"Okay," May agreed.

Aomine felt that he was too smart at this time, and raised one hand in a fist posture.

"Great!" the

corners of Qingfeng's mouth rose, and if he was a little more excited, he would really become a crooked mouth god of war.

When Qingfeng was stupidly snickering on the sidelines, he didn't know that May had secretly called Song Cheng.

Song Cheng knew that he couldn't get rid of it after all, so he was relieved: "Got it, it's no problem."

When Song Cheng agreed, he hung up the phone.

There was a small crack in the center of the glass that had been blocking him.

May happily hummed a little song, put her hands behind her back, shook her head, and walked ahead with small steps.

"I don't believe it's all on the field, can he refuse me?" Aomine thought viciously after May.

I have to admire myself that this plan is perfect!

Aomine now feels very good about himself, and even the mood for shopping has become better.

In the past, every time I was forced to go shopping with May, people were almost stupid...

The next day, the sun was shining, and Song Cheng was still sleeping.

"Boom... Boom... Boom. An orderly knock on the door interrupted Song Cheng's sweet dream.

"Young master, don't forget that there is an appointment today!" followed by the butler's serious voice.

"Okay, okay, don't rush Zhao Lao... Got it!" Song Cheng replied as he got dressed and got up.

Song Cheng came to the agreed place and met everyone.

From a distance, Song Cheng saw Qingfeng and May standing in front of the fountain waiting, and there was a basketball court not far away.

It's strange, it's clear that the appointed time is 9 o'clock in the morning, and I have already arrived at the place ten minutes in advance according to the navigation.

How come they have already arrived in May!?

Song Cheng approached in confusion.

Momoi May also saw Song Cheng at this time, stretched out his right hand and shook it, attracting Song Cheng's attention.

Today's May seems to have been carefully dressed, with slight bangs hanging down from her sideburns and waist-length pink hair draped behind her head.

She was wearing a white shirt underneath, a small pink shoulder jacket on the outside, and a short coffee-striped pleated skirt that lifted a corner in the wind.

Black stockings wrapped around her slender legs, making Song Cheng's face unnaturally shift.

She pulled her long sideburns behind her ears, her face was flushed with peach blossoms, she bowed her head slightly with the shyness of a girl, and her tone was delicate and restrained: "Chengjun, good morning."

Song Cheng also had a sunny smile on his face, and with his handsome face, it seemed to be able to melt the snowflakes of winter.

"Good morning!" Only

then did Song Cheng notice Qingfeng.

Qingfeng doesn't seem to be in a very good state at this time?

, "You, what's wrong?" Song Cheng asked Qingfeng.

Qingfeng angrily pouted at May Nu and complained: "It's not because of her, let me come over at 8 o'clock in the morning." "


Tokyo, the capital of Japan, has not only become an important center of business and finance, pop culture, and fashion in the world, but also one of the cities with the highest degree of economic development and affluence in the world.

Aomine suddenly noticed a problem.

It seems that they only said that they would come out to play, but they just didn't say the specific location!

So, he asked in confusion: "Anyway, where are you going to play?"

Song Cheng was also stunned for a while.

I don't think I've ever paid attention to what to do in Tokyo.

In a flash of inspiration, he threw the question to Momoi May: "Don't look at me, May is the initiator of this time, depending on her wishes." The

two of them looked at May, and she was still lively and cheerful.

May blushed a little when she saw it, and after a while, she finally decided, "Well, let's go to Harajuku Omotesando." "

Then let's go!" Song Cheng immediately agreed.

In this way, May and Song Cheng have already determined the agreed place.

Daiki Aomine was like a transparent person at the scene, and was ignored by the two of them at the same time.

Without further ado, the three of them cut out the tickets and got on the train.

After a two-hour drive and journey, we finally arrived at our destination.

Most of the people here are young girls and young men, and there are not too many people at this time.

The trio walked through the noisy streets and officially entered the block.

"Wow! a lot~" May couldn't help but admire Harajuku when she saw the bustling Harajuku who was drunk with money.

It is home to a number of fashion-forward shops, gourmet shops, cosmetics stores, boutiques and high-rise buildings with no end in sight.

It's full of pop elements.

When Song Cheng walked into it again, the heart of Harajuku.

You can see a lot of young people dressed as cosplay on the streets, and they gather in groups of three or five with suitcases of clothes in the streets of the intersection.

There are also young people in fancy clothes but full of confidence, walking on the road of gathering, talking and laughing.

Some of them have a variety of makeup, and some have relatively simple rock and roll dresses, which are for you to appreciate.

It's just creative.

Qingfeng followed behind the two of them with nothing to do, unhurriedly, keeping a certain distance.

Walking down the street, Song Cheng didn't realize what was going to happen next.

It is equivalent to going to a shopping mall, arousing a woman's nature, and it is out of control.

From time to time, I took Song Cheng to come here to see, and when I saw the beautiful jewelry, I took Song Cheng to take a look, and some small boutiques and gadgets were also deeply loved by May.

Of course, the snack goods in May can't be without food, holding Song Cheng's arm and looking for various snack bars.

If you see a candy seller, you have to go over to see the excitement.

Two hours later, Song Cheng didn't feel very tired, holding the unfinished milk tea in his left hand.

May was still cheerful and excited, holding Song Cheng's right hand and looking around the street.

Wander around as much as you want.

Song Cheng can only say that it hurts and is happy.

However, Qingfeng in the back looked depressed at this time, and his hands were carrying bags of various colors.

Before walking out of Harajuku, Song Cheng grabbed a cute duck doll for May, and was held in May's arms by May.

This is also the only thing that Momoi May holds in his hands.

Before leaving, May and Song Cheng stood side by side in front of a temple (not a shrine to worship the Japanese emperor or a shrine to pay respects, this is a temple made up casually!Song Cheng is patriotic!)

Qingfeng sighed, didn't get involved in this matter, and sat down in a random pavilion.

Song Cheng held May's hand and threw a coin.

Immediately, the two of them put their hands together at the same time and made a wish.

When he made a wish in May, he was also restless, and he glanced at Song Cheng playfully from time to time.

As soon as Song Cheng's eyes opened, he saw that May had excitedly stretched out his hand and pointed to the many cards hanging on them.

Song Cheng saw that there was a wooden wall with the wish cards of many people's good wishes written on it.

couldn't bear May's coquettishness, and the two walked forward side by side.

May excitedly wrote his name on the god sign, looked up and saw that Song Cheng didn't notice him, he was fumbling for the god sign hanging on it.

Song Cheng was actually simply bored, looking at what was written on other people's wish cards.

May laughed, and secretly drew a small heart next to God's name, and then wrote 'Song Cheng' on the back.

Unconsciously, when it was time to go back, Song Cheng and the three of them got on the train again and came back.

Aomine looked relieved.

Finally finished shopping!

grinning, his eyes blazing at Song Cheng.

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