"Bang" the basketball was slapped away by a sunspot.


Cheng poked out his right hand, and the basketball seemed to be a little tadpole that had found his mother's feeling and rushed straight over...

Song Cheng took over the basketball.

Doing a triple threat move, he kept trying to keep up with the 9th.

"Whew...," No. 9 took a deep nervous breath.

But the more nervous you are, the more chaotic your rhythm becomes.

He stared at it....

Song Cheng's breath gradually disappeared.

He felt that Song Cheng was becoming more and more unpredictable.

Song Cheng's eyes flashed, and he saw the subtle movements of his opponent clearly.

Probe the shoulder....

False breakout.

No. 9 exclaimed.

He came back to his senses in an instant, and hurriedly waved his hands and took a step back to prevent Song Cheng from directly passing him.

Yet in his pupils...

Song Cheng was even farther away from him!?

It turned out to be a backward step to shoot!

At this time, Song Cheng had already blown up the ball and stabbed with his right foot, and retreated and jumped to make a shooting posture.

Hold the ball in your right hand above your shoulder and hold it with your left hand.

Then he pushed forward.


The basketball flew in the air, towards the lonely basketball hoop.


the basketball slammed into the hoop and bounced high...

The opposing center thought that the opportunity had come, and jumped to win the basketball and then launch a counterattack against Diguang.

Watch the basketball fall straight into the net.


!" "The goal works!" He

could only land helplessly, and his outstretched arm was silently put down.

After landing, the center spewed out curses: "Bastard!" Spit flew in the air.

Diguang managed to score three points at the beginning of the fourth quarter.

It was these three points that made the scene even more one-sided.

I could vaguely hear someone outside the arena shouting: "

Diguang, Diguang, Diguang!" Some people had already begun to chant Diguang's victory

! At this time, the momentum of the entire arena was also burning, and the tension of the game on the field was even more intense!

Song Cheng grinned at the corner of his mouth.

Although he didn't know much about ancient martial arts, he was still able to deal with the third-rate techniques of Aikido or something!

At this time, the opponent's center went out of bounds to serve and lost directly to No. 8.

No. 8 and No. 9 looked at each other and nodded slightly.

The other three teammates all attacked at this point.

The center directly found Song Cheng to oppose and used his tall body to card Song Cheng's position.

Huang Se was also in the opposite position at this time.

No. 8 and No. 9 did not rush into the inner line, but kept wandering.

When No. 8 was dribbling, he suddenly found that the person he was staring at had disappeared, and

No. 8 immediately looked at No. 9.

No. 9 understood, he could feel what his brother wanted to say, and calmly replied: "I'm here, don't worry..."

His attention has always been on Kuroko, so Kuroko's inducement has little effect on him.

Number 9's eyes are deep.

Dark Path: Here's the opportunity...

I saw that Kuroko's petite body suddenly appeared behind No. 8, and he was reaching out to make a steal.

Number 8 felt a gust of wind blowing behind him and looked at his brother.

Then you know what to do next.

The unexpected still came....

Kuroko only felt a pain in his head, and then fainted.

Midorima's eyes widened.


only will they commit fouls, but they will also make inadvertent hurtful actions.

On the pitch, there are always some special circumstances.

That's what they take advantage of....

Song Cheng's eyes were filled with anger, and then he was calmed down.

Akaji and the others were also surprised.

Qingfeng clenched his fists on the field, got up and was about to rush to the field: "Unexpectedly, to Ah Zhe... Unforgivable!"

The rest of the Emperor's army hurriedly grabbed Qingfeng.

"Let go of me

!" The situation on the field at this time -

"Dut!" The referee immediately blew the whistle when he saw someone fainting on the field.

At the same time, the coach also immediately said: "Apply for the game to be suspended!"

It turned out that No. 8 saw No. 9 make a move.

He pushed his hands back and prepared to shoot.

At this time, his elbow swung towards Kuroko...

Kuroko Tetsuya has a poor physique.

He doesn't have the athletic body of Song Cheng Qingfeng, nor does he have the naturally tall body of Atsushi Shihara who is suitable for playing basketball.

In addition, these three days of high-intensity and continuous competition.

His body had long been tired.

This sudden impact directly caused Kuroko to faint.

"Black No. 8 pushes someone to foul!" "The referee came over and gave No. 8 a foul.

He kind of felt that No. 8 was malicious and hurtful.

Because the shooting action is not so large.

But it looks like he's going to shoot, and Kuroko just wants to grab the ball behind him.

It is not certain whether he intended it or not....

As a result, the twins look at each other.

I was very happy.

Without this man's pass, the 'Miracle Generation' offense dropped a lot.

In this way, they will have a chance to chase the score back!

Song Cheng stepped forward directly and pushed at the No. 8 player.

The action looks like it's just a gentle push towards the person.

But what he couldn't see was that Song Cheng's entire body gathered momentum from the bottom up to his palm, and he hit the power of the eight extremes in an instant.

The effect of this fight will only cause internal injuries.

On the surface, the person is still intact, but the body will feel great pain.

No. 8 saw Song Cheng coming over to push him, and Aikido's breath rose.

thought that this would not cause any harm to himself, but would also give the other party a violation.


I only felt a violent pounding in my chest.

Number 8 fell to the ground after a heavy blow.


No. 9 frowned slightly, feeling very distressed in his heart.

Shaking his head slightly at No. 8.

He knew he couldn't fight again.

The situation must not be allowed to expand, otherwise it will be very bad for them.

The referee on the side saw Song Cheng walking straight over.

Seeing that he was quite handsome, he didn't pay too much attention and called the medical staff first.

Unexpectedly, the first thing this guy did when he came over was to step forward and push people.

When he saw it, it was too late to stop it.


How can you be so impulsive.


!" "White No. 10 fouls!" The referee raised his arms above his head, clenched his left hand into a fist, and grabbed his left wrist with his right hand.

Then he glared at Song Cheng.

Song Cheng smiled calmly.

Song Cheng's willingness to do this was completely beyond the control of emotions.

He has long regarded the 'Miracle Generation' as a 'family', and even if he is not angry, he will take action for Kuroko.

If you have the character of the god of fire, I'm afraid that if I come up, I will jump up and give a big pocket to the opposite side, and then press on the ground to blast the opposite side of the hammer.

Qingfeng, who was on the field, saw Song Cheng pushing the man: "Well done!

Hongcun helplessly held his forehead.


Qingfeng refers to the same character as him.

To put it in a bad direction – it's impulsive.

Fortunately, Kuroko's injuries were not too serious, and he woke up after a while.

It's just that the state is a little empty.

After waking up, Kuroko said slowly, "I'm fine.

But the coach was not reassured and decided to let Atsushi Shihara play.

At this time, Atsushi Shihara, who was sitting on a rest chair, stood up, and his tall body gave people a sense of oppression.

"Put aside the snacks beforehand... I don't want to lose this game!"

It can be seen that Atsushi Shihara is also full of anger.

The game continues, and the opponent gets a free throw and a possession.

Akaji stood beside Song Cheng and said gently, "You... Still too impulsive.

After hearing this, Huang Se defended Song Cheng and said, "I feel that they did it on purpose! I don't think Song Cheng did anything wrong." "

I don't blame Song, it's just that his behavior is definitely not good for himself, do you understand?"

"Got it..."

Song Cheng said to Akaji, "Ah Zheng, please allow me to be presumptuous this time, such an opponent-"

paused, his eyes looked at the twins on the field, and his face became cold and abnormal.

"No need to be respectful!".

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