He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1009: Never give up

In the hospital, Song Ran slowly opened her eyes, still feeling a little fuzzy in front of her. She stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes, and found that her right eye was a little fuzzy.

It was like this last night. She just thought that she was dizzy and dizzy because of her injury, but now that she was still like this, she felt something was wrong. She stared at Gu Jingxing and checked, making sure that her right eye was very dazzling, and closed her left eye. After that, only a rough outline of Gu Jingxing could be seen.

She grabbed Gu Jingxing's hand and her voice panicked: "Jingxing, what did the doctor say after checking me up?"

Gu Jingxing squeezed her hand: "You are all traumatic, with a serious head injury, but there is no concussion, so you are lucky."

Song Ran's voice trembled: "But I think my right eye is a little...a little fuzzy."

Gu Jingxing's heart sank: "Wait, I will ask Dapeng to call the doctor over."

In the bungalow by the Huangpu River, half of the cigarette in Yu Jin's hand fell to the ground. Her lips moved and her expression panicked: "What do you mean by that she has impaired vision?"

Dr. Su looked solemnly: "I first performed an examination on her. After I found out, I didn't tell the doctors at Changhai Hospital that her head was severely injured, which affected her vision nerve."

Yu Jin's eyes were red, and her expression was so flustered that she trembled and picked up the cigarette on the round table beside her, her fingers trembling more and more.

Dr. Su took the cigarette case from her hand and said softly, "Smoke less."

Yu Jin raised her eyes, and the two lines of tears slipped down like this: "Jingshan, she is my daughter, she is indeed my daughter, and...her injuries were caused by me."

Su Jingshan frowned, as if she couldn't believe it: "How could... like this?"

Yu Jin covered her heart with her hand, and slowly shook her head: "It must be what I did in my previous life to commit evil. God will punish me in this life. Respect the mountain, please you, no matter what the cost, you must heal me, please is you."

Su Jingshan looked solemnly: "I didn't make a detailed diagnosis, and I am not sure whether her visual impairment is reversible or irreversible. If it is irreversible..."

There was a plop, but when the woman in front of me suddenly knelt in front of him, she couldn't help crying: "Even if you goug my eyes, please be sure to heal her."

Su Jingshan looked embarrassed and quickly helped her up: "Yu Jin, what are you doing? It is not certain that the damage to her vision must be irreversible. Maybe it's just a little damage. After two days of recuperation, it will be back to normal. Don't you Are you worried too much?"

Yu Jin looked at her desperately: "If she can't see her eyes because of me, then I'll...don't hesitate to die."

Su Jingshan comforted her: "No, no, I will go back and do a comprehensive and detailed inspection for her. If there is any question, I will contact you immediately, okay?"

Yu Jin grabbed his hand tightly: "Everything is up to you."

In Changhai Hospital, Song Ran was pushed into the office of the attending doctor. There was an eye chart on the wall. The doctor did a vision test for her and found that the left eye was normal with 1.2 vision, while the right eye...

Only 0.3.

Gu Jingxing felt her heart sank to the bottom, and the doctor examined her carefully, and then said to Gu Jingxing: "Keep the family members, that nurse Jiang, first push the patient back to the room."

Song Ran looked at Gu Jingxing and shook his head: "Jingxing, I want to be with you."

Gu Jing glanced at the doctor awkwardly: "Or, you can speak in front of her."

Xiao Ran is not stupid, there is nothing to hide from her, of course she knows her own eyesight best.

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