He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1033: I won't accept

Gu Jingxing embraced her distressedly: "Xiao Ran, my cornea is not up to standard. Perhaps, she is the only hope. Let her undergo an examination before speaking, okay?"

Song Ran looked up at her and shook her head vigorously: "No, Jing Xing, it's not good at all, I don't want to see her, I don't want to see her at all, Jing Xing, you let her go, let her go OK?"

She didn't know what she was afraid of, she only knew that she was instinctively afraid, and her tears couldn't stop streaming down.

Gu Jingxing looked at her worriedly, and kept reaching out to wipe her tears. Xiao Ran couldn't keep crying anymore. It hurt her eyes very much.

He could only say to Du Dapeng: "You take her out first."

Yu Jin looked at Song Ran sadly: "Please accept my cornea."

Gu Jingxing winked at her and shook her head slightly. Song Ran cannot be stimulated now, and they can't let her accept it so strongly.

Yu Jin also knew that when she was here, she would only be afraid and cry, so she could only leave with the pain.

Gu Jingxing wiped her tears, and said distressed: "Xiao Ran, stop crying, stop crying, she has gone."

Song Ran leaned in his arms, her voice choked: "Jingxing, I don't like her. She is a lie. She can't be my mother's sister. My mother is just a sister. I have never heard my mother say that she still has A lost sister, she lied, she was ill-intentioned, don't you be fooled by her, okay? She is a bad person, and you hand her over to the police, okay?"

Gu Jingxing frowned and hugged her tightly: "Okay, I'll listen to you, Xiao Ran, do you want to go outside for a walk?"

Song Ran shook his head: "No, Jing Xing, my mind is confused, I want to be alone for a while."

She always feels that she hasn't reasoned clearly about something, and she has to deal with it geographically.

Gu Jingxing looked at her in fear: "I have to be with you."

He can't leave her alone, his Xiao Ran Bingxue is smart, maybe she can really think of it.

He selfishly didn't want Xiao Ran to have such a mother. Her mother was bad. Song Ran's life would be tainted by her. If someone in the army knew about it, they would make a big fuss about it. Their marriage...

He didn't dare to think about it anymore. In this matter, he could only be selfish to the end.

Song Ran stretched out his hand to push him: "Jing Xing, you go out and leave me alone. I want to be quiet. I have to think about it. It seems that something is not right."

Gu Jingxing was pushed out by her.

Through the small glass on the door of the ward, Gu Jingxing could see her sitting alone by the bed, her face in her hands, her whole body crouched, her elbows on her legs.

He couldn't see her expression clearly, but he could feel her body trembling slightly.

I don't know if it is afraid or sad.

He just stood quietly outside the door, looking at her quietly.

Song Ran stood up suddenly and walked to the window.

Gu Jingxing's heart followed his throat, and his hand caught the doorknob, ready to kick the door and rush in at any time.

Song Ran looked at the sunset outside, the heat was not so heavy, the air outside was very fresh at this moment, as if the sunlight had a smell, she took a greedily breath and closed her eyes.

The golden sunlight leaped on her eyelids, and she felt very comfortable all over, so comfortable that she sighed.

The woman's slightly blurred face came into her mind.

So like, so like her, more like her sister.

Not admitting that she has a relationship with them is just her mouth, whoever sees that woman will guess the relationship between them.

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