Ross held his cigar in his mouth, leaned back on his chair, and took a long puff of smoke.

At this moment, another person came into the tavern, a girl.

The few people sitting at the door were stunned the moment they saw the girl.

Afterwards, the originally noisy tavern slowly became quiet.

"Hey kid, underage people can't come in to drink, you know?"

The bartender sitting at the bar said.

But when he saw the appearance of the person clearly, he was stunned.

"Red... red hair..."

The distinctive red color of the Uzumaki clan, this red color, you can tell that you are a member of the Uzumaki clan at a glance.

"This guy...can't be from the Uzumaki clan, right?"

"That royal family...has the same surname and red hair as the Fourth Emperor Shanks?"

Everyone stared blankly at Xiang Rin. As Shanks became famous, countless rumors about the Uzumaki clan also spread in the ninja world.

The Uzumaki clan...the Emperor's clan, the surname Uzumaki is also given the surname of a strong man, a surname that subverts the world - Uzumaki!

Chapter 86: Quite strong

Xianglin frowned after hearing what everyone said.

After Konoha's collapse plan, she fought Gaara and saved Naruto and the others, and then left Kusagakure Village.

A man wandered all the way from the Land of Fire to the Land of Tea.

But until now, Xianglin's injuries still haven't healed.

In the battle with Gaara, she overdrawn too much power. In the end, if she hadn't realized with her own knowledge that the sand on Gaara's body contained the "love" of Gaara's mother, Xianglin might have been there. If Gaara is killed in one battle, he will die due to overdraft of life force.

This is also the reason why Naruto was a little lost when he saw Xiang Rin, because at the last moment, Gaara's mother's "love" pulled back Xiang Rin who had gone berserk, and also protected Gaara.

Although Xianglin is indeed awake, wanting to feel that Gaara is loved by others is undoubtedly a bigger blow to Xianglin who has lost her mother.

For a period of time after that, Xianglin was confused.

Until some time ago, the news of Shanks spread throughout the ninja world in one day, and the name of Uzumaki has completely become the strongest surname symbolizing the new world.

Xiang Rin, who has red hair, attracts the attention of others no matter where she goes. Some people were interested in her at first, but even though her injuries were not healed, ordinary ninjas were no match for Xiang Rin.

It was also after that that when people saw Xianglin with red hair, they would always treat her as an alien. It was also because of this red hair that she became an alien among the crowd.

"Red-haired Shanks...what is it about that kind of guy that deserves your respect?"

Xianglin said angrily that she didn't know what good things there were about such a person who caused turmoil in the entire ninja world.

Will war bring any benefits to these people?

After saying that, Xianglin walked to the bar.

"Is there anything to eat?"

Xianglin's tone was calm, and the bartender was taken aback by his completely different look from before.

"There's fried rice."

There is indeed food in the tavern.

After a while, the bartender brought Xianglin's fried rice. Xianglin sat quietly on the bar and tied up her red hair.

He ate the fried rice in front of him in silence.

The tavern became lively again. Although some people's eyes wandered on Xianglin vaguely, Xianglin didn't care about those people.

She has seen too many people like this along the way.

When the civilians saw her, their eyes were filled with fear and horror, when the pirates saw her, their eyes were filled with surprise and envy, and when the ninjas saw her, it was as if they had seen some treasure.

Overnight, she seemed to have been abandoned by the world. The reason for everything was her red hair.

"It is said that someone has put a reward on the Uzumaki clan. As long as one of the Uzumaki clan is captured, the reward will be at least fifty million."

"Fifty million?"

Many people were surprised that 50 million was not a small amount, and this was only a bounty for ordinary members of the Uzumaki clan.

If the strength is higher, it may be more than 50 million.

"Is an ordinary member of the Uzumaki clan worth half a Devil Fruit user like Dark?"

"Do you think that people from the Uzumaki clan are not that easy to find? They are even rarer than tailed beasts."

"You know the Jinchūriki of Konoha, the strongest ninja among the five great nations, right?"

"I know, what's wrong?"

"All the jinchuriki of Konoha have been members of the Uzumaki clan."

A pirate said that they could also get this information about the Ninja Village from the underground black market.

"Then this generation of Konoha's Jinchuuriki..."

"I don't know, but there is a kid in Konoha named Uzumaki Naruto, but he doesn't have red hair. He probably just has a little blood of the Uzumaki clan."

"Can a brat like that inherit the Uzumaki clan's surname?"

"Who knows? But there's nothing we can do. Even Konoha can't find a real Uzumaki clan member to be a jinchuriki."

Because of Xiang Rin's arrival, everyone turned the topic to the Uzumaki clan.

Of course, after seeing Xiang Lin's attitude, these pirates stopped discussing loudly.

However, with Xianglin's perception, she could clearly hear everything going on in the tavern.

"Is there a reward?"

Karin suddenly realized why she was attacked on the road. It turned out that it was because the Uzumaki clan was rewarded.

At this moment, Karin felt even more disgusted with Shanks.

As for Ross Jess on the other side, he had no interest in Karin, and he could see that Karin didn't like people like Shanks.

But in the final analysis, how many people in the entire ninja world like Shanks?

Ross can even guarantee that more than half of the people in the ninja world hope that Shanks will die quickly.

No ninja will like a person who wants to overthrow the ninja era, and no country will like a big pirate. Similarly, no civilian will like a great hero who stirs up turmoil in the entire ninja world.

Even ambitious people like them can't like people like Shanks.

They do respect Shanks, but if there is a chance, they don't mind leaving Shanks behind as the Four Emperors.

Because if it weren't for Shanks, they wouldn't have given everything and bet everything on this new era.

This bet was also because of Shanks, so they had to participate. So no matter how much they respected Shanks, they would not have a good face towards Shanks.

It felt like someone gave you the opportunity to become a multi-millionaire, but the price was to eat a mouthful of shit. That's how it felt.

"Burp!! I'm full."

"The Tea Kingdom is really suitable for rest."

"Let's go, guys, go back to the ship to rest."

Ross stood up, took his coat, and took out a few big bills and put them on the bar.

The bartender happily put the money away.

This group of pirates has nothing else, but they have a lot of money.

At least most of the pirates who appeared on the sea at present are not short of money.

Some of them are already well-funded, while others were originally very poor, but they have survived to this day and have become well-funded pirates.

In addition, these pirates come in dozens of people, and they need to purchase a large amount of supplies. Is this consumption capacity something that ninjas can challenge?

It's not at the same level at all.

Of course, making money from pirates is a business that you can earn but not spend. Some small countries have suffered a lot because of the unrest caused by pirates.

However, the Tea Kingdom does not need to worry too much at present.

"It seems that something is wrong."

The moment he walked out of the tavern, Ross felt something was wrong.

The right hand hidden under the coat had already grasped the gun handle, and a small dagger appeared in the other hand.

Wisps of white smoke floated over the sunglasses hanging on the bridge of his nose. The other pirates behind Ross seemed relaxed, but they were also in combat mode.

They were pirates who survived the siege of Konoha Genin.

No matter how good their physical fitness is, if you put a dead otaku on the battlefield and fight dozens of battles with more than 50% casualties, if that person is still alive, he is an iron-blooded soldier king.

The same is true for Ross and others. As ordinary pirates, they are not as ordinary as they look.

"It's not against us."

Shisui next to him said, his expression was very relaxed, and he walked to the front, and the straw hat hanging behind Shisui swayed in the wind.

Ross hurriedly followed and took out an umbrella from under his coat.

"It's going to rain."

Raindrops fell one by one. Under the big black umbrella, the tall Ross held the umbrella and walked quietly with Shisui next to him.

Ross started to smash his cigar again.

The group walked all the way to the port. Ross threw the cigar that had been smoked to the ground and stepped on the last spark.

"I have an umbrella for you. You don't need this straw hat. You won't get wet."

"Why not give this straw hat to the little girl who didn't bring an umbrella? I think she doesn't seem to be in good health. If she gets caught in the rain again, she will catch a cold."

"This is not like you."

Shisui smiled, and no one knew what he was laughing at.

Ross curled his lips when he heard Shisui's words.

"Although I am not a good person, I will not attack a child."

"Humph, besides, when is it the turn of ninjas to intervene in the affairs of pirates?"

Rose grinned, whether she admitted that she was a member of the Uzumaki clan or not, the fact was the fact.

Since she was a member of the Uzumaki clan, she was one of their pirates.

Now is not the past. If ninjas want to trouble them, they should ask if the weapons in their hands agree.

"Do you need me to help?"

Shisui asked.

"No, just help me protect the girl."

"Little ones, take up your weapons and let those ninjas see that we pirates are not easy to mess with."

At Ross's command, more than a dozen subordinates behind him walked onto the ship and picked up their weapons.

"Hehehe, it's time to let the ninja see the power of us pirates."

"They dared to touch the Uzumaki clan under our noses. These ninjas really have no vision."

A tall and thin man brought a bundle of explosives. This thing is very good for dealing with ninjas.

Afterwards, a group of people ran back to the tavern in a mighty manner.

On the other side, after eating more than ten bowls of fried rice, Karin walked out of the tavern.

The moment she came out, Karin ran directly to the right side of the tavern without any hesitation.

At the same time, more than 20 figures jumped out from various corners in front of the street, and chased in the direction of Xianglin under the rain.

But they didn't get far.


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