilu.

One is the admiral of the navy, and the other is the master of the void throne of the world government. Both of them have spoken, so things will naturally be much more straightforward.

As the battle reports of Orochimaru and the four major ninja villages were sent out, Master Yuanyi was also ready to leave.

"Instead of waiting for Orochimaru to come to me, I might as well go to him."

"This can be regarded as a gift from me to the four major ninja villages."

"Whether Orochimaru dies or not in the end, I can't come back, and the rest is left to you."

Master Yuanyi spoke lightly, Orochimaru still wants to kill him? He is an immortal, how could an immortal be killed by a pirate.

As for the four major ninja villages? Master Yuan Yi used his own life as compensation. This sincerity should be enough.

"How cunning!"

"Having chosen such a weak opponent, are you so eager to die?"

"Ah, after all... I really deserve to die. It's not good to hang around all this time."

"Is there anything else you need my help with?"

Fukuda Qingmeng took one last look at his old friend.

"When you see Shanks, ask me, what is an immortal?"

"I don't know if I, the immortal, can catch his eyes."

As the breeze blew by, Master Yuan Yi disappeared.

Only Futian Qingmeng was left alone, a lonely old man. There was nothing around him, not even a tomb.

Chapter 289 The End of Yuanyi

Above the sea, wisps of moonlight swam toward the distance.

On this day, a blood moon hung in the night sky of the Red Earth Continent. The power in the moon seemed to be breaking through the seal, but this was all an illusion.

Kaguya, who was in the seal, could feel that the person who stole her power was almost dead, and the terrifying death aura had appeared around her through the connection of power.

This death aura has no effect on Kaguya, it just makes her aware of Yuan Yi's situation.

At the same time, it also made her somewhat unpredictable about the outside world.

Kaguya has been exposed to the power of world will for a long time. For the Otsutsuki clan, world will is not a secret at all.

But what surprised Kaguya was that the person on the other side who stole her power should have been dead, but he was able to forcefully hold back the death suppression of the world's will and rely on his own strength to breathe.

This terrifying will to resist death really made Kaguya feel a little numb, and she had no idea what was happening in the ninja world.

After all, in that era of thousands of years, everyone was pretty much the same, and it could even be said that they were novices. With only one body of strength, how much it could be used really depended on luck and ability.

In this era, this group of strong men on the sea have been able to exert power beyond their own basic values ​​and exceed their capabilities.

To put it simply, times have changed, and they have changed a long time ago.

Although the most fundamental things have not changed, the times have progressed, and the strides have been huge, beyond everyone's imagination.

The times are pushing everyone forward.

Under the free moonlight, a rickety figure hung high in the sky, and the sea beneath his feet was rough. As the moonlight fell, a bright moon appeared in the sea, and the waves calmed down.

The free moonlight illuminates the sea.

The sea surface was like a mirror, and a black shadow swam out from the jade plate.

There was no huge noise, it was still extremely quiet, only the sound of clouds rolling in the sky could be heard.

A huge dragon head poked out from the clouds, looking down at the immortals below.

When Orochimaru came, he didn't expect that Yuan Yi would actually come to him, nor did he expect that Yuan Yi would fight him in this place so openly.

"I didn't expect you to show up here."

Orochimaru did not speak rudely to the old man in front of him, even though he had not had much contact with Yuan Yi, and their positions were absolutely opposite.

But the old man in front of him is an extremely respectable opponent.

"I am one of the strongest immortals after all. It would be shameful for me to die under your conspiracy."

"Is it decent?"

Orochimaru looked at Yuan Yi. As a top expert in the ninja world, it would indeed be a bit dishonorable to die due to conspiracy.

"I can make you look decent."

However, now that everything has been said, Orochimaru will not hide anything anymore.

He just wants the other person to die.

"Don't underestimate me, Orochimaru."

"The will of the fairy kingdom on earth is not that simple."

"We immortals are the final choice of this world, representing the final power and the most correct power of the primitive era of this world."

"Without the appearance of Shanks, the new world would not have been born at all."

Yuan Yi was not in a hurry to take action. Since he wanted to fight, he would fight in an upright manner. He would not let Orochimaru suffer.

As for who wins and who loses, that depends on fate.

Orochimaru also knew what Yuan Yi meant, and he did not have the slightest contempt for the immortal in front of him.

"The original state of the ninja world was extremely chaotic. It became stable after the original will was fixed.

The original will of the ninja world is based on the weak, sacrificing the weak, making the strong stronger, and thus becoming stronger step by step. "

"This is true even in the initial ninja world. A weak will can always attract the attention of others, so there was the invasion of the Otsutsuki clan, the sacred tree, ninjas, and chakra."

"But who knows if this is bait thrown out by the ninja world? By devouring it, you become stronger, and by sacrificing other weak people, you become stronger.

The original will of the fairy kingdom on earth has always been consistent with the ninja world, a wild and savage will. "

Master Yuan Yi spoke indifferently, and the aura on his body began to change, becoming more crazy, like a wild beast. However, in this madness, he still retained extremely clear reason and wisdom.

This is the initial will of the ninja world, the most primitive will.

Like a wild beast in a cage, it chooses people to devour.

The sacred tree invasion of the Otsutsuki clan? It's hard to say whether it was the invasion of the Otsutsuki clan or the ninja world's desire to sacrifice part of Otsutsuki's will.

But one thing is certain, that is, the direction of the original will of the ninja world is the route of "sacrifice".

"So, be careful."

"You, don't become our stepping stone."

The shadow of the fairyland on the ground emerged, and Master Yuanyi's voice fell, and the thin figure floated into the sky.

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