He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 1134: Don't you dare to hide from me (asking monthly ticket)

Gu Jingxing's transfer was at the end of the year, about what it looked like at the end of January in the solar calendar. His soldiers asked him from time to time: "Boss, when did you tell your sister-in-law? You are not afraid that your sister-in-law will lose her temper?"

Gu Jingxing had a headache: "Well, I'll talk about it next time I see her."

"Then you...really want to separate the two places?"

"It's better to take her there."

"Boss, sister-in-law is a student, this...definitely can't be taken."

Gu Jingxing smiled reluctantly: "I just think about it."

On this day, Song Ran went to the commander’s house to visit her godmother. Mrs. Fu was very happy to see her coming. She took her to talk for a while, and finally asked: "At that time, the head of Gu will be transferred. what's your plan?"

Song Ran was taken aback for a moment: "Huh? Transfer? Where is it?"

"Huh? Don't you know? Gu Jingxing is about to be transferred to the Southeast Military Region."

Song Ran's face suddenly turned pale: "He wants to adjust it? How long?"

Mrs. Fu knew that Song Ran really didn't know, and she felt as if she was talking too much: "Well... you should ask Head Gu. I shouldn't have said anything, I was talking too much."

At about 12 noon, the sentinel Xiao Wang at the gate of the Second Artillery Corps saw the family leader Gu's family sitting murderously in the back seat of the car. He shrank his neck. This sister-in-law is always coming here in spring breeze, why today... …So angry?

Head Gu looked like he was going to suffer.

In late November, the weather was getting colder. Gu Jingxing was still sitting by the window reading a book. He could hear footsteps, followed by the sound of the key digging into the keyhole, which seemed a little anxious.

The door opened, oh no, to be precise, the door was kicked open, and his heart trembled. Seeing Song Ran's expression, he seemed to know everything.

He just sat on the chair quietly, the early winter sun shining faintly through the window.

Song Ran approached step by step, pressing one leg on his thigh, grabbing his lap with both hands, looking at him condescendingly, and said fiercely, "Do you dare to tell me such a big thing?"

Gu Jingxing put a hand on her waist: "I don't want to make you happy, I haven't found a suitable opportunity to tell you."

Song Ran looked at him aggrieved: "Are you really going to be transferred? Are you going to be transferred to the Southeast Military Region?"

Gu Jingxing nodded gently: "I can't help but obey the orders above."

Song Ran grabbed his shirt tightly: "What are you going to do to the Southeast Military Region?"

Gu Jingxing's eyes were deep: "Sorry Xiao Ran, this is a high degree of military secrets, I can't tell you."

Song Ran became more and more aggrieved: "Is there life-threatening?"

Gu Jingxing hurriedly said: "No, Xiao Ran, this time there is no life-threatening thing, it is a technical matter, and will not be born or die, and will not experience the rain of bullets, so there is no life-threatening."

Song Ran still knelt on his lap, looking serious: "Gu Jingxing, take it seriously? You don't lie to me?"

Gu Jingxing stroked her soft waist: "I won't lie to you."

Song Ran loosened his shirt and sat down on the sofa aside, looking at him like a confrontation: "Everyone knows, I was the last to know. This makes me feel very uncomfortable."

Gu Jingxing was about to get up, Song Ran waved his hand: "You sit down for me."

Gu Jingxing sat obediently.

"Because I was promoted to the group leader, I know you are very happy, so I want to make you happy for two more days. I don't want to pour cold water when you are happy."

Song Ran curled his legs on the sofa, and his chin was on his knees...

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