
The next moment, the seal of the entire dragon vein was completely opened, and the terrifying chakra fluctuations instantly covered up Orochimaru's chakra fluctuations.

At the same time, Shanks also saw the vortex appearing in the center of the dragon vein.

"Orochimaru, our deal ends here.

Next time we meet, I hope you can really stand in front of me and let me see if you are qualified to sit on that empty throne. "

Shanks looked up at Orochimaru, who was more than ten meters tall. The size gap between the two sides was huge, but Shanks still looked at the weak.

"Shanks, you are so arrogant.

In this case, when the time comes, let me show you the power of the strongest creature in the legend, shall I, Yonko? "

"I, Orochimaru, want to be the strongest, so don't let me kill you."

There was a trace of cruelty on Orochimaru's face. He and Shanks were not fellow travelers, let alone friends.

Not even a person of the same level, he is not even qualified to be Shanks' enemy.

But in the future, that may not be the case.

After saying that, Orochimaru directly integrated his body into the chakra linked to the dragon's veins. At the same time, a Devil Fruit slowly began to form on Orochimaru's "body".

This fruit is Orochimaru's ultimate pursuit...the strongest creature in legend, the dragon! !

When Shanks saw Orochimaru's state, he didn't say anything more.

He turned around and walked into the dragon vein vortex behind him.

"This ninja world... is finally not so boring anymore.

Orochimaru, let me see how far you can go. Do you have the qualifications to challenge me? "

The will suspended in the sky was like a sharp sword, aimed directly at Orochimaru.

And as Shanks stepped into the dragon's veins, the chakra of the dragon's veins also stabilized.

In the Kingdom of Wind, Xianglin looked in the direction of the ancient Loulan Kingdom, and a terrifying sense of threat came from that direction.

"What's wrong? Xianglin."

Jace Ross looked in that direction, not knowing exactly what happened.

He is now considered a Devil Fruit user, although it doesn't look like it.

"That direction is very dangerous, it's best not to get close."

Xianglin warned solemnly that Ross Jess also felt the same way, and that direction was not something they could touch yet.

"Well, let's go in another direction."

Although Ross Jace felt that there was something he cared about in that direction, he still didn't want to take the risk.

Looking for the Shenmu Organization is what they want to do.

"I don't know how Shisui is doing now."

Ross Jess murmured in his heart, and the group disappeared into the sand sea of ​​the Kingdom of Wind again.

Chapter 114 Cutting off the old era with the blade of the new era

Direction to Loulan Ancient Country——

When Shanks opened his eyes again, the surrounding ruins had turned into a magnificent palace.

But at this moment, Shanks could still feel the looming will of the world watching him.

"It's a bit strange. The strength is completely restricted. Is it because the upper limit of the dragon vein can only withstand so much?"

Shanks felt the condition of his body and found that his body's power was actually limited.

However, Haki and other powers are still there. After all, Haki is something that has escaped restrictions and cannot be restricted. At least the vague world consciousness of the ninja world cannot restrict Shanks' Haki.

"But I feel that once the power used exceeds the upper limit of the dragon vein, I will be forced to offline."

After scratching his head, Shanks turned around. Behind him, a tall woman was still looking at him blankly.


Shanks greeted the woman carelessly.

"Oh!! Ah, hello, hello..."

When the woman heard Shanks' words, she immediately came to her senses.

But the next moment, the woman seemed to have thought of something.

"Hello, why did you suddenly appear here? This is my bedroom."

The next moment, the woman immediately roared, she is the queen of the ancient Loulan Kingdom, and now a man suddenly appears in her palace, what does it mean to say this?

Moreover, the guy in front of me looked careless and unshaven. How did he suddenly appear here?

"Huh? Hahaha, I'm sorry, I didn't know you would suddenly appear here. I'll go out right now."

Shanks smiled awkwardly. It was really not suitable for a man and a woman alone. He had no experience in being alone with women.

"Don't go out."

Queen Loulan immediately started to stop.

Now when you go out, there are so many people outside, what will you do with your reputation?

Moreover, although the Shanks in front of him was unshaven and careless, if he looked carefully, he looked pretty good and was considered to be powerful.

In addition to the sword that Shanks carried with him, thinking of the situation in Loulan Kingdom, Queen Loulan also asked tentatively.

"Are you a samurai?"

"I'm a pirate."

"This is not important. What is important is, how is your strength?"

Queen Loulan waved her hand, identity is not important, it doesn't matter even if Shanks is an alcoholic, as long as he has a certain strength.

"Strength... not bad, very strong."

Shanks nodded confidently.

"Shall we make a deal?"

Queen Loulan walked up to Shanks and said straightforwardly. She smelled the scent of Shanks.

"A smell of the sea, you are actually a pirate."

Looking at the strange Queen Loulan in front of him, Shanks refused.

"If there is anything I can do for you, I am still happy to help, but forget about the trade."

Helping and trading are two completely different concepts.

At least the Queen Loulan in front of him is not qualified to trade with Shanks. Not to mention the Queen Loulan, even Orochimaru only has the qualifications by relying on small tricks.

"Help? You can do it too."

The Queen Loulan did not care about Shanks' words, nor did she shirk her responsibilities. Seeing this woman in front of him, Shanks thought of another person.

Mei Terumi.

Although the Queen Loulan has a strange personality, she also has the same arbitrary and decisiveness as Mei Terumi. This temperament is not something everyone can have.

"Red hair, a bit like me, but your hair color is too dark."

The Queen Loulan's hair is also red, but it is dark red, while Shanks's is more like wine red.

This is one of the reasons why the hair of the Uzumaki clan is more iconic. Not all red-haired people are members of the Uzumaki clan.

"Tomorrow a big shot will come to Loulan, and I need you to be my guard.

After all... I don't have any strong people here, so I need you to act as a front. Of course, this is a diplomatic matter, and there won't be any unexpected situations."

"As for your identity..."


Shanks said. The Queen of Loulan in front of him was really a bit careless, and she actually trusted him so much.

But think about it, if the third generation trusted the people in the village half as much as the Queen of Loulan in front of him, I'm afraid Konoha would still be able to suppress the existence of other villages in the ninja world.

"Well, you are just a wandering warrior of the Iron Country."

The Queen of Loulan nodded. The wandering warrior of the Iron Country is a good identity.

"Although it's as a guard, I still want to tell you about tomorrow's situation."

The Queen of Loulan continued to speak, and then turned and walked into a room behind her.

Although this is her bedroom, it is also her office area. If you want to gain a foothold in this chaotic world, if you don't have strength, you need to have a certain amount of wisdom and determination.

As the queen of Loulan, although she does not have the strength to protect the dragon vein, she has the power to destroy it, which is also her bargaining chip.

Also, it is the reason why she can make Loulan Kingdom gain a foothold next to the Wind Kingdom.

If there is a choice, no one would think of destroying the dragon vein, but in this chaotic world, she has no choice. Even as a woman, she must show more courage than men.

"This is the person we need to receive tomorrow, a ninja from the Wind Kingdom, Reito!"

"This is the most famous and capable ninja in the Wind Kingdom. In the past ten years, he has been wandering among various tribes and coordinating the struggles between various tribes.

He is currently the most likely person to end the war in the Wind Kingdom."

Queen Loulan introduced.

Shanks listened carefully on the side. Seeing Shanks like this, Queen Loulan spoke in more detail.

As for Shanks, he naturally knew who Reito was. He had read some history about the Warring States Period in the Ninja World.

However, what he knew from the people of this era was completely different from what he would know in the future.

Retsu, the first Kazekage, is also one of the five Kage who will attend the Five Kage Summit in the future.

There are not many records about Retsu in the history books of the ninja world, but among the five Kage, Retsu is definitely a person with a political mind that surpasses others.

At the Five Kage Summit, Hashirama distributed the tailed beasts to other villages in exchange for money.

This was also proposed by Tobirama. After all, Hashirama wanted to give the tailed beasts to others for free. Although this is in line with Hashirama's personality, if Hashirama really does this, I'm afraid other villages will start to wonder if they have done something wrong.

So Tobirama could only ask his brother to clean up the mess and let other villages pay, emphasizing a forced sale.

In the Five Kage Summit, Retsu didn't want the tailed beasts, but just wanted more funds and land for survival.

Then... then he was scolded by other Kages, of course, Retsu also sprayed back on the spot.

In the end, it was because of Retsu's persistence that the land of the Wind Country had a few more fertile lands for survival.

And now, Retsu is still the ninja who wanders around the Wind Country and acts as a lobbyist everywhere.

"I understand."

After listening to the introduction of the Loulan Queen, Shanks nodded.

"So Liedou is planning to form an alliance with Loulan, and then use Loulan's resources to quell the civil strife in the Wind Country.

At the same time, it is also to ensure that Loulan will not be destroyed."

Shanks figured out Liedou's plan in an instant. Loulan must exist. This is the most important bargaining chip for the Wind Country, or in other words, it is his most important bargaining chip to quell this war.

"Is that so?"

Hearing Shanks' words, the Loulan Queen was stunned for a moment. What she just said was obviously not these. How could Shanks in front of her be so sure of the other party's intentions?

But the next moment, the Loulan Queen also figured it out. With Liedou's awareness and courage, the other party should be planning this.


"Or, don't be my guard anymore, and do me another favor."

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