Kisame looked at Sasuke not far away. That was Itachi's dearest brother. He was beaten like this by Zabuza. No wonder Itachi would take action.

"Mr. Itachi, why don't we teach Bubu a lesson together? I'll be unhappy with him a long time ago."

Kisame grinned and gave Zabuza a mocking expression in the distance.

"No need, we are here on a mission."

Itachi put Naruto down.

Although Naruto was seriously injured, it didn't hurt him at all, so it seemed that Zabuza retained his hand.

"Unexpectedly, Konoha's top brass actually colluded with your revolutionary army!"

In the distance, Zabuza stood up and finally appeared. Is this Konoha's back-up plan? Two cadres of the revolutionary army.

"Huh? Zabuza, what are you talking about? We are here to deliver things for Shanks, Konoha, Konoha deserves it too?"

Hearing Zabuza's words, Kisame said angrily that he and Itachi both have their own principles, and they are not the kind of unscrupulous people like Kakuzu who are blind to money.


Seeing Kisame's reaction, Zabuza was also stunned. Send something to Shanks?

Chapter 44: OK, OK, the blame is all mine, right?

In the country of Waves, in Cardo's manor.

Zabuza, Itachi and Kisame sat down.

Zabuza thought it was Konoha colluding with the "Revolutionary Army", but he didn't expect that Itachi and Kisame's appearance was actually just an accident.

Like Kisame, although Zabuza was unhappy with Kisame, he still trusted this guy's character.

He has a really tough mouth, but he never lies.

"Then it seems that these people are just Konoha's pawns, the orphans of the Uchiha clan, members of the Uzumaki clan, plus Kakashi Hatake."

Zabuza stared at Itachi in front of him. He was sure that this guy's action just now was definitely out of personal grudges, but it was hard to say clearly now. He still needed this guy to sort out the situation in Konoha.

"The imps of the Uzumaki clan and the orphans of the Uchiha clan can be eliminated, but why was Kakashi also plotted by the high-level officials of Konoha?"

"Kakashi is also Konoha's elite jounin after all. It's not worth sacrificing an elite jounin."

Kisame and Zabuza looked at Itachi, who could only speak at this time.

He didn't expect to encounter such a thing in the Kingdom of Waves. If he hadn't appeared at the right time, this matter would have become more troublesome.

Originally, he wanted to go to Konoha to warn Danzo not to touch Sasuke, but now it seemed that the "warning" he had thought of before was no longer needed.

"If there is anyone here who cannot be sacrificed, it is only Naruto. Naruto has a special status, plus he is a member of the Uzumaki clan."

"Besides, Zabuza, you and Shanks have a pretty good relationship, right?"

Itachi reminded.

At this time, Zabuza suddenly realized something and his eyes darkened.

"That's right, even for Shanks' sake, I won't kill that brat. What's more, that brat deserves to be a member of the Uzumaki clan. He is qualified to inherit the surname of the Uzumaki clan."

"It seems like the top brass of Konoha don't actually care whether Kakashi dies or not. In fact, if Kakashi dies here, it will be a good thing for some people in the top brass of Konoha."

"Konoha White Fang, once the hero of Konoha, but later became a ninja despised by everyone. He did not die at the hands of the enemy.

Who can guarantee Kakashi's loyalty to Konoha? Loyalty to the top brass of Konoha. "

Itachi's tone was calm. He was loyal to Konoha, but not to the higher-ups of Konoha, so he understood the darkness at the top.

It was precisely because of this that he was able to carry forward in this darkness, and it was precisely because of this that he was even more certain that this action was not an accident.

Zabuza and Shanks have a close relationship. Naruto is a jinchuriki, but his surname is Uzumaki. Even if he appears in this place, he will not die.

But others are different.

What's more, Itachi can also see the bond between Sasuke and Naruto. Sasuke can have Naruto as a friend, and he is very happy to be his older brother.

At least, Sasuke will not fall into the darkness of revenge. At least, Sasuke still has friends and people who care about him.

But at the same time, Sasuke is also dangerous.

The deeper the bond between Sasuke and Naruto, the more likely they are to become victims.

Naruto's identity is special, Konoha will definitely control Naruto tightly, especially Danzo.

Based on Itachi's understanding of Danzo, Naruto was nothing more than an emotionless weapon in Danzo's heart. Letting the people close to Naruto die one by one would make him better able to control this weapon.

In this way, if Sasuke, Kakashi and Sakura died in this place, it would only be good for Danzo, and there would be no harm.

He couldn't even trace it afterward, because Danzo really didn't do anything to Sasuke.

Itachi's eyes also darkened, filled with murderous intent.

"Is it possible that Konoha doesn't know this guy's strength at all?"

Kisame, who had been deep in thought, spoke.

Zabuza and Itachi looked at Kisame, who quickly explained.

"When I met this guy, I was shocked. After all, his strength is not weak at all even if it is compared to our Revolutionary Army...if it is compared to our Akatsuki organization.

It's easy to deal with Konoha's elite jounin. "

“And if Kakuzu hadn’t given us the information, we wouldn’t have known that Zabuza was the captain of the Bladeless Pirates.

Over there in Konoha..."

"Are you saying that Konoha doesn't even have the ability to arrange spies in Kirigakure Village?"

"Ever since the Blood Mist Policy, Kirigakure Village has become a mess. As the most powerful of the five ninja villages, Konoha doesn't even have the ability to arrange spies in Kirigakure Village?"

Zabuza stood up. Both he and Kisame had experienced the blood mist policy.

Only the people in Kirigakure Village know what has become of the inside of the village. It has long since fallen apart.

"Kisame, don't underestimate Konoha."

Zabuza spoke like an elder, and Kisame gritted his teeth and did not have an attack in the end.

Although this guy Zabuza is not smart, what he said makes sense.

In fact, Danzo did place spies in Kirigakure Village, and his strength was not weak. He was a special blood successor with limited abilities.

Then...then he was killed by the Yondaime Mizukage. In short, during that time, everyone in Kirigakure Village went crazy and killed even my own people. How you arranged for spies to come in depends on your luck.

So the process of Zabuza's analysis was completely normal, but of course, the result was wrong.

On Kisame's side, there was no analysis at all, but the result was correct.

In the end, I naturally chose Zabuza's answer. The process was right, but the result was wrong. Whose problem is that?

It must be Danzo's problem. Who told the spy you arranged to die?

"Konoha's Anbu do have such abilities."

"It seems that we need to go to Konoha next."

Itachi handed the things to Zabuza, then stood up and left.

Kisame followed Itachi.

"Zabuza, let's have a fight next time we meet, and I won't take advantage of you today."

"I'll let you take a good look at my unique skills next time."

Kisame grinned.

He quickly kept up with Itachi's pace.

"Mr. Itachi, aren't you going to see your brother?"

"No need, with Zabuza's courage, I will take good care of Sasuke."

"That guy has changed a lot. He is no longer the lifeless person he was before. Is this a pirate?"

Kisame sighed, the Zabuza now and the Zabuza before were really two different people.

"You seem to be interested in pirates."

There seemed to be a smile on Itachi's face, and Kisame had changed a lot after meeting Zabuza.

"Hehe, it would be nice to be a revolutionary soldier in our organization. If you want to be a pirate, Mr. Itachi, please be my captain!"


Itachi nodded, and the two of them walked side by side. However, after hearing Itachi's words, Kisame was stunned for a moment and stopped.

"But we have to go to Konoha first."

Itachi's voice came from the front, and Kisame came back to his senses and followed him. He was obviously much stronger than Itachi, and he looked like an extremely vicious person, but at this time, Kisame was just like Sasuke when he was a child. Behind Itachi.

"Who to go to?"

"Shimura Danzo!"

Chapter 45: I bet my ninja on the old times

A few days later, Naruto and others also woke up, and Kakashi also learned everything from Zabuza.

Similarly, it was only after Zabuza reminded Kakashi that he noticed.

This matter can be said to be a task he took on on his own initiative, but since Naruto and Sasuke are both in this team, it is impossible for Danzo to not know about the matter of directly taking the jinchūriki of the village out of the village.

Kakashi has also been in ANBU before, and he knows the abilities and abilities of ANBU.

As for their mission, in Kakashi's opinion, there is at least a 90% chance that it was arranged by Danzo. From beginning to end, Danzo never showed up, but this does not mean that he did not take action against them.

"It seems that your Konoha is no better than Kirigakure Village, Kakashi."

Zabuza grinned broadly. After seeing Kakashi's expression, he also understood that Kakashi was not a fool. His expression was similar to Itachi's at that time. He obviously knew who was behind the scenes.

"You knew that from the beginning?"

Kakashi asked.

"Of course not, but you beat up my men, and as their captain, I have to get my face back.

Besides, even if we really can't beat him, we can still run. "

Zabuza answered eloquently that they were pirates and did not have the rules and regulations of ninjas. Of course they would run away if they could not be defeated.

You said you collected Kaduo’s protection fee? That's right, if you can't protect yourself, how can you protect others? Make sure you are safe first, so that others can feel safer, right? Kado.


Hearing Zabuza's unruly words, Kakashi was speechless for a moment. Are all pirates like this?

"Don't look at me like that. I have no obligation to leave my life in a place like this. A pirate's life will only stay on the great route of the new world, instead of giving everything to a so-called village like a ninja. "

"The Grand Line?"

"This is what the guy said. I don't know what it is. We may not be able to see it until that guy goes to sea and starts the real era of great pirates."

Zabuza added that what he was doing now was to prepare and prepare everything before Shanks went to sea.

He believed in that man and his courage.

And now Zabuza also knows his advantage, that is, he knows what changes will happen in the next ninja world. Before the next version of the ninja world arrives, he has already adapted to the version in advance.

"The target of your mission this time is also Shanks?"

Zabuza asked.

"Actually, it's more for Naruto's consideration."

"After Naruto knew Shanks' name, he seemed to have changed. Before that, he always thought he was an orphan. When he heard the name Uzumaki Shanks, he seemed to have found his family."

"An ordinary Genin?"

Zabuza didn't believe that the wish of an ordinary Genin could make Kakashi do this. It seemed that Naruto's identity was not that simple.

"Do you think Naruto is an ordinary Genin?"

Kakashi didn't think so. Naruto had characteristics that others didn't have.

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