Besides, from beginning to end, is there anything that has nothing to do with you, Shanks?

But Shanks didn't realize it at all. He had been waiting here for a long time and still hadn't waited for the ship to arrive.

After making the decision to go to sea, Shanks felt that every day was like a year.

"What happened to that guy Oda? As the author of One Piece, I have been squatting here for more than a month, and every ship has been arranged for me."

"This island is too remote."

Shanks really wanted to complain, and he didn't know if Oda could hear him scolding Oda in this place.

And since he was thinking about going to sea, he even lost his appetite.

The food eaten here is completely life-sustaining food, without any taste. When he was concentrating on training before, he didn't feel there was a problem, but now Shanks only feels that there is a big problem.

He just wants to go to sea, and have a good meal when he goes to sea. It is best to have a five-day and five-night banquet, not only to eat good food, but also to drink all the good wine.

"It seems I need a good cook on my ship. Sure enough, a pirate ship can't do without a good cook."

Shanks thought of this and suddenly thought of something.

"In this case, is that guy Mihawk...actually a chef? As the world's number one swordsman, does he also work part-time as a chef?"

Shanks thought of Sanji. Although he was a cook, the guy's sword skills didn't seem to be weak, so it made sense.

The reason why Mihawk became the best swordsman in the world is because that guy worked as a cook for a group of baboons by himself, huh.

"According to this logic, my swordsmanship is not weak. Could it be that I also have some talents that I don't know about?"

Shanks thought about himself again. The fact that he could live alone for so long shows that his cooking skills are still very good. If he were given more spices, he could use his unique creativity and become the best in the world. Not to mention the chef.

Shanks wanted to think more slowly and draw pictures in his mind to satisfy his hunger, but at this time, a ship appeared in the coverage area of ​​​​his sight, followed by a second ship, a third ship...

Shanks immediately put his mind away and stood up.

Opening his tightly closed eyes, he looked in the direction of his eyes. His sight passed through countless wind sounds and waves in an instant, and finally locked on the edge of the sea level.

The sails with skull symbols on three sides appeared in Shanks' sight.

"finally come."

Shanks grinned and jumped off the cliff by the sea.


There were two hairy legs stuck upside down on the beach. One foot held a flip-flop, and the other foot was bare, and the flip-flop fell aside.

Shanks' upper body was still under the sand.

Chapter 47 The legendary pirate, Red-haired Shanks!

On the other side, in front of the three pirate ships, an ordinary-looking merchant ship was desperately heading towards the distant island.


The deafening sound of cannonballs came, and a large wave of waves splashed on the right side of the merchant ship, and the entire ship shook.

On the pirate ship behind them, a group of pirates looked at the merchant ship not far away like toys. As long as they captured that merchant ship, they would not have to worry about food and drink for the next two months.

"Be careful not to hit the ship, otherwise the cargo will sink and we won't be able to salvage it."

"Yes, Captain."

The gunner on the bow nodded, then licked his lips, eager to try again.

Fortunately, they escaped from the Country of Waves. The time in the Country of Waves was a torture. Not only did they not encounter any merchant ships, they also had to fight with other pirate groups from time to time.

The situation in the Kingdom of Water is not optimistic either. Although there are many merchant ships coming and going from the Kingdom of Water, the Kingdom of Water has now reacted and begun to form a fleet to clean up pirates.

Faced with this situation, their captain could only temporarily evacuate from the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Waves, otherwise he might even lose his life there.

"Drive the other party to that island, they won't be able to escape."

The pirate captain also felt relieved. If the other party wanted to escape, they could only land on the island. Once they landed on the island, the ship would be theirs.

Moreover, that island looks like a desert island. Even if it is not far from the land, those people may not be able to get out.

“What a bunch of idiots.

But being a pirate is indeed good. If you are stronger, you may be able to gain a lot in the Kingdom of Water. "

The pirate captain thought to himself that the pirates who could stay in the Kingdom of Water were not ordinary pirates. Those guys could even compete with ninjas, and pirates like them could only survive in the country with weapons and equipment. Hang out at sea.

But no matter how you mess around, being a pirate is better than working as a thug in the underground black market.

On the merchant ship in front, a group of sailors were already ashen-faced, and one of them even grabbed the sleeve of the white-haired old man next to him.

"Is this what you said there will be no accidents? Is this what you said is just for inspection?"

"Santaifu, the director didn't expect this to happen. Who knew so many pirates would suddenly appear in the Land of Water? It was clear that everything was fine on Mikazuki Island before."

"Damn it, if anything happens to Xuehue, I will never let you go."

The third husband said angrily that they originally just came to inspect the filming location and took it as a tourist trip. They even went to Mikazuki Island to buy a lot of local specialties.

As a result, as soon as they arrived at the border of the Land of Water, they suddenly found that the Land of Water seemed to have changed, and there were pirates everywhere.

On the other side, Xue Hui frowned when she heard what San Taifu said.

In fact, she didn't like San Taifu who acted on his own, and instead of sparing the director, it was better to deal with the pirates on the opposite side first.

"San Taifu, it's useless to be anxious now. The most important thing now is how to survive. This sea area is not shown on the nautical chart. Even if we reach the island in front, it will be difficult to get out."

The director hurriedly spoke. It was already a certain time, and he was still worried about Xue Hui's safety. Once caught up by the pirates, they would all die.

It is said that the pirates of the Land of Water dared to rob even the money of ninjas. Those guys are not easy to mess with.

The gray-haired director jumped in his heart, and suddenly he had an inspiration again. Yes, he could add some pirate elements to the "Adventure of Princess Fengyun" he directed.

Sure enough, filmmaking still needs realistic inspiration.

"Director, think of a solution quickly."

"Wait, wait, I got it."

The director suddenly spoke, and at this time, everyone on the ship looked at the white-haired director. As the most experienced person here, only the director's rich experience can save them.

"The next movie we will shoot is a pirate theme, the Pirate Princess Adventure, this theme will definitely sell well."

Hearing the director's words, everyone was stunned for a moment.

They forgot that this guy is a psychopath who insists on filming under any circumstances.

Even Xue Hui was desperate. Run? Where can they run to on the sea.

At this time, San Taifu hurriedly ran up. He had packed his luggage, but when he saw Xue Huifang, San Taifu was stunned.

Not only San Taifu was stunned, at this time, everyone noticed the white waves coming from the direction of the island. It seemed that something very fast was rushing towards them, and a white water wave more than ten meters high appeared directly behind that thing.

"What...what is that?"

"I don't know."

"The three pirate ships have all stopped."


San Taifu silently took out the telescope and looked into the distance. What caught his eye was a high wave. Then, San Taifu saw the thing on the sea below - a person, swimming towards them.

"Oh, it turns out that someone is just swimming."

"I see."

"I thought it was a sea monster."

"You scared me."


After everyone finished speaking, cold sweat flowed down their foreheads.

"What? That's a person."

"Are you sure it's not a sea monster?"


On the other side, the captain of the pirate ship silently gave the telescope to the deputy captain next to him.

"I must have hallucinated...hmm."

The deputy captain didn't understand why, so he picked it up and looked at it. His hand holding the telescope stopped for a long time.

"It's normal to be seasick when you're a pirate for the first time, right, captain."

"It should be like this."

The captain was very sure that he must have hallucinated.

But why did he look at the person in the distance, and he seemed a little familiar?

Not sure, but it was a little familiar.

"Let me take another look."

The captain of the pirate ship picked up the telescope again. This time he saw from the telescope that the man had passed the merchant ship and rushed towards them.

Just when the pirate captain's sight just reached Shanks, he saw Shanks stepped directly on the sea surface, and his whole body rushed out of the sea water.

The samurai sword on his waist was also unsheathed at this moment.

There was no terrifying momentum or gorgeous trick names, just a simple sword.

Once the cold knife light flashed, at this moment, the captain of the pirate ship finally knew why he had a sense of familiarity.

He seemed to see his great grandmother waving at him.

"It turned out to be my great grandmother..."

The next moment, the cold knife light flashed past him, and the captain of the pirate ship only felt that his great grandmother flashed by, and then.

Crack! !

Crack, crack! !

The whole ship was cut in the middle, not only the ship, but also the sea water on the sea surface was cut off, and a crack appeared on the sea surface, extending all the way to the hull.

Boom! !

A huge splash of water exploded, instantly engulfing the severed ship.

"But... Damn, what kind of monster is that?"

The captain of the pirate ship climbed out of the water and grabbed the life rope of the ship next to him with a look of shock.

"Captain Dark!!"

The deputy captain who had already run up pulled his captain up. At this time, everyone on the ship was ready for battle.

They are not ordinary people. Before becoming pirates, they were all members of criminal organizations in the underground black market.

"Damn, what on earth is that person."

Before Dark finished speaking, a pirate fell on the deck without warning.

Then the second... the third.




Pirates holding weapons fell one by one, and everyone's eyes were focused on the red-haired man who appeared at the front of the deck.

But their hands holding weapons were trembling, and they had no courage to raise their hands. Just looking at the man, they felt a huge pressure they had never felt before.

"Are you... asking me?"

Shanks walked in front of Dark, and Captain Dark finally saw this face clearly.

No, this was the first time he saw this face, but in an instant, all the information about the person in front of him appeared in his mind.

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